Tony Haoran FengTony Haoran FengPaul Denny 0001Burkhard WuenscheAndrew Luxton-ReillySteffan HooperMore Than Meets the AI: Evaluating the performance of GPT-4 on Computer Graphics assessment questions.182-1912024ACE HooperBurkhard C. WünscheAndrew Luxton-ReillyPaul Denny 0001Tony Haoran FengAdvancing Automated Assessment Tools - Opportunities for Innovations in Upper-level Computing Courses: A Position Paper.519-5252024SIGCSE (1) Haoran FengPaul Denny 0001Burkhard C. WünscheAndrew Luxton-ReillyJacqueline WhalleyAn Eye for an AI: Evaluating GPT-4o's Visual Perception Skills and Geometric Reasoning Skills Using Computer Graphics Questions.5:1-5:82024SIGGRAPH ASIA Educator's Forum Haoran FengPaul Denny 0001Burkhard C. WünscheAndrew Luxton-ReillyJacqueline WhalleyAn Eye for an AI: Evaluating GPT-4o's Visual Perception Skills and Geometric Reasoning Skills Using Computer Graphics Questions.2024abs/2410.16991CoRR Denny 0001Steffan HooperAndrew Luxton-ReillyJacqueline L. WhalleyJacqueline WhalleyBurkhard WünscheBurkhard WuenscheBurkhard C. Wünsche