author = {Jie Tao and
Yaocai Wu and
Qike Shao and
Shihang Yan},
editor = {Honghai Liu and
Zhouping Yin and
Lianqing Liu and
Li Jiang and
Guoying Gu and
Xinyu Wu and
Weihong Ren},
title = {Multi-scale Feature Based Densely Channel Attention Network for Vision-Based
Haze Visibility Detection},
booktitle = {Intelligent Robotics and Applications - 15th International Conference,
{ICIRA} 2022, Harbin, China, August 1-3, 2022, Proceedings, Part {IV}},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {13458},
pages = {568--578},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2022},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-13841-6\_51},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-13841-6\_51},
timestamp = {Wed, 21 Aug 2024 07:35:24 +0200},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icira/TaoWSY22.bib},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}