Jiachen Wang et al.: A Quantitative Approach and Preliminary Application in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Valvular Heart Disease for 24-h Breathing Patterns Analysis Using Wearable Devices. (2022)conf/healthcom/WangYWMZYGZ2210.1109/HEALTHCOM54947.2022.9982736A Quantitative Approach and Preliminary Application in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Valvular Heart Disease for 24-h Breathing Patterns Analysis Using Wearable Devices.8Jiachen Wang1Zhicheng Yang2Yuqiang Wang3Chenbin Ma4Jian Zhang5Pengming Yu6Yingqiang Guo7Zhengbo Zhang8100-106HealthComHealthCom20222022provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/healthcom/WangYWMZYGZ22'2024-01-03T08:34:23+0100