Sunday-school Hymnal |
18 | |
52 | |
115 | |
123 | |
1 | |
31 | |
48 | |
55 | |
214 | |
227 | |
229 | |
231 | |
245 | |
249 | |
279 | |
333 | |
64 | |
113 | |
119 | |
128 | |
151 | |
157 | |
180 | |
186 | |
199 | |
349 | |
367 | |
395 | |
407 | |
419 | |
427 | |
444 | |
452 | |
Common terms and phrases
adore Alleluia Almighty Amen angels behold beseech Thee bless blest blood bright bring Catechumens child Christian Church cross crown Crucified darkness dear death didst divine doth dwell earth eternal ev'ry everlasting evermore eyes faith Father fear forever gifts give glad glorious God the Father God's gracious grant hail Hallelujah hand hath hear heart heaven heavenly heavenly host Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Hosanna hymn Israel Jesus Christ joyful keep Lamb Lamb of God Let Thy light live Lord Jesus Lord's Lord's Prayer lowly mighty morning night o'er peace praise Thee pray prayer PSALM Redeemer reign rejoice rest salvation Savior Selah shine sing sinners sins song sorrow soul star sweet teach Tell Ten Commandments thanks Thine Thou art Thou hast Thy grace Thy holy Thy love Thy mercy Thy name Thy praise Thy Word to-day unto Thee voice wilt worship