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13 December 2024
- diffhist instance of (P31) 20:58 +74 Bbeshir talk contribs (Added [tig] label: ኖዕ ምን) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist official website (P856) 20:19 +278 Swpb talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): allowed qualifiers constraint (Q21510851)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
- diffhist instance of (P31) 15:09 +280 Swpb talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): allowed qualifiers constraint (Q21510851)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
- diffhist described by source (P1343) 08:32 −1 Trigcly talk contribs (Changed Maltese label: deskritt fis-sors) Tag: Wikidata user interface
12 December 2024
- diffhist Parsifal cluster ID (P12458) 19:49 +433 Infrastruktur talk contribs (Created claim: has characteristic (P1552): numeric identifier (Q93868746), #quickstatements; #temporary_batch_1734032661024) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist essayist (Q11774202) 18:38 +9 GrandEscogriffe talk contribs (Changed French description: auteur ou autrice d’essais) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Islam (Q432) 18:36 +106 GeographieMan talk contribs (Added [sl] description: abrahamska religija, ki jo je ustanovil Mohamed) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Doctor of Philosophy (Q752297) 15:47 +377 Fierodelveneto talk contribs (Created claim: short name (P1813): dr.) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Doctor of Philosophy (Q752297) 15:46 +90 Fierodelveneto talk contribs (Added Venetian alias: dotorato in reserca) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Doctor of Philosophy (Q752297) 15:46 +81 Fierodelveneto talk contribs (Added [vec] label: dotore in fiłozofia) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Quora topic ID (P3417) 15:07 −3 Trần Nguyễn Minh Huy talk contribs (Changed Vietnamese label: định danh Quora) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Quora topic ID (P3417) 15:07 −87 Trần Nguyễn Minh Huy talk contribs (Removed Vietnamese alias: định danh Quora) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist DDB person (GND) ID (P13049) 15:05 +86 Breogan2008 talk contribs (Added [gl] label: identificador DDB de persoa) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist NACSIS-CAT author ID (P271) 15:04 +1 Breogan2008 talk contribs (Changed Galician label: identificador de autor CiNii NACSIS-CAT) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist NACSIS-CAT author ID (P271) 15:04 0 Breogan2008 talk contribs (Changed Galician label: identificador deautor CiNii NACSIS-CAT) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist NACSIS-CAT author ID (P271) 15:04 +97 Breogan2008 talk contribs (Added [gl] label: identificador d'autor CiNii NACSIS-CAT) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Parsifal cluster ID (P12458) 15:04 +93 Breogan2008 talk contribs (Added [gl] label: identificador Parsifal de clúster) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Unz Review author ID (P2734) 15:04 +92 Breogan2008 talk contribs (Added [gl] label: identificador Unz Review de autor) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Quora topic ID (P3417) 14:57 +87 Trần Nguyễn Minh Huy talk contribs (Added Vietnamese alias: định danh Quora) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Quora topic ID (P3417) 14:57 +127 Trần Nguyễn Minh Huy talk contribs (Added [vi] description: định danh một đề tài trên Quora (phiên bản tiếng Anh)) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Quora topic ID (P3417) 14:57 −9 Trần Nguyễn Minh Huy talk contribs (Changed Vietnamese label: số đề tài Quora) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist WorldCat Entities ID (P10832) 06:13 +155 FenyMufyd talk contribs (Added Indonesian aliases: ID Entitas WorldCat, ID Entitas WC) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist WorldCat Entities ID (P10832) 06:13 +93 FenyMufyd talk contribs (Added [id] label: Kode Identifikasi Entitas WorldCat) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Library of Congress authority ID (P244) 05:20 +275 Dcflyer talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): single-value constraint (Q19474404)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
- diffhist DDB person (GND) ID (P13049) 03:40 +98 Amire80 talk contribs (Added Hebrew alias: קוד האישיות ב־DDB) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist DDB person (GND) ID (P13049) 03:40 +42 Amire80 talk contribs (Changed Hebrew label: קוד אישיות בספרייה הדיגיטלית של גרמניה) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist DDB person (GND) ID (P13049) 03:39 +88 Amire80 talk contribs (Added [he] label: קוד האישיות ב־DDB) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist spouse (P26) 01:14 +136 Venzz talk contribs (Added Ukrainian aliases: чоловік, дружина) Tag: Wikidata user interface
11 December 2024
- diffhist number of children (P1971) 22:43 −9 Ate Türk talk contribs (Updated Turkish alias: çocuk sayısı) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist date of death (P570) 19:15 +287 AVDLCZ talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): range constraint (Q21510860)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
- diffhist date of death (P570) 18:49 +287 AVDLCZ talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): range constraint (Q21510860)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
- diffhist member of political party (P102) 11:42 +341 Olaf Simons talk contribs (Created claim: FactGrid property ID (P10787): P91) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist BnF authorities (Q19938912) 11:09 +1,196 Tholzheim talk contribs (Updated Item: adds FactGrid ID)
- diffhist homicide (Q149086) 04:02 −11 Sinigh talk contribs (Changed Swedish description: det att en människa dödar en annan) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist manner of death (P1196) 03:51 +94 Sinigh talk contribs (Added Swedish alias: omständigheter för död) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist manner of death (P1196) 03:51 +9 Sinigh talk contribs (Changed Swedish description: omständigheterna för (ej direkt orsak till) en persons död, t.ex. naturlig orsak, olycka, självmord, mord, "inväntar utredning" eller "något värde". Använd P509 för direkta orsaker eller utlösande händelser, t.ex. hjärtattack eller bilolycka.) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist manner of death (P1196) 03:51 −15 Sinigh talk contribs (Changed Swedish label: dödssätt) Tag: Wikidata user interface
10 December 2024
- diffhist homicide (Q149086) 20:38 +64 Kitanago talk contribs (Added [ht] label: omisid) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Sufism (Q9603) 20:28 +1,191 Tholzheim talk contribs (Updated Item: adds FactGrid ID)
- diffhist English Wikipedia (Q328) 19:48 +1,190 Tholzheim talk contribs (Updated Item: adds FactGrid ID)
- diffhist Gilbert Lazard (Q5942883) 19:35 +347 Bargioni talk contribs (Created claim: PUG authority ID (P13166): 96285, batch #240708) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist work period (start) (P2031) 18:50 −278 Swpb talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): allowed qualifiers constraint (Q21510851)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
- diffhist work period (start) (P2031) 18:47 +278 Swpb talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): allowed qualifiers constraint (Q21510851)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
- diffhist work period (start) (P2031) 18:43 +278 Swpb talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): allowed qualifiers constraint (Q21510851)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
- diffhist German Wikipedia (Q48183) 18:41 +1,192 Tholzheim talk contribs (Updated Item: adds FactGrid ID)
- diffhist work period (start) (P2031) 18:40 +282 Swpb talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): allowed qualifiers constraint (Q21510851)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
- diffhist described by source (P1343) 13:06 −284 SR5 talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): value-type constraint (Q21510865)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
- diffhist Parsifal cluster ID (P12458) 09:16 +413 Epìdosis talk contribs (Updated property: Copying related property (P1659) from Angelicum ID (P5731)) Tag: moveClaim
- diffhist occupation (P106) 07:33 +278 Tommylung talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): allowed qualifiers constraint (Q21510851)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
9 December 2024
- diffhist Libraries Australia ID (P409) 13:00 +413 Samoasambia talk contribs (Created claim: has characteristic (P1552): numeric identifier (Q93868746)) Tag: Wikidata user interface