Comments on: DagCoin: a cryptocurrency without blocks
Words on Bitcoin Design, Privacy, Security and Crypto, by Sergio Demian LernerFri, 06 May 2016 18:11:21 +0000
By: work2heat
Fri, 06 May 2016 18:11:21 +0000! I was working on a similar problem last year. My approach was to have txs delivered in rounds (also with PoW, in a DAG), such that low value txs happen early in the round and higher value txs happen later in the round (and must point to previous, lower value txs in the round). A “highest value tx in this round” acts as a shelling point to “end the round”, ie. new low value txs start pouring in on top of it for the next round. You’d want to get at least a few rounds of confirmation before accepting a transaction, and an interesting auction economics emerges for rolling into the next round. A more complex variation would target the distribution of tx amounts directly, such that the modes happen early in the round, and the tails end the round.