Laura Sánchez-GonzálezLaura Sánchez-GonzálezFélix García 0001Francisco Ruiz 0001Mario PiattiniA case study about the improvement of business process models driven by indicators.759-788201716Softw. Syst. Model.3 Sánchez-GonzálezFélix García 0001Francisco Ruiz 0001Mario PiattiniToward a Quality Framework for Business Process Models.201322Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst.1 Sánchez-GonzálezFélix García 0001Francisco Ruiz 0001Jan MendlingQuality indicators for business process models from a gateway complexity perspective.1159-1174201254Inf. Softw. Technol.11 MendlingLaura Sánchez-GonzálezFélix García 0001Marcello La RosaThresholds for error probability measures of business process models.1188-1197201285J. Syst. Softw.5 Sánchez-GonzálezFélix García 0001Francisco Ruiz 0001Jan MendlingA study of the effectiveness of two threshold definition techniques.197-2052012EASE Sánchez-GonzálezFrancisco Ruiz 0001Félix García 0001Mario PiattiniBusiness Process Model Improvement based on Measurement Activities.104-1132011ENASEconf/enase/2011db/conf/enase/enase2011.html#Sanchez-GonzalezRGP11Laura Sánchez-GonzálezFrancisco Ruiz 0001Félix García 0001Mario PiattiniImproving Quality of Business Process Models.130-1442011ENASE (Selected Papers) Pérez-CastilloLaura Sánchez-GonzálezMario PiattiniFélix García 0001Ignacio García Rodríguez de GuzmánObtaining Thresholds for the Effectiveness of Business Process Mining.453-4622011ESEM Sánchez-GonzálezFrancisco Ruiz 0001Félix García 0001Jorge Cardoso 0001Towards thresholds of control flow complexity measures for BPMN models.1445-14502011SAC Sánchez-GonzálezFélix García 0001Francisco Ruiz 0001Mario Piattini VelthuisMeasurement in business processes: a systematic review.114-134201016Bus. Process. Manag. J.1 Sánchez-GonzálezFélix García 0001Francisco Ruiz 0001Mario PiattiniBILMA: Entorno para la Mejora Continua de Procesos de Negocio guiada por la Medición.293-2982010CIbSEconf/cibse/2010db/conf/cibse/cibse2010.html#Sanchez-Gonzalez10Laura Sánchez-GonzálezFélix García 0001Jan MendlingFrancisco Ruiz 0001Mario PiattiniPrediction of Business Process Model Quality Based on Structural Metrics.458-4632010ER Sánchez-GonzálezFélix García 0001Francisco Ruiz 0001Mario PiattiniValidación Global de Medidas para Modelos Conceptuales de Procesos de Negocio mediante Meta-Análisis.293-2982010JISBDconf/jisbd/2010db/conf/jisbd/jisbd2010.html#Sanchez-GonzalezGRP10Laura Sánchez-GonzálezFélix García 0001Jan MendlingFrancisco Ruiz 0001Quality Assessment of Business Process Models Based on Thresholds.78-952010OTM Conferences (1) Rolón AguilarLaura Sánchez-GonzálezFélix García 0001Francisco Ruiz 0001Mario PiattiniDanilo CaivanoGiuseppe VisaggioPrediction Models for BPMN Usability and Maintainability.383-3902009CEC Sánchez-GonzálezAndrea Delgado 0001Francisco Ruiz 0001Félix García 0001Mario PiattiniMeasurement and Maturity of Business Processes.532-5562009Handbook of Research on Business Process Modeling Rolón AguilarDanilo CaivanoJorge Cardoso 0001Andrea Delgado 0001Félix García 0001Ignacio García Rodríguez de GuzmánJan MendlingRicardo Pérez-CastilloMario PiattiniMario Piattini VelthuisMarcello La RosaFrancisco Ruiz 0001Giuseppe Visaggio