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Create the page "Artemisia divaricata" on this wiki!
- Artemisia californica Artemisia campestris Artemisia capillaris Artemisia cina Artemisia douglasiana Artemisia eriantha Artemisia japonica Artemisia keiskeana...19 KB (403 words) - 08:43, 1 February 2023
- Sur Le Pastinaca Divaricata ( ) Author M Eugène Fournier Title Sur Le Pastinaca Divaricata Volume 5 Description Subjects: Language Italian Publication...(4,312 × 6,612 (1.1 MB)) - 18:19, 21 January 2021
- File:Plant and seed list for fall 1930 - spring 1931 - retail only - D.H. Snowberger. (IA CAT31337002).pdf (matches file content)argenteum r Alyssum rostratum r Agrostema coronaria Anogra pallida n Artemisia tridentata shrub 25c Asclepias tuberose 25c Aquilegia skinneri Arenaria...(768 × 1,235 (260 KB)) - 06:30, 18 August 2024
- File:Carnegie Institution of Washington publication (IA carnegieinstitut290carn).pdf (matches file content). 32. A. Artemisia tridentata consociation, Henefer, Utah 154 B. Artemisia tridentata consociation, Garland, Colorado 154 C. Artemisia arbuscula consociation...(906 × 1,462 (45.15 MB)) - 06:10, 4 February 2024
- File:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA mobot31753000788452).pdf (matches file content)Artemisia mollissima. Moxa. Bess. Artemisia Moxa. Mutellina. Roehl. Artemisia Mutellina. nilens. Bess. Artemisia sericca. officinale. Nees. Artemisia...(3,991 × 6,206 (339.01 MB)) - 21:12, 6 December 2023
- File:Medical Heritage Library (IA b22007702 0001).pdf (matches file content)argenteum. Bess. Artemisia argentea. bipedale. Gilib. Artemisia Absinthium. boreaUr. Bess. Artemisia borealis. camphoralum. Roehl. Artemisia camphorata. canariense...(1,131 × 1,835 (71.65 MB)) - 16:52, 4 December 2022
- File:Native plants and seeds, perennial and rockery plants, spring and fall bulbs - fall 1932 and spring 1933, list no. 7 retail only - D.H. Snowberger. (IA CAT31341709).pdf (matches file content)Armeria pungens r Armeria purpurea r Armeria caespitosa r Artemisia absinthium n Artemisia tridentata n, Sage¬ brush Aster alpinus r Aster amelus Aster...(1,264 × 2,062 (305 KB)) - 05:38, 22 August 2020
- File:Plant and seed list for fall of 1929 and spring of 1930 - retail only - D.H. Snowberger. (IA CAT31334521).pdf (matches file content)Tunica saxifraga, r Amorpha canescene, 50c Anogra pallida, n Artemisia tridentata, n Artemisia atomifera, n Alyssum saxatil, r Asclepias tuberosa Boxwood...(856 × 1,060 (448 KB)) - 23:32, 20 August 2020
- File:Native plants of Idaho - catalog for Fall of 1928 and spring of 1929 - D.H. Snowberger. (IA CAT31331294).pdf (matches file content)Occidentalis.n Aster Coeruleus. Aster St. Egwin . Artemisia tndentata (Sagebrush) shrub n Artemisia Atomifera.:...n Buddleia, one year. Companula Pyramidalis...(760 × 1,083 (378 KB)) - 16:47, 17 November 2024
- File:Mt. Hope molybdenum project. Biota (IA mthopemolybdenum10unit).pdf (matches file content)Basin sagebrush of ( Artemisia tridentata) . Several varieties this species are recognized and other species of Artemisia may dominate the sagebrush...(1,243 × 1,608 (33.4 MB)) - 07:42, 25 August 2024
- File:Plant indicators the relation of plant communities to process and practice.djvu (matches file content)32. A. Artemisia tridentata consociation, Henefer. Utah 154 B. Artemisia tridentata consociation, Garland, Colorado 154 C. Artemisia arbuscula...(2,592 × 3,968 (28.09 MB)) - 21:40, 21 July 2024
- File:Itinéraire D'un Voyage Botanique En Algérie, Entrepris En 1856 Sous Le Patronnage Du Ministère De La Guerre (quartième partie) (IA biostor-154295).pdf (matches file content)Convoivulus supinus, Saivia laniget-a, Cynomorium coccineum, Festuca divaricata, etc. Plus loin, sur des ondula- lions pierreuses, nous rencontrons des...(627 × 1,047 (2.32 MB)) - 22:14, 5 November 2022
- File:An index of the plant rusts recorded for continental China and Manchuria (IA indexofplantrust196cumm).pdf (matches file content)Artemisia dracimculus L. Phakopsora artemisiae Artemisia dubia Wall. Puccinia absinthii Artemisia eriopoda Bimge: Puccinia phragmidioides Artemisia frigida...(1,372 × 1,931 (2.58 MB)) - 21:56, 17 August 2024
- File:Native plants and seeds, perennial plants, bulbs, shrubs - fall 1931, list no. 6 retail only - D.H. Snowberger. (IA CAT31337001).pdf (matches file content)Anthemis tinctoria Anthemis montana r Arenaria laricifolia r Artemisia absinthium n Artemisia tridentata n Armeria caespitosa r Aster alpina r Aster fremonti...(733 × 1,043 (257 KB)) - 11:49, 18 August 2024
- File:General list of rock plants and perennials - Rocknoll Nursery ; B.C. Saur. (IA CAT31341535).pdf (matches file content)Armeria laucheana Armeria hybrids Arrhenatherum elatius variegata Artemisia repens Artemisia Silver King Aperula glanca alpinus a ba Aster alpinus Goliath...(1,725 × 2,529 (343 KB)) - 15:46, 24 August 2024
- File:Hardy wild flowers of prairieland - 1927 (price list) - Fannie M. Heath. (IA CAT31325039).pdf (matches file content)blossoms from % to IV2 inches in length, beautiful in winter bouquets. Phlox divaricata. Wild Sweet William. The most satisfactory wild phlox in cultivation....(770 × 1,212 (443 KB)) - 16:26, 18 August 2024
- File:Special offer of Palisades popular perennials - the kind our grandmothers grew (IA CAT31288750).pdf (matches file content)50 each. Divaricata or Canadensis class rethe introduced. flowers are much larger and brighter in color than those of Phlox divaricata. It is of cently...(856 × 1,320 (2.88 MB)) - 23:46, 15 June 2023
- File:Natuurkundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië (IA natuurkundigtijd19koni).pdf (matches file content)Djuntier S. triquetra divaricata Gvnaecura boddas Umbelliferae. Compositae. Sapindaceae. Pimpinella javana Artemisia vulgaris L. Dj on gek S....(797 × 1,295 (33.18 MB)) - 13:44, 5 November 2021
- File:Liquidation sale ... price list - Dedham Nurseries, Inc. (formerly R. & J. Farquhar Co. Nurseries). (IA CAT31337910).pdf (matches file content)Aster subcaeruleus—India Aster. .10 500 500 200 200 Artemisia Artemisia Artemisia Artemisia abrotanum—Southernwood. lactiflora—White Mugwort. stellariana—Old...(891 × 1,285 (1.45 MB)) - 21:52, 17 August 2024
- File:Spring trade list 1935, perennial specialties - E.J. Snyder. (IA CAT31346032).pdf (matches file content)branched, well-established plants instead of the bare root-runners case of Artemisia and similar plants. of the usual 2" or 214". usually sold in the N.B...(1,512 × 2,025 (559 KB)) - 07:07, 18 August 2024