Yao Zhan et al.: Application of Quadratic Rotation-Orthogonal Composite Experimental Design to Assess the Relationship between Growth Environment and Ultraweak Luminescence of Mint. (2012)conf/ifip12/ZhanLWLY1210.1007/978-3-642-36137-1_14Application of Quadratic Rotation-Orthogonal Composite Experimental Design to Assess the Relationship between Growth Environment and Ultraweak Luminescence of Mint.5Yao Zhan1Yi Lin2Chunfang Wang3Jianping Li4Yong Yu5109-116CCTA (2)CCTA (2)20122013provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/ifip12/ZhanLWLY12'2018-06-26T14:13:35+0200