The Lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages, Volume 4K. Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1910 - Papacy |
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abbot according Adalbert Agapitus Alberic Annal antipope Apostolic archbishop archbishop of Rheims Arnulf authority Auxilius basilica Benedict Benedict of Soracte Berenger bishop Boniface bull canons catalogue Christian Chron Chronicle clergy coins consecrated Constantinople council Crescentius deacon death decrees document Duchesne Dunstan ecclesiastical election emperor empire envoys epitaph excommunication Farfa favour Formosus Frod Frodoard Gerbert German granted Greek Gregorovius Gregory Hist Holy honour Hugh Hugh Capet Hugo Hungarians imperial Italy Jaffé John VIII John X John XII John XV king Labbe Lateran legates letter Liutprand Liverani Louis M. G. SS Marinus Marozia monastery monk Muratori nobles Otho Otho II Otho's pallium Papacy papal patriarch peace pontiff Pope Formosus Pope John Pope's priest Prince privileges quæ R. I. SS Ravenna reign Rheims Roman Church Rome Saracens says sent Sergius Sergius III Stephen successor synod tenth century Vulgarius writes