Hoa Bui Thi Anh et al.: A combined CNN-LSTM and LSTM-QRNN model for prediction of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Progression using CT Scans and Clinical Data. (2022)conf/rivf/AnhDLM2210.1109/RIVF55975.2022.10013925A combined CNN-LSTM and LSTM-QRNN model for prediction of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Progression using CT Scans and Clinical Data.4Hoa Bui Thi Anh1Toan Tran Dinh2Tran Van Lang3Hung Le Minh471-76RIVFRIVF20222022provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/rivf/AnhDLM22'2023-01-30T14:34:16+0100