U. Rajendra Acharya et al.: Shear wave elastography for characterization of breast lesions: Shearlet transform and local binary pattern histogram techniques. (2017)journals/cbm/AcharyaNRSKTHGF1710.1016/J.COMPBIOMED.2017.10.001Q47445173Shear wave elastography for characterization of breast lesions: Shearlet transform and local binary pattern histogram techniques.11U. Rajendra Acharya1Wei Lin Ng2Kartini Rahmat3K. Vidya Sudarshan4Joel E. W. Koh5Jen Hong Tan6Yuki Hagiwara7Arkadiusz Gertych8Farhana Fadzli9Chai Hong Yeong10Kwan Hoong Ng1113-20Comput. Biol. MedicineComput. Biol. Medicine912017provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/cbm/AcharyaNRSKTHGF17'2024-08-04T19:47:12+0200