Ryan Nel et al.: The role of modelling in resource management within the livelihood-conservation nexus: A socio-ecological systems approach to Sand Forest harvesting, Northern KwaZulu-Natal. (2022)journals/ecoi/NelMJG2210.1016/J.ECOINF.2022.101600Q114188812The role of modelling in resource management within the livelihood-conservation nexus: A socio-ecological systems approach to Sand Forest harvesting, Northern KwaZulu-Natal.4Ryan Nel1Kevin F. Mearns2Maarten Jordaan3Peter Goethals4101600Ecol. InformaticsEcol. Informatics692022provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/ecoi/NelMJG22'2023-08-28T21:32:54+0200