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Link to original content: https://dblp.org/rec/conf/paams/SantosAMOG17.rdf
Filipe Santos et al.: Hybrid Tourism Recommendation System Based on Functionality/Accessibility Levels. (2017) conf/paams/SantosAMOG17 10.1007/978-3-319-61578-3_23 Q60485614 Hybrid Tourism Recommendation System Based on Functionality/Accessibility Levels. 5 Filipe Santos 0003 1 Ana de Almeida 0001 2 Constantino Martins 3 Paulo B. de Moura Oliveira 4 Ramiro Gonçalves 5 221-228 PAAMS (Special Sessions) PAAMS (Special Sessions) 2017 2018 provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/paams/SantosAMOG17' 2023-01-28T15:25:56+0100