Shaoshan Liu et al.: Brief Industry Paper: The Necessity of Adaptive Data Fusion in Infrastructure-Augmented Autonomous Driving System. (2022)conf/rtas/LiuWWYHLTSLH2210.1109/RTAS54340.2022.00031Brief Industry Paper: The Necessity of Adaptive Data Fusion in Infrastructure-Augmented Autonomous Driving System.10Shaoshan Liu1Jianda Wang2Zhendong Wang3Bo Yu 00144Wei Hu5Yahui Liu6Jie Tang 00037Shuaiwen Leon Song8Cong Liu 00059Yang Hu 000110293-296RTASRTAS20222022provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/rtas/LiuWWYHLTSLH22'2024-03-26T16:04:42+0100