Carlos MartinhoCarlos Roque MartinhoLuis Felipe Coimbra CostaSamuel GomesAna Moura SantosGeraldo Bonorino XexéoYuri Oliveira de Lima 0001Rui PradaCarlos MartinhoJoão Dias 0001Heroine's Learning Journey: Motivating Women in STEM Online Courses Through the Power of a Narrative.20103-20124202412IEEE Access GomesJosé Bernardo RochaJoão Dias 0001Carlos MartinhoDesigning a Mood-Mediated Multi-Level Reasoner.787-7982024July - September15IEEE Trans. Affect. Comput.3élio MartinsHugo MarquesCarlos MartinhoA Serious Game Platform to Train Teachers on Cyberbullying Prevention and Response.1-42024CoG RosaSamuel GomesCarlos MartinhoExploring the Impact of Player Personality on Cooperative Game Reward Sharing.1-82024CoGíssa RibeiroRicardo Rodrigues 0005Carlos MartinhoModeling the Interpretation of Animations to Help Improve Emotional Expression.2301-23032023AAMAS MartinhoMicael SousaCSSII: A Player Motivation Model for Tabletop Games.13:1-13:102023FDGão SilvaRicardo Rodrigues 0005Carlos MartinhoBelievability, Anticipation, and... Timing Improving believability through timing manipulation.26:1-26:112023FDGíssa RibeiroRicardo Rodrigues 0005Carlos MartinhoOn the Application of the Triad Affect Interpretation Method to Understand Emotional Expression.50:1-50:42023IVA Rodrigues 0005Ricardo SilvaRicardo PereiraCarlos MartinhoA cautionary tale of side-by-side evaluations while developing emotional expression for intelligent virtual agents.1:1-1:82022IVA MartinhoJoão Dias 0001Joana Campos 0001Dirk HeylenIVA '22: ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Faro, Portugal, September 6 - 9, 2022ACMIVA2022978-1-4503-9248-8 Costa Ferreira 0004Ana Margarida Veiga SimãoAna Paiva 0001Carlos MartinhoRui PradaAristides I. FerreiraFrancisco C. SantosExploring empathy in cyberbullying with serious games.1041552021166Comput. Educ.ícia Alves-OliveiraRaquel OliveiraPatrícia ArriagaAna Paiva 0001Carlos MartinhoInspiring Social Creativity in Children with CUBUS.149-1572021ICCC FariasCarlos MartinhoAn Approach to Multiplayer Interactive Fiction.48-602021ICIDS GamitoCarlos MartinhoHighlight the Path Not Taken to Add Replay Value to Digital Storytelling Games.61-702021ICIDSás AlvesSamuel GomesJoão Dias 0001Carlos MartinhoThe Influence of Reward on the Social Valence of Interactions.168-1752020CoG Benites ParadedaCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Persuasion Strategies Using a Social Robot in an Interactive Storytelling Scenario.69-772020HAI Benites ParadedaMaria José FerreiraCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001The Importance of the Person's Assertiveness in Persuasive Human-Robot Interactions.516-5282020ICSR GomesTomás AlvesJoão Dias 0001Carlos MartinhoReward-Mediated Individual and Altruistic Behavior.2020abs/2003.09648CoRRás AlvesSamuel GomesJoão Dias 0001Carlos MartinhoThe Influence of Reward on the Social Valence of Interactions.2020abs/2003.12604CoRR Peña 0002Jannath GhaznaviNicholas BrodyRui PradaCarlos MartinhoPedro Alexandre SantosHugo DamasJoana DimasEffects of Human vs. Computer-Controlled Characters and Social Identity Cues on Enjoyment.201931J. Media Psychol. Theor. Methods Appl.1 Rodrigues 0005Ricardo SilvaRicardo PereiraCarlos MartinhoInteractive Empathic Virtual Coaches Based on the Social Regulatory Cycle.69-752019ACIIónio C. PachecoCarlos MartinhoAlignment of Player and Non-Player Character Assertiveness Levels.181-1872019AIIDE Benites ParadedaMaria José FerreiraRaquel OliveiraCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001The Role of Assertiveness in a Storytelling Game with Persuasive Robotic Non-Player Characters.453-4652019CHI PLAYão CatarinoCarlos MartinhoProcedural Progression Model for Smash Time.1-82019CoG GomesJoão Dias 0001Carlos MartinhoGIMME: Group Interactions Manager for Multiplayer sErious games.1-82019CoG Benites ParadedaMaria José FerreiraRaquel OliveiraCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001What Makes a Good Robotic Advisor? The Role of Assertiveness in Human-Robot Interaction.144-1542019ICSRás AlvesCarlos MartinhoRui PradaTowards Incorporating Personality in Serious Games for Health.1-42019VS-GAMES Campos 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Modelling Conflict Dynamics in Dyadic Interactions.2218-22202018AAMAS BichoCarlos MartinhoMulti-dimensional player skill progression modelling for procedural content generation.1:1-1:102018FDG Benites ParadedaMaria José FerreiraCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Communicating Assertiveness in Robotic Storytellers.442-4522018ICIDS Benites ParadedaMaria José FerreiraCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Would You Follow the Suggestions of a Storyteller Robot?489-4932018ICIDS GomesCarlos MartinhoDynamic Interaction Mechanics CrossAnt.2018abs/1811.07243CoRR GomesJoão Dias 0001Carlos MartinhoIterative Parallel Sampling RRT for Racing Car Simulation.111-1222017EPIA Benites ParadedaCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Persuasion Based on Personality Traits: Using a Social Robot as Storyteller.367-3682017HRI (Companion) LucasCarlos MartinhoStay Awhile and Listen to 3Buddy, a Co-creative Level Design Support Tool.205-2122017ICCC Benites ParadedaMaria José FerreiraCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Using Interactive Storytelling to Identify Personality Traits.181-1922017ICIDSé Elias Bastos PiresPatrícia Alves-OliveiraPatrícia ArriagaCarlos MartinhoCubus: Autonomous Embodied Characters to Stimulate Creative Idea Generation in Groups of Children.360-3732017IVA Rodrigues 0005Carlos MartinhoTowards Believable Interactions Between Synthetic Characters.385-3882017IVA LeiteGinevra CastellanoAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Empathic Robots for Long-term Interaction - Evaluating Social Presence, Engagement and Perceived Support in Children.329-34120146Int. J. Soc. Robotics3árcia BaptistaCarlos Roque MartinhoFrancisco LimaPedro Alexandre SantosHelmut PrendingerImproving Learning in Business Simulations with an Agent-Based Approach.201417J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul.3 CastellanoIolanda LeiteAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Peter W. McOwanContext-Sensitive Affect Recognition for a Robotic Game Companion.10:1-10:2520144ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst.2 CastellanoIolanda LeiteAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Peter W. McOwanMultimodal Affect Modeling and Recognition for Empathic Robot Companions.201310Int. J. Humanoid Robotics1 LeiteAndré Pereira 0001Samuel MascarenhasCarlos MartinhoRui PradaAna Paiva 0001The influence of empathy in human-robot relations.250-260201371Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud.3 LeiteCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Social Robots for Long-Term Interaction: A Survey.291-30820135Int. J. Soc. Robotics2 Campos 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Conflict inside out: a theoretical approach to conflict from an agent point of view.761-7682013AAMAS CamposJoana Campos 0001João P. CabralCarlos MartinhoJeppe Herlev NielsenAna Paiva 0001My dream theatre.1357-13582013AAMASónio Homem FerreiraCarlos MartinhoASAP: an Ant resource Search Algorithm for swarm-like P2P networks.649-6562013ECAL Campos 0001Carlos MartinhoGordon IngramAsimina VasalouAna Paiva 0001My Dream Theatre: Putting conflict on center stage.283-2902013FDGárcia BaptistaCarlos MartinhoFrancisco LimaPedro Alexandre SantosHelmut PrendingerA Business Simulation with an Agent-Based Deliberative Model of Consumer Behaviour.215-2232013GALA LeiteRui HenriquesCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Sensors in the wild: exploring electrodermal activity in child-robot interaction.41-482013HRI Fontaínha GomesAna Paiva 0001Carlos MartinhoArnav JhalaMetrics for Character Believability in Interactive Narrative.223-2282013ICIDSárcia BaptistaHugo DamasJoana DimasGuilherme RaimundoRui PradaCarlos MartinhoPedro Alexandre SantosJorge F. PeñaA Serious Game Based on a Public Goods Experiment.774-7812013SocialCom PradaGuilherme RaimundoJoana DimasCarlos MartinhoJorge F. PeñaMárcia BaptistaPedro Alexandre SantosLuís L. RibeiroThe role of social identity, rationality and anticipation in believable agents.1175-11762012AAMAS VieiraAna Paula F. D. Barbosa-PóvoaCarlos MartinhoAn Agent-Based Collaborative Model For Supply Chain Management Simulation.318-3242012ECMS LeiteGinevra CastellanoAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Modelling empathic behaviour in a robotic game companion for children: an ethnographic study in real-world settings.367-3742012HRI Campos 0001Henrique CamposCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001A Serious Game for Teaching Conflict Resolution to Children.705-7062012ITS CamposJoana Campos 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Virtual Agents in Conflict.105-1112012IVA CastellanoIolanda LeiteAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Peter W. McOwanDetecting Engagement in HRI: An Exploration of Social and Task-Based Context.421-4282012SocialCom/PASSAT LeiteGinevra CastellanoAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Long-Term Interactions with Empathic Robots: Evaluating Perceived Support in Children.298-3072012ICSR DiasCarlos MartinhoAdapting content presentation and control to player personality in videogames.182011Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology SantosCarlos MartinhoWasp-Like Scheduling for Unit Training in Real-Time Strategy Games.2011AIIDE Fontaínha GomesCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001I've been here before!: location and appraisal in memory retrieval.1039-10462011AAMAS SantosCarlos MartinhoWasp-Like Agents for Scheduling Production in Real-Time Strategy Games.71-822011EPIA CheongRilla KhaledCorrado GrappioloJoana Campos 0001Carlos MartinhoGordon IngramAna Paiva 0001Georgios N. YannakakisA computational approach towards conflict resolution for serious games.15-222011FDG LeiteAndré Pereira 0001Ginevra CastellanoSamuel MascarenhasCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Modelling Empathy in Social Robotic Companions.135-1472011UMAP Workshops CastellanoIolanda LeiteAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Peter W. McOwanAffect recognition for interactive companions: challenges and design in real world scenarios.89-9820103J. Multimodal User Interfaces1-2 DoiradoCarlos MartinhoI mean it!: detecting user intentions to create believable behaviour for virtual agents in games.83-902010AAMASé Pereira 0001Iolanda LeiteSamuel MascarenhasCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Using Empathy to Improve Human-Robot Relationships.130-1382010HRPR LeiteSamuel MascarenhasAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoRui PradaAna Paiva 0001"Why Can't We Be Friends?" An Empathic Game Companion for Long-Term Interaction.315-3212010IVA LeiteAndré Pereira 0001Samuel MascarenhasGinevra CastellanoCarlos MartinhoRui PradaAna Paiva 0001Closing the loop: from affect recognition to empathic interaction.43-482010AFFINE@MM CastellanoIolanda LeiteAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Peter W. McOwanInter-ACT: an affective and contextually rich multimodal video corpus for studying interaction with robots.1031-10342010ACM Multimedia CastellanoIolanda LeiteAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Peter W. McOwanIt's all in the game: Towards an affect sensitive and context aware game companion.1-82009ACII LeiteGinevra CastellanoAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Peter W. McOwanDesigning a game companion for long-term social interaction.10:1-10:32009AFFINE@ICMI ValaGuilherme RaimundoPedro SequeiraPedro CubaRui PradaCarlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001ION Framework - A Simulation Environment for Worlds with Virtual Agents.418-4242009IVA LeiteCarlos MartinhoAndré Tiago Abelho PereiraAna Paiva 0001As Time goes by: Long-term evaluation of social presence in robotic companions.669-6742009RO-MAN LeiteCarlos MartinhoAndré Pereira 0001Ana Paiva 0001iCat: an affective game buddy based on anticipatory mechanisms.1229-12322008AAMAS (3)é Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoIolanda LeiteAna Paiva 0001iCat, the chess player: the influence of embodiment in the enjoyment of a game.1253-12562008AAMAS (3) LeiteAndré Pereira 0001Carlos MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Are emotional robots more fun to play with?77-822008RO-MAN MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Anticipation and Believability.115-1332008The Challenge of Anticipation PezzuloMartin V. ButzCristiano CastelfranchiRino FalconeGianluca BaldassarreChristian BalkeniusAlexander FörsterMaurice GrinbergOliver HerbortKiril KiryazovBoicho N. KokinovBirger JohanssonEmilian LalevEmiliano LoriniCarlos MartinhoMaria MiceliDimitri OgnibeneAna Paiva 0001Georgi PetkovMichele PiuntiVin ThorsteinsdottirEndowing Artificial Systems with Anticipatory Capabilities: Success Cases.237-2542008The Challenge of Anticipation MartinhoAna Paiva 0001It's All in the Anticipation.331-3382007conf/iva/2007IVA MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Using Anticipation to Create Believable Behaviour.2006conf/aaai/2006AAAIdb/conf/aaai/aaai2006.html#MartinhoP06 Paiva 0001Carlos MartinhoEugénio C. OliveiraIntroduction.101-1012005conf/epia/2005EPIA Paiva 0001Rui PradaIsabel Machado 0001Carlos MartinhoMarco ValaAndré SilvaPlaying with Agents-Agents in Social and Dramatic Games.361-3762004Life-like charactersseries/cogtech/354000867db/series/cogtech/354000867.html#PaivaPMMVS04Carlos MartinhoMário Rui GomesAna Paiva 0001Synthetic Emotension.57-61 Paiva 0001Gerd AnderssonKristina HöökDário MourãoMarco Costa 0002Carlos MartinhoSenToy in FantasyA: Designing an Affective Sympathetic Interface to a Computer Game.378-38920026Pers. Ubiquitous Comput.5/6 MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Mário Rui GomesEmotions for a Motion: Rapid Development of Believable Pathematic Agents in Intelligent Virtual Environments.33-68200014Appl. Artif. Intell.1db/journals/aai/aai14.html#MartinhoG00 MartinhoAna Paiva 0001Pathematic Agents: Rapid Development of Believable Emotional Agents in Intelligent Virtual Environments.1-81999conf/agents/1999Agents MartinhoIsabel Machado 0001Ana Paiva 0001A Cognitive Approach to Affective User Modeling.64-751999conf/iwai/1999IWAIdb/conf/iwai/iwai1999.html#MartinhoMP99 MartinhoAna Paiva 0001"Underwater Love": Building Tristão and Isolda's Personalities.269-296 Intelligence Todaydb/books/collections/AItoday.html#MartinhoP99Isabel Machado Alexandre 0001Isabel Machado 0001Tomás AlvesPatrícia Alves-OliveiraGerd AnderssonPatrícia ArriagaGianluca BaldassarreChristian BalkeniusMárcia BaptistaAna Barbosa-PóvoaAna Paula F. D. Barbosa-PóvoaFrancisco BichoNicholas BrodyMartin V. ButzJoão P. CabralHenrique CamposJoana Campos 0001Cristiano CastelfranchiGinevra CastellanoJoão CatarinoYun-Gyung CheongLuis Felipe Coimbra CostaMarco Costa 0002Pedro CubaHugo DamasJoão Dias 0001Rodrigo DiasJoana DimasEurico DoiradoRino FalconeMariana FariasAntónio Homem FerreiraAristides I. FerreiraMaria José FerreiraPaula Ferreira 0004Paula Costa Ferreira 0004Alexander FörsterSusana GamitoJannath GhaznaviMário Rui GomesPaulo Fontaínha GomesSamuel GomesCorrado GrappioloMaurice GrinbergRui HenriquesOliver HerbortDirk HeylenKristina HöökGordon IngramArnav JhalaBirger JohanssonRilla KhaledKiril KiryazovBoicho N. KokinovEmilian LalevIolanda LeiteFrancisco LimaYuri Lima 0001Yuri Oliveira de Lima 0001Emiliano LoriniPedro LucasHugo MarquesHélio MartinsSamuel MascarenhasPeter W. McOwanMaria MiceliDário MourãoJeppe Herlev NielsenDimitri OgnibeneEugénio OliveiraEugénio C. OliveiraRaquel OliveiraAntónio C. PachecoAna Paiva 0001Raul Benites ParadedaJorge Peña 0002Jorge F. PeñaAndré Pereira 0001André Tiago Abelho PereiraRicardo PereiraGeorgi PetkovGiovanni PezzuloAndré Elias Bastos PiresMichele PiuntiRui PradaHelmut PrendingerGuilherme RaimundoLuís L. RibeiroTaíssa RibeiroJosé Bernardo RochaRicardo Rodrigues 0005Francisco RosaAna Moura SantosFrancisco C. SantosMarco SantosPedro Santos 0001Pedro Alexandre SantosPedro SequeiraAndré SilvaJoão SilvaRicardo SilvaAna Margarida Veiga SimãoMicael SousaVin ThorsteinsdottirMarco ValaAsimina VasalouCarlos VieiraGeraldo XexéoGeraldo Bonorino XexéoGeorgios N. Yannakakis