Delia Lorente et al.: A framework for modelling the biomechanical behaviour of the human liver during breathing in real time using machine learning. (2017)journals/eswa/LorenteMRLMEMMS1710.1016/J.ESWA.2016.11.037Q62750783A framework for modelling the biomechanical behaviour of the human liver during breathing in real time using machine learning.11Delia Lorente1Francisco Martínez-Martínez2María José Rupérez3Miguel A. Lago4Marcelino Martínez-Sober5Pablo Escandell-Montero6José María Martínez-Martínez7Sandra Martínez-Sanchis8Antonio J. Serrano-López9Carlos Monserrat Aranda10José David Martín-Guerrero11342-357Expert Syst. Appl.Expert Syst. Appl.712017provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/eswa/LorenteMRLMEMMS17'2024-08-04T19:44:30+0200