Provider: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics
Database: dblp computer science bibliography
Content:text/plain; charset="utf-8"
ID - DBLP:conf/smap/CostaSRA13
AU - Cósta, Joana
AU - Silva, Catarina
AU - Ribeiro, Bernardete
AU - Antunes, Mário
TI - CrowdTargeting: Making Crowds More Personal.
BT - 8th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization, SMAP 2013, Bayonne, France, December 12-13, 2013
SP - 21
EP - 26
PY - 2013//
DO - 10.1109/SMAP.2013.20
UR -
ER -