Feng Du et al.: Performance Evaluation and Comparison of two Triple-nuclear RF Resonators for 1H/19F/31P MR Imaging at 9.4T. (2019)conf/rcar/DuLLLCZWZL1910.1109/RCAR47638.2019.9044102Performance Evaluation and Comparison of two Triple-nuclear RF Resonators for 1H/19F/31P MR Imaging at 9.4T.9Feng Du1Shengping Liu2Nan Li 00153Congcong Liu4Qiaoyan Chen5Shuai Zhang6Haifeng Wang 00037Xiaoliang Zhang 00018Ye Li 00119598-603RCARRCAR20192019provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/rcar/DuLLLCZWZL19'2024-07-27T13:40:03+0200