Christian Eichhorn et al.: Inspiring healthy Food Choices in a Virtual Reality Supermarket by adding a tangible Dimension in the Form of an Augmented Virtuality Smartphone. (2021)conf/vr/0002LPWWKHHHGG02110.1109/VRW52623.2021.00156Inspiring healthy Food Choices in a Virtual Reality Supermarket by adding a tangible Dimension in the Form of an Augmented Virtuality Smartphone.14Christian Eichhorn 00021Martin Lurz2David A. Plecher3Sandro Weber4Monika Wintergerst5Birgit Kaiser6Sophie L. Holzmann7Christina Holzapfel8Hans Hauner9Kurt Gedrich10Georg Groh11Markus Böhm 000112Helmut Krcmar13Gudrun Klinker14548-549VR WorkshopsVR Workshops20212021provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/vr/0002LPWWKHHHGG021'2024-02-05T20:30:44+0100