Luyao Zhu et al.: Disaggregation of remote sensing and model-based data for 1 km daily seamless soil moisture. (2023)journals/aeog/ZhuWZLLTDYW2310.1016/J.JAG.2023.103572Disaggregation of remote sensing and model-based data for 1 km daily seamless soil moisture.9Luyao Zhu1Hongquan Wang2Tianjie Zhao3Wenjie Li4Yongjun Li5Cheng Tong6Xiaodong Deng7Huafeng Yue8Ke Wang 00169103572Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. GeoinformationInt. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation1252023--12provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/aeog/ZhuWZLLTDYW23'2024-02-05T20:23:45+0100