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Benjamin Weiss 0001 http://www.qu.tu-berlin.de/menue/team/senior_researchers/bweiss/ https://dl.acm.org/profile/81100499928 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5599-3378 TU Berlin, Department of Software Engineering and Theoretical Computer Science Benjamin Weiss Benjamin Weiss 0002 בנימין ווייס Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Einstein Institute of Mathematics http://www.huji.ac.il/dataj/controller/ihoker/MOP-STAFF_LINK?sno=9802097 https://zbmath.org/authors/?q=ai:weiss.benjamin https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/MRAuthorID/181570 https://mathgenealogy.org/id.php?id=28433 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Weiss https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q15455202 https://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n99256587 https://d-nb.info/gnd/1161686037 Benjamin Weiss 0003 Benjamin L. Weiss University of Maine, Orono, USA University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA http://www.math.umaine.edu/~weiss/ https://zbmath.org/authors/?q=ai:weiss.benjamin-l Benjamin Weiss 0004 University of Salzburg, Austria Benjamin Weiss 0005 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
Casey C. Bennett Young-Ho Bae Jun Hyung Yoon Yejin Chae Eunseo Yoon Seeun Lee Uijae Ryu Say Young Kim Benjamin Weiss 0001 Effects of cross-cultural language differences on social cognition during human-agent interaction in cooperative game environments. 101521 2023 June 81 Comput. Speech Lang. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2023.101521 db/journals/csl/csl81.html#BennettBYCYLRKW23
Ingo Siegert Stefan Hillmann Benjamin Weiss 0001 Jessica M. Szczuka Alexey Karpov 0001 Editorial: Towards Omnipresent and Smart Speech Assistants. 2022 4 Frontiers Comput. Sci. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomp.2022.966163 db/journals/fcomp/fcomp4.html#SiegertHWSK22
Jürgen Trouvain Benjamin Weiss 0001 Thoughts on the usage of audible smiling in speech synthesis applications. 2022 4 Frontiers Comput. Sci. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomp.2022.885657 db/journals/fcomp/fcomp4.html#TrouvainW22
Casey Bennett 0001 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Jaeyoung Suh Eunseo Yoon Jihong Jeong Yejin Chae Exploring Data-Driven Components of Socially Intelligent AI through Cooperative Game Paradigms. 16 2022 6 Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2 https://doi.org/10.3390/mti6020016 db/journals/mti/mti6.html#Bennett0SYJC22
Casey C. Bennett Benjamin Weiss 0001 Purposeful Failures as a Form of Culturally-Appropriate Intelligent Disobedience During Human-Robot Social Interaction. 84-90 2022 AAMAS Workshops https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20179-0_5 conf/atal/2022bv db/conf/atal/aamas2022bv.html#BennettW22 Dennis Guse Oliver Hohlfeld Anna Wunderlich Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Multi-Episodic Perceived Quality of an Audio-on-Demand Service. 1-6 2020 QoMEX https://doi.org/10.1109/QoMEX48832.2020.9123070 conf/qomex/2020 db/conf/qomex/qomex2020.html#GuseHW0020
Dennis Guse Oliver Hohlfeld Anna Wunderlich Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Multi-episodic Perceived Quality of an Audio-on-Demand Service. 2020 abs/2005.00400 CoRR https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.00400 db/journals/corr/corr2005.html#abs-2005-00400
Laura Fernández Gallardo Benjamin Weiss 0001 The Nautilus Speaker Characterization Corpus: Speech Recordings and Labels of Speaker Characteristics and Voice Descriptions. 2018 LREC conf/lrec/2018 db/conf/lrec/lrec2018.html#Gallardo018 http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2018/summaries/24.html Steven Schmidt 0001 Patrick Ehrenbrink Benjamin Weiss 0001 Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons Tanja Kojic Andrew Johnston Sebastian Möller 0001 Impact of Virtual Environments on Motivation and Engagement During Exergames. 1-6 2018 QoMEX https://doi.org/10.1109/QoMEX.2018.8463389 conf/qomex/2018 db/conf/qomex/qomex2018.html#0001E0VKJM18 Felix Burkhardt Benjamin Weiss 0001 Speech Synthesizing Simultaneous Emotion-Related States. 76-85 2018 SPECOM https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99579-3_9 conf/specom/2018 db/conf/specom/specom2018.html#Burkhardt018
Benjamin Weiss 0001 Ina Wechsung Stefan Hillmann Sebastian Möller 0001 Multimodal HCI: exploratory studies on effects of first impression and single modality ratings in retrospective evaluation. 115-131 2017 11 J. Multimodal User Interfaces 2 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12193-016-0233-8 db/journals/jmui/jmui11.html#WeissWHM17
Dennis Guse Benjamin Weiss 0001 Frank Haase Anna Wunderlich Sebastian Möller 0001 Multi-episodic perceived quality for one session of consecutive usage episodes with a speech telephony service. 2017 2 Qual. User Exp. 1 https://doi.org/10.1007/s41233-017-0008-3 db/journals/que/que2.html#Guse0HW017
Felix Burkhardt Benjamin Weiss 0001 Florian Eyben Jun Deng Björn W. Schuller Detecting Vocal Irony. 11-22 2017 GSCL https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73706-5_2 conf/gldv/2017 db/conf/gldv/gscl2017.html#Burkhardt0EDS17 Laura Fernández Gallardo Benjamin Weiss 0001 Towards Speaker Characterization: Identifying and Predicting Dimensions of Person Attribution. 904-908 2017 INTERSPEECH https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2017-328 conf/interspeech/2017 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2017.html#Gallardo017 Sebastian Möller 0001 Friedemann Köster Benjamin Weiss 0001 Modelling speech service quality: From conversational phases to communication quality and service quality. 1-3 2017 QoMEX https://doi.org/10.1109/QoMEX.2017.7965661 conf/qomex/2017 db/conf/qomex/qomex2017.html#MollerKW17 Laura Fernández Gallardo Benjamin Weiss 0001 Speech Likability and Personality-Based Social Relations: A Round-Robin Analysis over Communication Channels. 903-907 2016 INTERSPEECH https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2016-459 conf/interspeech/2016 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2016.html#GallardoW16 Patrick Ehrenbrink Stefan Hillmann Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Psychological reactance in HCI: a method towards improving acceptance of devices and services. 478-482 2016 OZCHI https://doi.org/10.1145/3010915.3010978 conf/ozchi/2016 db/conf/ozchi/ozchi2016.html#EhrenbrinkH0M16 Florian Hinterleitner Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Influence of corpus size and content on the perceptual quality of a unit selection MaryTTS voice. 680-685 2016 SLT https://doi.org/10.1109/SLT.2016.7846336 conf/slt/2016 db/conf/slt/slt2016.html#HinterleitnerWM16
Björn W. Schuller Stefan Steidl Anton Batliner Elmar Nöth Alessandro Vinciarelli Felix Burkhardt Rob van Son Felix Weninger Florian Eyben Tobias Bocklet Gelareh Mohammadi Benjamin Weiss 0001 A Survey on perceived speaker traits: Personality, likability, pathology, and the first challenge. 100-131 2015 29 Comput. Speech Lang. 1 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2014.08.003 db/journals/csl/csl29.html#SchullerSBNVBSWEBMW15
Benjamin Weiss 0001 Katrin Schoenenberg Conversational structures affecting auditory likeability. 1791-1795 2014 INTERSPEECH https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2014-408 conf/interspeech/2014 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2014.html#WeissS14 Svetlana Nowak Benjamin Weiss 0001 Dietrich Manzey Geschlechtsstereotype bei der Interaktion mit virtuellen Agenten. 331-334 2014 MuC https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/7556 conf/mc/2014 db/conf/mc/mc2014.html#NowakWM14 Dennis Guse Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Modelling multi-episodic quality perception for different telecommunication services: First insights. 105-110 2014 QoMEX https://doi.org/10.1109/QoMEX.2014.6982304 conf/qomex/2014 db/conf/qomex/qomex2014.html#GuseWM14 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Benjamin Belmudez Blazej Lewcio Analysis of call-quality prediction performance for speech-only and audio-visual telephony. 263-268 2014 QoMEX https://doi.org/10.1109/QoMEX.2014.6982329 conf/qomex/2014 db/conf/qomex/qomex2014.html#WeissMBL14 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Dennis Guse Sebastian Möller 0001 Alexander Raake Adam Borowiak Ulrich Reiter Temporal Development of Quality of Experience. 133-147 2014 Quality of Experience https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-02681-7_10 books/sp/14/MR2014 db/books/collections/MR2014.html#0001G0RBR14 Ina Wechsung Benjamin Weiss 0001 Christine Kühnel Patrick Ehrenbrink Sebastian Möller 0001 Development and validation of the conversational agents scale (CAS). 1106-1110 2013 INTERSPEECH https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2013-298 conf/interspeech/2013 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2013.html#WechsungWKEM13 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Simon Willkomm Sebastian Möller 0001 Evaluating an adaptive dialog system for the public. 2034-2038 2013 INTERSPEECH https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2013-482 conf/interspeech/2013 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2013.html#WeissWM13
Ina Wechsung Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht Christine Kühnel Sebastian Möller 0001 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Measuring the Quality of Service and Quality of Experience of multimodal human-machine interaction. 73-85 2012 6 J. Multimodal User Interfaces 1-2 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12193-011-0088-y db/journals/jmui/jmui6.html#WechsungEKM012
Björn W. Schuller Stefan Steidl Anton Batliner Elmar Nöth Alessandro Vinciarelli Felix Burkhardt Rob van Son Felix Weninger Florian Eyben Tobias Bocklet Gelareh Mohammadi Benjamin Weiss 0001 The INTERSPEECH 2012 Speaker Trait Challenge. 2012 INTERSPEECH https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2012-86 conf/interspeech/2012 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2012.html#SchullerSBNVBSWEBMW12 254-257 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Felix Burkhardt Is 'not bad' good enough? Aspects of unknown voices' likability. 2012 INTERSPEECH https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2012-97 conf/interspeech/2012 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2012.html#WeissB12 510-513 Sebastian Möller 0001 Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht Florian Kretzschmar Stefan Schmidt 0002 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Position Paper: Towards Standardized Metrics and Tools for Spoken and Multimodal Dialog System Evaluation. 5-6 2012 SDCTD@NAACL-HLT https://aclanthology.org/W12-1803/ conf/naacl/2012sdctd db/conf/naacl/sdctd2012.html#MollerEKSW12 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Ina Wechsung Stefanie Marquardt Assessing ICT user groups. 275-283 2012 NordiCHI https://doi.org/10.1145/2399016.2399059 conf/nordichi/2012 db/conf/nordichi/nordichi2012.html#WeissWM12 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Ina Wechsung Christine Kühnel Quality of Experiencing Multi-Modal Interaction. 213-230 2011 IWSDS https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-7934-6_9 books/daglib/0028528 db/books/collections/MLNM2011.html#0001MWK11 Christine Kühnel Benjamin Weiss 0001 Matthias Schulz 0002 Sebastian Möller 0001 Quality Aspects of Multimodal Dialog Systems: Identity, Stimulation and Success. 1349-1352 2011 INTERSPEECH conf/interspeech/2011 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2011.html#KuhnelWSM11 https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2011-446 Sebastian Möller 0001 Chihuy Bang Teele Tamme Markus Vaalgamaa Benjamin Weiss 0001 From Single-Call to Multi-Call Quality: A Study on Long-Term Quality Integration in Audio-Visual Speech Communication. 1485-1488 2011 INTERSPEECH conf/interspeech/2011 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2011.html#MollerBTVW11 https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2011-311 Felix Burkhardt Björn W. Schuller Benjamin Weiss 0001 Felix Weninger "Would You Buy a Car from Me?" - On the Likability of Telephone Voices. 1557-1560 2011 INTERSPEECH conf/interspeech/2011 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2011.html#BurkhardtSWW11 https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2011-469 Sebastian Möller 0001 Jens Berger Alexander Raake Marcel Wältermann Benjamin Weiss 0001 A new dimension-based framework model for the quality of speech communication services. 107-112 2011 QoMEX https://doi.org/10.1109/QoMEX.2011.6065686 conf/qomex/2011 db/conf/qomex/qomex2011.html#MollerBRWW11
Benjamin Weiss 0001 Christine Kühnel Ina Wechsung Sascha Fagel Sebastian Möller 0001 Quality of talking heads in different interaction and media contexts. 481-492 2010 52 Speech Commun. 6 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.specom.2010.02.011 db/journals/speech/speech52.html#WeissKWFM10
Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Tim Polzehl Wirkung menschlicher Stimme auf die wahrgenommene Sympathie - Einfluss der Stimmanregung anhand von Laryngogrammen. 56-63 2010 ESSV conf/essv/2010 db/conf/essv/essv2010.html#0001MP10 Christine Kühnel Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Parameters describing multimodal interaction - definitions and three usage scenarios. 1934-1937 2010 INTERSPEECH https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2010-556 conf/interspeech/2010 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2010.html#KuhnelWM10 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Felix Burkhardt Voice attributes affecting likability perception. 2014-2017 2010 INTERSPEECH https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2010-570 conf/interspeech/2010 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2010.html#WeissB10 Christine Kühnel Tilo Westermann Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Evaluating multimodal systems: a comparison of established questionnaires and interaction parameters. 286-294 2010 NordiCHI https://doi.org/10.1145/1868914.1868949 conf/nordichi/2010 db/conf/nordichi/nordichi2010.html#KuhnelWWM10 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Christine Kühnel Ina Wechsung Sebastian Möller 0001 Sascha Fagel Comparison of Different Talking Heads in Non-Interactive Settings. 349-357 2009 HCI (3) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02580-8_38 conf/hci/2009-3 db/conf/hci/hci2009-3.html#WeissKWMF09 Christine Kühnel Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Talking heads for interacting with spoken dialog smart-home systems. 304-307 2009 INTERSPEECH https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2009-101 conf/interspeech/2009 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2009.html#KuhnelWM09 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Christine Kühnel Ina Wechsung Sebastian Möller 0001 Sascha Fagel Web-Based Evaluation of Talking Heads: How Valid Is It? 552-553 2009 IVA https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04380-2_87 conf/iva/2009 db/conf/iva/iva2009.html#WeissKWMF09 Sascha Fagel Christine Kühnel Benjamin Weiss 0001 Ina Wechsung Sebastian Möller 0001 A comparison of German talking heads in a smart home environment. 75-78 2008 AVSP https://www.isca-archive.org/avsp_2008/fagel08c_avsp.html conf/avsp/2008 db/conf/avsp/avsp2008.html#FagelKWWM08 Jens Berger Arpad Hellenbart Benjamin Weiss 0001 Sebastian Möller 0001 Jörgen Gustafsson Gunnar Heikkilä Estimation of 'quality per call' in modelled telephone conversations. 4809-4812 2008 ICASSP https://doi.org/10.1109/ICASSP.2008.4518733 conf/icassp/2008 db/conf/icassp/icassp2008.html#BergerHWMGH08 Christine Kühnel Benjamin Weiss 0001 Ina Wechsung Sascha Fagel Sebastian Möller 0001 Evaluating talking heads for smart home systems. 81-84 2008 ICMI https://doi.org/10.1145/1452392.1452409 conf/icmi/2008 db/conf/icmi/icmi2008.html#KuhnelWWFM08 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Rate dependent spectral reduction for voiceless fricatives. 1968 2008 INTERSPEECH https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/interspeech_2008/weiss08c_interspeech.html conf/interspeech/2008 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2008.html#Weiss08 Benjamin Weiss 0001 Ina Wechsung Anja Naumann Sebastian Möller 0001 Subjective Evaluation Method for Speech-Based Uni- and Multimodal Applications. 285-288 2008 PIT https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-69369-7_33 conf/pit/2008 db/conf/pit/pit2008.html#WeissWNM08 Felix Burkhardt Astrid Paeschke M. Rolfes Walter F. Sendlmeier Benjamin Weiss 0001 A database of German emotional speech. 1517-1520 2005 INTERSPEECH https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2005-446 conf/interspeech/2005 db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2005.html#BurkhardtPRSW05 Young-Ho Bae Chihuy Bang Anton Batliner Benjamin Belmudez Casey C. BennettCasey Bennett 0001 Jens Berger Tobias Bocklet Adam Borowiak Felix Burkhardt Yejin Chae Jun Deng Patrick Ehrenbrink Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht Florian Eyben Sascha Fagel Laura Fernández Gallardo Dennis Guse Jörgen Gustafsson Frank Haase Gunnar Heikkilä Arpad Hellenbart Stefan HillmannStefan Schmidt 0002 Florian Hinterleitner Oliver Hohlfeld Jihong Jeong Andrew Johnston Alexey Karpov 0001 Say Young Kim Tanja Kojic Friedemann Köster Florian Kretzschmar Christine Kühnel Seeun Lee Blazej Lewcio Dietrich Manzey Stefanie Marquardt Gelareh Mohammadi Sebastian Möller 0001 Anja Naumann Elmar Nöth Svetlana Nowak Astrid Paeschke Tim Polzehl Alexander Raake Ulrich Reiter M. Rolfes Uijae Ryu Steven Schmidt 0001 Katrin Schoenenberg Björn W. Schuller Matthias Schulz 0002 Walter F. Sendlmeier Ingo Siegert R. J. J. H. van SonRob van Son Stefan Steidl Jaeyoung Suh Jessica M. Szczuka Teele Tamme Jürgen Trouvain Markus Vaalgamaa Alessandro Vinciarelli Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons Marcel Wältermann Ina Wechsung Felix Weninger Tilo Westermann Simon Willkomm Anna Wunderlich Eunseo Yoon Jun Hyung Yoon