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Tobias Hesse
Fabian Hub Michael Oehl Tobias Hesse Katharina Seifert Supporting user experience of shared automated mobility on-demand through novel virtual infrastructure: Making the case for virtual stops. 103043 2023 August 176 Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103043 db/journals/ijmms/ijmms176.html#HubOHS23
Matthias Nichting Daniel Heß Julian Schindler Tobias Hesse Frank Köster Space Time Reservation Procedure (STRP) for V2X-Based Maneuver Coordination of Cooperative Automated Vehicles in Diverse Conflict Scenarios. 502-509 2020 IV https://doi.org/10.1109/IV47402.2020.9304769 conf/ivs/2020 db/conf/ivs/ivs2020.html#NichtingHSHK20 Matthias Nichting Daniel Heß Julian Schindler Tobias Hesse Frank Köster Explicit Negotiation Method for Cooperative Automated Vehicles. 1-7 2019 ICVES https://doi.org/10.1109/ICVES.2019.8906401 conf/icves/2019 db/conf/icves/icves2019.html#NichtingHSHK19 Daniel Heß Ray Lattarulo Joshué Pérez Tobias Hesse Frank Köster Negotiation of Cooperative Maneuvers for Automated Vehicles: Experimental Results. 1545-1551 2019 ITSC https://doi.org/10.1109/ITSC.2019.8917464 conf/itsc/2019 db/conf/itsc/itsc2019.html#HessLPHK19 Daniel Heß Ray Lattarulo Joshué Pérez Julian Schindler Tobias Hesse Frank Köster Fast Maneuver Planning for Cooperative Automated Vehicles. 1625-1632 2018 ITSC https://doi.org/10.1109/ITSC.2018.8569791 conf/itsc/2018 db/conf/itsc/itsc2018.html#HeLPSHK18 Marta Barrilero Anke Sauerlander-Biebl Alexander Sohr Tobias Hesse Development of a demand responsive transport system with improvement analysis on conventional public transport: A case study for Schorndorf, Germany. 821-826 2017 MT-ITS https://doi.org/10.1109/MTITS.2017.8005626 conf/mtits/2017 db/conf/mtits/mtits2017.html#BarrileroSSH17 Varun Jain Stephan Lapoehn Tobias Frankiewicz Tobias Hesse Mohamed Gharba Sandip Gangakhedkar Karthikeyan Ganesan Hanwen Cao Josef Eichinger Ali Ramadan Ali Yao Zou Liang Gu Prediction based framework for vehicle platooning using vehicular communications. 159-166 2017 VNC https://doi.org/10.1109/VNC.2017.8275603 conf/vnc/2017 db/conf/vnc/vnc2017.html#JainLFHGGGCEAZG17 Mohamed Gharba Hanwen Cao Sandip Gangakhedkar Josef Eichinger Ali Ramadan Ali Karthikeyan Ganesan Varun Jain Stephan Lapoehn Tobias Frankiewicz Tobias Hesse Yao Zou Chen Tang Liang Gu 5G enabled cooperative collision avoidance: System design and field test. 1-6 2017 WoWMoM https://doi.org/10.1109/WoWMoM.2017.7974355 conf/wowmom/2017 db/conf/wowmom/wowmom2017.html#GharbaCGEAGJLFH17 Stephan Lapoehn Marc Dziennus Fabian Utesch Johann Kelsch Anna Schieben Mandy Dotzauer Tobias Hesse Frank Köster Interaction design for nomadic devices in highly automated vehicles. 2016 MuC (Workshopband) https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2016-ws08-0006 conf/mc/2016w db/conf/mc/mc2016w.html#LapoehnDUKSDHK16
Frank Flemisch Matthias Heesen Tobias Hesse Johann Kelsch Anna Schieben Johannes Beller Towards a dynamic balance between humans and automation: authority, ability, responsibility and control in shared and cooperative control situations. 3-18 2012 14 Cogn. Technol. Work. 1 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10111-011-0191-6 db/journals/ctw/ctw14.html#FlemischHHKSB12
Tobias Hesse Johan Engström Emma Johansson Giuseppe Varalda Martin Brockmann Amon Rambaldini Nicola Fricke Frank Flemisch Frank Köster Lena Kanstrup Towards User-Centred Development of Integrated Information, Warning, and Intervention Strategies for Multiple ADAS in the EU Project interactIVe. 280-289 2011 HCI (7) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21666-4_31 conf/hci/2011-7 db/conf/hci/hci2011-7.html#HesseEJVBRFFKK11 Tobias Hesse Thomas Sattel Path-Planning with Virtual Beams. 3904-3905 2007 ACC https://doi.org/10.1109/ACC.2007.4282932 conf/amcc/2007 db/conf/amcc/acc2007.html#HesseS07 David Neal Barbar Akle Tobias Hesse Optimal flight control of an adaptive aircraft wing modeled by NeuroFuzzy techniques. 364-370 2003 ISIC https://doi.org/10.1109/ISIC.2003.1254661 conf/IEEEisic/2003 db/conf/IEEEisic/isic2003.html#NealAH03 streams/conf/IEEEisic Barbar Akle Ali Ramadan Ali Marta Barrilero Johannes Beller Martin Brockmann Hanwen Cao Mandy Dotzauer Marc Dziennus Josef Eichinger Johan Engström Frank Flemisch Tobias Frankiewicz Nicola Fricke Karthikeyan Ganesan Sandip Gangakhedkar Mohamed Gharba Liang Gu Matthias Heesen Daniel HessDaniel Heß Fabian Hub Varun Jain Emma Johansson Lena Kanstrup Johann Kelsch Frank Köster Stephan Lapoehn Ray Lattarulo David Neal Matthias Nichting Michael Oehl Joshué Pérez Amon Rambaldini Thomas Sattel Anke Sauerlander-Biebl Anna Schieben Julian Schindler Katharina Seifert Alexander Sohr Chen Tang Fabian Utesch Giuseppe Varalda Yao Zou