Mst. Shapna Akter et al.: Exploring the Vulnerabilities of Machine Learning and Quantum Machine Learning to Adversarial Attacks Using a Malware Dataset: A Comparative Analysis. (2023)conf/IEEEscc/AkterSIHKCV2310.1109/SSE60056.2023.00037Exploring the Vulnerabilities of Machine Learning and Quantum Machine Learning to Adversarial Attacks Using a Malware Dataset: A Comparative Analysis.7Mst. Shapna Akter1Hossain Shahriar2Iysa Iqbal3Md Faruque Hossain4M. A. Karim5Victor Clincy6Razvan Voicu7222-231SSESSE20232023provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/IEEEscc/AkterSIHKCV23'2023-09-13T08:43:36+0200