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Carlos Martinho Carlos Roque Martinho
Luis Felipe Coimbra Costa Samuel Gomes Ana Moura Santos Geraldo Bonorino Xexéo Yuri Oliveira de Lima 0001 Rui Prada Carlos Martinho João Dias 0001 Heroine's Learning Journey: Motivating Women in STEM Online Courses Through the Power of a Narrative. 20103-20124 2024 12 IEEE Access https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3360376 db/journals/access/access12.html#CostaGSXLPMD24
Samuel Gomes José Bernardo Rocha João Dias 0001 Carlos Martinho Designing a Mood-Mediated Multi-Level Reasoner. 787-798 2024 July - September 15 IEEE Trans. Affect. Comput. 3 https://doi.org/10.1109/TAFFC.2023.3293310 db/journals/taffco/taffco15.html#GomesRDM24 streams/journals/taffco
Hélio Martins Hugo Marques Carlos Martinho A Serious Game Platform to Train Teachers on Cyberbullying Prevention and Response. 1-4 2024 CoG https://doi.org/10.1109/CoG60054.2024.10645622 conf/cig/2024 db/conf/cig/cog2024.html#MartinsMM24 streams/conf/cig Francisco Rosa Samuel Gomes Carlos Martinho Exploring the Impact of Player Personality on Cooperative Game Reward Sharing. 1-8 2024 CoG https://doi.org/10.1109/CoG60054.2024.10645577 conf/cig/2024 db/conf/cig/cog2024.html#RosaGM24 streams/conf/cig Taíssa Ribeiro Ricardo Rodrigues 0005 Carlos Martinho Modeling the Interpretation of Animations to Help Improve Emotional Expression. 2301-2303 2023 AAMAS https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/3545946.3598914 conf/atal/2023 db/conf/atal/aamas2023.html#Ribeiro0M23 Carlos Martinho Micael Sousa CSSII: A Player Motivation Model for Tabletop Games. 13:1-13:10 2023 FDG https://doi.org/10.1145/3582437.3582477 conf/fdg/2023 db/conf/fdg/fdg2023.html#MartinhoS23 João Silva Ricardo Rodrigues 0005 Carlos Martinho Believability, Anticipation, and... Timing Improving believability through timing manipulation. 26:1-26:11 2023 FDG https://doi.org/10.1145/3582437.3582485 conf/fdg/2023 db/conf/fdg/fdg2023.html#Silva0M23 Taíssa Ribeiro Ricardo Rodrigues 0005 Carlos Martinho On the Application of the Triad Affect Interpretation Method to Understand Emotional Expression. 50:1-50:4 2023 IVA https://doi.org/10.1145/3570945.3607353 conf/iva/2023 db/conf/iva/iva2023.html#Ribeiro0M23 Ricardo Rodrigues 0005 Ricardo Silva Ricardo Pereira Carlos Martinho A cautionary tale of side-by-side evaluations while developing emotional expression for intelligent virtual agents. 1:1-1:8 2022 IVA https://doi.org/10.1145/3514197.3549672 conf/iva/2022 db/conf/iva/iva2022.html#0005SPM22 Carlos Martinho João Dias 0001 Joana Campos 0001 Dirk Heylen IVA '22: ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Faro, Portugal, September 6 - 9, 2022 ACM IVA 2022 978-1-4503-9248-8 https://doi.org/10.1145/3514197 db/conf/iva/iva2022.html
Paula Costa Ferreira 0004 Ana Margarida Veiga Simão Ana Paiva 0001 Carlos Martinho Rui Prada Aristides I. Ferreira Francisco C. Santos Exploring empathy in cyberbullying with serious games. 104155 2021 166 Comput. Educ. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104155 db/journals/ce/ce166.html#FerreiraSPMPFS21
Patrícia Alves-Oliveira Raquel Oliveira Patrícia Arriaga Ana Paiva 0001 Carlos Martinho Inspiring Social Creativity in Children with CUBUS. 149-157 2021 ICCC https://computationalcreativity.net/iccc21/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/ICCC_2021_paper_65.pdf conf/icccrea/2021 db/conf/icccrea/icccrea2021.html#Alves-OliveiraO21 Mariana Farias Carlos Martinho An Approach to Multiplayer Interactive Fiction. 48-60 2021 ICIDS https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92300-6_5 conf/icids/2021 db/conf/icids/icids2021.html#FariasM21 Susana Gamito Carlos Martinho Highlight the Path Not Taken to Add Replay Value to Digital Storytelling Games. 61-70 2021 ICIDS https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92300-6_6 conf/icids/2021 db/conf/icids/icids2021.html#GamitoM21 Tomás Alves Samuel Gomes João Dias 0001 Carlos Martinho The Influence of Reward on the Social Valence of Interactions. 168-175 2020 CoG https://doi.org/10.1109/CoG47356.2020.9231853 conf/cig/2020 db/conf/cig/cog2020.html#AlvesGDM20 Raul Benites Paradeda Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Persuasion Strategies Using a Social Robot in an Interactive Storytelling Scenario. 69-77 2020 HAI https://doi.org/10.1145/3406499.3415084 conf/hai/2020 db/conf/hai/hai2020.html#ParadedaMP20 Raul Benites Paradeda Maria José Ferreira Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 The Importance of the Person's Assertiveness in Persuasive Human-Robot Interactions. 516-528 2020 ICSR https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62056-1_43 conf/socrob/2020 db/conf/socrob/icsr2020.html#ParadedaFMP20
Samuel Gomes Tomás Alves João Dias 0001 Carlos Martinho Reward-Mediated Individual and Altruistic Behavior. 2020 abs/2003.09648 CoRR https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.09648 db/journals/corr/corr2003.html#abs-2003-09648
Tomás Alves Samuel Gomes João Dias 0001 Carlos Martinho The Influence of Reward on the Social Valence of Interactions. 2020 abs/2003.12604 CoRR https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.12604 db/journals/corr/corr2003.html#abs-2003-12604
Jorge Peña 0002 Jannath Ghaznavi Nicholas Brody Rui Prada Carlos Martinho Pedro Alexandre Santos Hugo Damas Joana Dimas Effects of Human vs. Computer-Controlled Characters and Social Identity Cues on Enjoyment. 2019 31 J. Media Psychol. Theor. Methods Appl. 1 https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-1105/a000218 db/journals/zmp/zmp31.html#PenaGBPMSDD19
Ricardo Rodrigues 0005 Ricardo Silva Ricardo Pereira Carlos Martinho Interactive Empathic Virtual Coaches Based on the Social Regulatory Cycle. 69-75 2019 ACII https://doi.org/10.1109/ACII.2019.8925522 conf/acii/2019 db/conf/acii/acii2019.html#0005SPM19 António C. Pacheco Carlos Martinho Alignment of Player and Non-Player Character Assertiveness Levels. 181-187 2019 AIIDE https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AIIDE/article/view/5242 conf/aiide/2019 db/conf/aiide/aiide2019.html#PachecoM19 Raul Benites Paradeda Maria José Ferreira Raquel Oliveira Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 The Role of Assertiveness in a Storytelling Game with Persuasive Robotic Non-Player Characters. 453-465 2019 CHI PLAY https://doi.org/10.1145/3311350.3347162 conf/chiplay/2019 db/conf/chiplay/chiplay2019.html#ParadedaFOMP19 João Catarino Carlos Martinho Procedural Progression Model for Smash Time. 1-8 2019 CoG https://doi.org/10.1109/CIG.2019.8847964 conf/cig/2019 db/conf/cig/cog2019.html#CatarinoM19 Samuel Gomes João Dias 0001 Carlos Martinho GIMME: Group Interactions Manager for Multiplayer sErious games. 1-8 2019 CoG https://doi.org/10.1109/CIG.2019.8847962 conf/cig/2019 db/conf/cig/cog2019.html#GomesDM19 Raul Benites Paradeda Maria José Ferreira Raquel Oliveira Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 What Makes a Good Robotic Advisor? The Role of Assertiveness in Human-Robot Interaction. 144-154 2019 ICSR https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-35888-4_14 conf/socrob/2019 db/conf/socrob/icsr2019.html#ParadedaFOMP19 Tomás Alves Carlos Martinho Rui Prada Towards Incorporating Personality in Serious Games for Health. 1-4 2019 VS-GAMES https://doi.org/10.1109/VS-Games.2019.8864521 conf/vsgames/2019 db/conf/vsgames/vsgames2019.html#AlvesMP19 Joana Campos 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Modelling Conflict Dynamics in Dyadic Interactions. 2218-2220 2018 AAMAS http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3238127 conf/atal/2018 db/conf/atal/aamas2018.html#0001MP18 Francisco Bicho Carlos Martinho Multi-dimensional player skill progression modelling for procedural content generation. 1:1-1:10 2018 FDG https://doi.org/10.1145/3235765.3235774 conf/fdg/2018 db/conf/fdg/fdg2018.html#BichoM18 Raul Benites Paradeda Maria José Ferreira Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Communicating Assertiveness in Robotic Storytellers. 442-452 2018 ICIDS https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04028-4_51 conf/icids/2018 db/conf/icids/icids2018.html#ParadedaFMP18 Raul Benites Paradeda Maria José Ferreira Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Would You Follow the Suggestions of a Storyteller Robot? 489-493 2018 ICIDS https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04028-4_57 conf/icids/2018 db/conf/icids/icids2018.html#ParadedaFMP18a
Samuel Gomes Carlos Martinho Dynamic Interaction Mechanics CrossAnt. 2018 abs/1811.07243 CoRR http://arxiv.org/abs/1811.07243 db/journals/corr/corr1811.html#abs-1811-07243
Samuel Gomes João Dias 0001 Carlos Martinho Iterative Parallel Sampling RRT for Racing Car Simulation. 111-122 2017 EPIA https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65340-2_10 conf/epia/2017 db/conf/epia/epia2017.html#GomesDM17 Raul Benites Paradeda Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Persuasion Based on Personality Traits: Using a Social Robot as Storyteller. 367-368 2017 HRI (Companion) https://doi.org/10.1145/3029798.3034824 conf/hri/2017c db/conf/hri/hri2017c.html#ParadedaMP17 Pedro Lucas Carlos Martinho Stay Awhile and Listen to 3Buddy, a Co-creative Level Design Support Tool. 205-212 2017 ICCC https://computationalcreativity.net/iccc2017/ICCC_17_accepted_submissions/ICCC-17_paper_12.pdf conf/icccrea/2017 db/conf/icccrea/icccrea2017.html#LucasM17 Raul Benites Paradeda Maria José Ferreira Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Using Interactive Storytelling to Identify Personality Traits. 181-192 2017 ICIDS https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71027-3_15 conf/icids/2017 db/conf/icids/icids2017.html#ParadedaFMP17 André Elias Bastos Pires Patrícia Alves-Oliveira Patrícia Arriaga Carlos Martinho Cubus: Autonomous Embodied Characters to Stimulate Creative Idea Generation in Groups of Children. 360-373 2017 IVA https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67401-8_46 https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q122128326 conf/iva/2017 db/conf/iva/iva2017.html#PiresAAM17 Ricardo Rodrigues 0005 Carlos Martinho Towards Believable Interactions Between Synthetic Characters. 385-388 2017 IVA https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67401-8_48 conf/iva/2017 db/conf/iva/iva2017.html#RodriguesM17
Iolanda Leite Ginevra Castellano André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Empathic Robots for Long-term Interaction - Evaluating Social Presence, Engagement and Perceived Support in Children. 329-341 2014 6 Int. J. Soc. Robotics 3 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-014-0227-1 db/journals/ijsr/ijsr6.html#LeiteCPMP14
Márcia Baptista Carlos Roque Martinho Francisco Lima Pedro Alexandre Santos Helmut Prendinger Improving Learning in Business Simulations with an Agent-Based Approach. 2014 17 J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul. 3 https://doi.org/10.18564/jasss.2516 db/journals/jasss/jasss17.html#BaptistaMLSP14
Ginevra Castellano Iolanda Leite André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Peter W. McOwan Context-Sensitive Affect Recognition for a Robotic Game Companion. 10:1-10:25 2014 4 ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst. 2 https://doi.org/10.1145/2622615 db/journals/tiis/tiis4.html#CastellanoLPMPM14
Ginevra Castellano Iolanda Leite André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Peter W. McOwan Multimodal Affect Modeling and Recognition for Empathic Robot Companions. 2013 10 Int. J. Humanoid Robotics 1 https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219843613500102 db/journals/ijhr/ijhr10.html#CastellanoLPMPM13
Iolanda Leite André Pereira 0001 Samuel Mascarenhas Carlos Martinho Rui Prada Ana Paiva 0001 The influence of empathy in human-robot relations. 250-260 2013 71 Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud. 3 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2012.09.005 db/journals/ijmms/ijmms71.html#LeitePMMPP13
Iolanda Leite Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Social Robots for Long-Term Interaction: A Survey. 291-308 2013 5 Int. J. Soc. Robotics 2 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-013-0178-y db/journals/ijsr/ijsr5.html#LeiteMP13
Joana Campos 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Conflict inside out: a theoretical approach to conflict from an agent point of view. 761-768 2013 AAMAS http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2485039 conf/atal/2013 db/conf/atal/aamas2013.html#CamposMP13 Henrique Campos Joana Campos 0001 João P. Cabral Carlos Martinho Jeppe Herlev Nielsen Ana Paiva 0001 My dream theatre. 1357-1358 2013 AAMAS http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2485223 conf/atal/2013 db/conf/atal/aamas2013.html#CamposCCMNP13 António Homem Ferreira Carlos Martinho ASAP: an Ant resource Search Algorithm for swarm-like P2P networks. 649-656 2013 ECAL https://doi.org/10.7551/978-0-262-31709-2-ch092 conf/ecal/2013 db/conf/ecal/ecal2013.html#FerreiraM13 Joana Campos 0001 Carlos Martinho Gordon Ingram Asimina Vasalou Ana Paiva 0001 My Dream Theatre: Putting conflict on center stage. 283-290 2013 FDG http://www.fdg2013.org/program/papers/paper37_campos_etal.pdf conf/fdg/2013 db/conf/fdg/fdg2013.html#CamposMIVP13 Márcia Baptista Carlos Martinho Francisco Lima Pedro Alexandre Santos Helmut Prendinger A Business Simulation with an Agent-Based Deliberative Model of Consumer Behaviour. 215-223 2013 GALA https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-12157-4_17 conf/gala/2013 db/conf/gala/gala2013.html#BaptistaMLSP13 Iolanda Leite Rui Henriques Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Sensors in the wild: exploring electrodermal activity in child-robot interaction. 41-48 2013 HRI http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2447564 conf/hri/2013 db/conf/hri/hri2013.html#LeiteHMP13 Paulo Fontaínha Gomes Ana Paiva 0001 Carlos Martinho Arnav Jhala Metrics for Character Believability in Interactive Narrative. 223-228 2013 ICIDS https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-02756-2_27 conf/icids/2013 db/conf/icids/icids2013.html#GomesPMJ13 Márcia Baptista Hugo Damas Joana Dimas Guilherme Raimundo Rui Prada Carlos Martinho Pedro Alexandre Santos Jorge F. Peña A Serious Game Based on a Public Goods Experiment. 774-781 2013 SocialCom https://doi.org/10.1109/SocialCom.2013.116 https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/SocialCom.2013.116 conf/socialcom/2013 db/conf/socialcom/socialcom2013.html#BaptistaDDRPMSP13 Rui Prada Guilherme Raimundo Joana Dimas Carlos Martinho Jorge F. Peña Márcia Baptista Pedro Alexandre Santos Luís L. Ribeiro The role of social identity, rationality and anticipation in believable agents. 1175-1176 2012 AAMAS http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2343907 conf/atal/2012 db/conf/atal/aamas2012.html#PradaRDMPBSR12 Carlos Vieira Ana Paula F. D. Barbosa-Póvoa Carlos Martinho An Agent-Based Collaborative Model For Supply Chain Management Simulation. 318-324 2012 ECMS https://doi.org/10.7148/2012-0318-0324 conf/ecms/2012 db/conf/ecms/ecms2012.html#VieiraBM12 Iolanda Leite Ginevra Castellano André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Modelling empathic behaviour in a robotic game companion for children: an ethnographic study in real-world settings. 367-374 2012 HRI https://doi.org/10.1145/2157689.2157811 conf/hri/2012 db/conf/hri/hri2012.html#LeiteCPMP12 Joana Campos 0001 Henrique Campos Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 A Serious Game for Teaching Conflict Resolution to Children. 705-706 2012 ITS https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-30950-2_130 conf/its/2012 db/conf/its/its2012.html#CamposCMP12 Henrique Campos Joana Campos 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Virtual Agents in Conflict. 105-111 2012 IVA https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-33197-8_11 conf/iva/2012 db/conf/iva/iva2012.html#CamposCMP12 Ginevra Castellano Iolanda Leite André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Peter W. McOwan Detecting Engagement in HRI: An Exploration of Social and Task-Based Context. 421-428 2012 SocialCom/PASSAT https://doi.org/10.1109/SocialCom-PASSAT.2012.51 https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/SocialCom-PASSAT.2012.51 conf/socialcom/2012 db/conf/socialcom/socialcom2012.html#CastellanoLPMPM12 Iolanda Leite Ginevra Castellano André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Long-Term Interactions with Empathic Robots: Evaluating Perceived Support in Children. 298-307 2012 ICSR https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-34103-8_30 conf/socrob/2012 db/conf/socrob/icsr2012.html#LeiteCPMP12 Rodrigo Dias Carlos Martinho Adapting content presentation and control to player personality in videogames. 18 2011 Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology https://doi.org/10.1145/2071423.2071446 conf/ACMace/2011 db/conf/ACMace/ace2011.html#DiasM11 Marco Santos Carlos Martinho Wasp-Like Scheduling for Unit Training in Real-Time Strategy Games. 2011 AIIDE http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AIIDE/AIIDE11/paper/view/4067 conf/aiide/2011 db/conf/aiide/aiide2011.html#SantosM11 Paulo Fontaínha Gomes Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 I've been here before!: location and appraisal in memory retrieval. 1039-1046 2011 AAMAS http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2034417&CFID=69154334&CFTOKEN=45298625 conf/atal/2011 db/conf/atal/aamas2011.html#GomesMP11 Marco Santos Carlos Martinho Wasp-Like Agents for Scheduling Production in Real-Time Strategy Games. 71-82 2011 EPIA https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24769-9_6 conf/epia/2011 db/conf/epia/epia2011.html#SantosM11 Yun-Gyung Cheong Rilla Khaled Corrado Grappiolo Joana Campos 0001 Carlos Martinho Gordon Ingram Ana Paiva 0001 Georgios N. Yannakakis A computational approach towards conflict resolution for serious games. 15-22 2011 FDG https://doi.org/10.1145/2159365.2159368 https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q59570607 conf/fdg/2011 db/conf/fdg/fdg2011.html#CheongKGCMIPY11 Iolanda Leite André Pereira 0001 Ginevra Castellano Samuel Mascarenhas Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Modelling Empathy in Social Robotic Companions. 135-147 2011 UMAP Workshops https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-28509-7_14 conf/um/2011w db/conf/um/umap2011w.html#LeitePCMMP11
Ginevra Castellano Iolanda Leite André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Peter W. McOwan Affect recognition for interactive companions: challenges and design in real world scenarios. 89-98 2010 3 J. Multimodal User Interfaces 1-2 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12193-009-0033-5 db/journals/jmui/jmui3.html#CastellanoLPMPM10
Eurico Doirado Carlos Martinho I mean it!: detecting user intentions to create believable behaviour for virtual agents in games. 83-90 2010 AAMAS https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1838218 conf/atal/2010 db/conf/atal/aamas2010.html#DoiradoM10 André Pereira 0001 Iolanda Leite Samuel Mascarenhas Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Using Empathy to Improve Human-Robot Relationships. 130-138 2010 HRPR https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-19385-9_17 http://eudl.eu/doi/10.1007/978-3-642-19385-9_17 conf/hrpr/2010 db/conf/hrpr/hrpr2010.html#PereiraLMMP10 Iolanda Leite Samuel Mascarenhas André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Rui Prada Ana Paiva 0001 "Why Can't We Be Friends?" An Empathic Game Companion for Long-Term Interaction. 315-321 2010 IVA https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-15892-6_32 conf/iva/2010 db/conf/iva/iva2010.html#LeiteMPMPP10 Iolanda Leite André Pereira 0001 Samuel Mascarenhas Ginevra Castellano Carlos Martinho Rui Prada Ana Paiva 0001 Closing the loop: from affect recognition to empathic interaction. 43-48 2010 AFFINE@MM https://doi.org/10.1145/1877826.1877839 conf/mm/2010affine db/conf/mm/affine2010.html#Leite0MCMP010 Ginevra Castellano Iolanda Leite André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Peter W. McOwan Inter-ACT: an affective and contextually rich multimodal video corpus for studying interaction with robots. 1031-1034 2010 ACM Multimedia https://doi.org/10.1145/1873951.1874142 conf/mm/2010 db/conf/mm/mm2010.html#CastellanoLPMPM10 Ginevra Castellano Iolanda Leite André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Peter W. McOwan It's all in the game: Towards an affect sensitive and context aware game companion. 1-8 2009 ACII https://doi.org/10.1109/ACII.2009.5349558 https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ACII.2009.5349558 conf/acii/2009 db/conf/acii/acii2009.html#CastellanoLPMPM09 Iolanda Leite Ginevra Castellano André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Peter W. McOwan Designing a game companion for long-term social interaction. 10:1-10:3 2009 AFFINE@ICMI https://doi.org/10.1145/1655260.1655270 conf/icmi/2009affine db/conf/icmi/affine2009.html#LeiteC0M0M09 Marco Vala Guilherme Raimundo Pedro Sequeira Pedro Cuba Rui Prada Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 ION Framework - A Simulation Environment for Worlds with Virtual Agents. 418-424 2009 IVA https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04380-2_45 conf/iva/2009 db/conf/iva/iva2009.html#ValaRSCPMP09 Iolanda Leite Carlos Martinho André Tiago Abelho Pereira Ana Paiva 0001 As Time goes by: Long-term evaluation of social presence in robotic companions. 669-674 2009 RO-MAN https://doi.org/10.1109/ROMAN.2009.5326256 conf/ro-man/2009 db/conf/ro-man/ro-man2009.html#LeiteMPP09 Iolanda Leite Carlos Martinho André Pereira 0001 Ana Paiva 0001 iCat: an affective game buddy based on anticipatory mechanisms. 1229-1232 2008 AAMAS (3) https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1402838 conf/atal/2008-3 db/conf/atal/aamas2008-3.html#LeiteMPP08 André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Iolanda Leite Ana Paiva 0001 iCat, the chess player: the influence of embodiment in the enjoyment of a game. 1253-1256 2008 AAMAS (3) https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1402844 conf/atal/2008-3 db/conf/atal/aamas2008-3.html#PereiraMLP08 Iolanda Leite André Pereira 0001 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Are emotional robots more fun to play with? 77-82 2008 RO-MAN https://doi.org/10.1109/ROMAN.2008.4600646 conf/ro-man/2008 db/conf/ro-man/ro-man2008.html#LeitePMP08 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Anticipation and Believability. 115-133 2008 The Challenge of Anticipation https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-87702-8_6 series/lncs/5225 db/series/lncs/lncs5225.html#MartinhoP08 Giovanni Pezzulo Martin V. Butz Cristiano Castelfranchi Rino Falcone Gianluca Baldassarre Christian Balkenius Alexander Förster Maurice Grinberg Oliver Herbort Kiril Kiryazov Boicho N. Kokinov Birger Johansson Emilian Lalev Emiliano Lorini Carlos Martinho Maria Miceli Dimitri Ognibene Ana Paiva 0001 Georgi Petkov Michele Piunti Vin Thorsteinsdottir Endowing Artificial Systems with Anticipatory Capabilities: Success Cases. 237-254 2008 The Challenge of Anticipation https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-87702-8_11 series/lncs/5225 db/series/lncs/lncs5225.html#PezzuloBCFBBFGHKKJLLMMOPPPT08 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 It's All in the Anticipation. 331-338 2007 conf/iva/2007 IVA https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-74997-4_30 db/conf/iva/iva2007.html#MartinhoP07 Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Using Anticipation to Create Believable Behaviour. 2006 conf/aaai/2006 AAAI db/conf/aaai/aaai2006.html#MartinhoP06 http://www.aaai.org/Library/AAAI/2006/aaai06-028.php 175-180 Ana Paiva 0001 Carlos Martinho Eugénio C. Oliveira Introduction. 101-101 2005 conf/epia/2005 EPIA https://doi.org/10.1007/11595014_10 db/conf/epia/epia2005.html#PaivaMO05 Ana Paiva 0001 Rui Prada Isabel Machado 0001 Carlos Martinho Marco Vala André Silva Playing with Agents-Agents in Social and Dramatic Games. 361-376 2004 Life-like characters series/cogtech/354000867 db/series/cogtech/354000867.html#PaivaPMMVS04 Carlos Martinho Mário Rui Gomes Ana Paiva 0001 Synthetic Emotension. 57-61 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-39396-2_10 2003 conf/iva/2003 IVA db/conf/iva/iva2003.html#MartinhoGP03
Ana Paiva 0001 Gerd Andersson Kristina Höök Dário Mourão Marco Costa 0002 Carlos Martinho SenToy in FantasyA: Designing an Affective Sympathetic Interface to a Computer Game. 378-389 2002 6 Pers. Ubiquitous Comput. 5/6 https://doi.org/10.1007/s007790200043 db/journals/puc/puc6.html#PaivaAHMCM02
Carlos Martinho Ana Paiva 0001 Mário Rui Gomes Emotions for a Motion: Rapid Development of Believable Pathematic Agents in Intelligent Virtual Environments. 33-68 2000 14 Appl. Artif. Intell. 1 db/journals/aai/aai14.html#MartinhoG00 https://doi.org/10.1080/088395100117151
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