José M. AndiónJosé M. AndiónManuel ArenazFrançois BodinGabriel Rodríguez 0001Juan TouriñoLocality-Aware Automatic Parallelization for GPGPU with OpenHMPP Directives.620-643201644Int. J. Parallel Program.3 Rodríguez 0001José M. AndiónMahmut T. KandemirJuan TouriñoTrace-based affine reconstruction of codes.139-1492016CGOé M. AndiónManuel ArenazGabriel Rodríguez 0001Juan TouriñoA parallelizing compiler for multicore systems.138-1412014SCOPESé M. AndiónManuel ArenazGabriel Rodríguez 0001Juan TouriñoA novel compiler support for automatic parallelization on multicore systems.442-460201339Parallel Comput.9 ArenazFrançois BodinMahmut T. KandemirGabriel Rodríguez 0001Juan Touriño