Name of Ship
Shipping Company
D/S W. Barents |
O. A. Halvorsen, Oslo
203 gt
Built in Oslo 1924. Previous name: Thor Major until 1934.
Pre war history: Delivered from Akers Mek. Verksted, Oslo (416) in Sept.-1924 as whale catcher Thor Major to Bryde & Dahls Hvalfangstselskap AS, Sandefjord. Steel hull, 193 gt, Triple Expansion (Akers). Sold in 1934 to Hvalfangerselskapet Haug (O. A. Halvorsen), Oslo, renamed W. Barents. Rebuilt (1934?), 203 gt.
WW II: Requisitioned by Den Konglige Norske Marine (The Royal Norwegian Navy) in Sept.-1939. Taken over by the Kriegsmarine in Kristiansand on Apr. 11-1940, renamed ND 16 Möwe (Hafenschutzflottille Hysnes).
On Nov. 25-1943 she came across the Norwegian MTB 688 and the British MTB 669 in the process of attempting to sink the Norwegian Kilstraum near Kya light. When the MTB's became aware of ND16 Möwe, they laid a smoke screen and took off (Möwe later claimed to have damaged one of them, but this was probably the smoke screen). En route back to Shetland the MTB's were spotted and attacked by German aircraft, with the result that MTB 669 had to be sunk because of the damages received.
From Febr. 1-1944 this ship was used by 57th Vorposten Flotille as patrol vessel V 5723.
POST WAR: In Ålesund on VE day, returned to owner in Sept.-1945. Sold in 1948 to Olav Dyrnes, Vestsmøla & Johs. Kjøl, Eide (fishery No. M-160-SM). Converted to seiner. As per 1955 she was 111.5 x 22.1 x 10.9, 196 gt, and had a 12cyl 4tev GM-Detroit dm 330bhp (1948) motor. In 1950 Jacob Dyrnes, Vestsmøla (son) became skipper. Olav Dyrnes died in 1955. Converted in 1965 to purse net seiner, new motor installed - Vølund dm 450bhp. Converted to industrial trawler in 1980. Condemned in 1982.
(Misc. sources: Øisten Thomas Berge, via a posting to my Ship Forum, and info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: "Utror" by Leo Oterhals and misc.).
D/S William Blumer * later raised |
Pehrson & Wessel, Drammen
3604 gt
Built in Sunderland 1920.
Pre war history: Delivered in Aug.-1920 from John Blumer & Co. Ltd, Sunderland (244) as cargo vessel William Blumer to C. H. Sørensen, Arendal. Steel hull, 356.3 x 48.8 x 23.8, 3604 gt, 6250 tdwt, Triple Expansion (John Dickinson & Sons Ltd., Sunderland) 365nhp, 10 knots. Owned from 1921 by C. H. Sørensen & Sønner, Arendal. In Dec.-1928 William Blumer was the last ship to have contact with the Danish training vessel København before she disappeared without a trace with a complement of 60 men. Sold in July-1939 to A/S Drafn (Pehrson & Wessel), Drammen.
Picture of William Blumer - From Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: William Blumer was in the Halifax-U.K. Convoy HX 18 in Jan./Febr.-1940. In March that year we find her in Convoy ON 22 from the U.K. to Norway, and was still in Norway when the Germans invaded on Apr. 9, thereby ending up in the Homefleet.
Seaman Per Mauritz Hansen died on board while the ship was in Rotterdam on Aug. 30-1942. Deck Boy Ivar Johan Felde (age 16) died on Sept. 22-1943, after having been shot by a German when on watch while the ship was in Fredrikstad.
Sunk in a British air attack near Sandefjord, Norway on Apr. 2-1945. M/S Concordia was also sunk in this attack, and several other ships badly damaged, among them Hektor and Belpamela.
Picture of William Blumer after the attack - received from Ragnar Iversen, Norway (lardex.net).
Pic 2
Pic 3
POST WAR: Raised on Oct. 12-1946 by Friis & Tandberg Bjergningskompani, Drammen. Arrived Sarpsborg Mek. Verksted, Sarpsborg in tow in Dec. that year for repairs. Delivered on Apr. 4-1948 and returned to service as William. Sold in Febr.-1955 to General Sea Transport & Navigation Co. Inc., Monrovia, Liberia - renamed Aenos. Ran aground on March 4-1956 3 n. miles north of Galle, Ceylon, voyage Vizagapatnam-Genoa with manganese ore.
Pre war and post war details from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: Article about C. H. Sørensen by Toralf Nilsen in "Skipet" 1.90.
Related external link:
Sorties Flown by Banff Strike Wing - Gives details on the above air attack, saying the strike force consisted of Mosquitos from 143, 235, 248 and 333 squadrons. Other ships listed as damaged are Shios Espana and Kattegat (scroll down to Apr. 2-1945).
Y - Ø - Å
D/S Yrjar |
Fosen Aktie-Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim
370 gt
Built Trondheim 1925.
Pre war history: Delivered on Febr. 28-1925 from Trondhjems Mek. Værksted A/S, Trondheim (188) as Yrjar to til Fosen Aktie-Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim. Steel hull, 139.6' x 22' x 10.6', 370 gt. Triple Expansion (TMV) 470 ihp. Registered for 354 passengers, 10 cabins in 1st class. In regularly scheduled service in outer Trondheimsfjord, Hitra and Frøya. On May 9-1925 she ran aground at Sulsvågen, Sula, but managed to refloat herself. Yrjar was towing the freighter Brufjeld, carrying lumber from Agdenes to Hasselvik, to the slipp when the latter sprang a leak on Nov. 12-1925. On Jan. 23-1926 Yrjar ran into to the quay at Knarlagsund. Ran aground near Rognan in Rissa in heavy snow on Dec. 17-1926, damaging her propeller, repaired. On her way in her route from Trondheim on March 7-1928 she suffered engine damage near Røberg, and had to return to port for repairs. Collided on Sept. 16-1928 with Værdalen in Trondheim. Hired out on May 6-1929 to Ofotens Dampskibsselskab, Narvik, replacing that company's Nordnorge while she was at a yard for her spring overhaul for 2 weeks. On Jan. 14-1931, Yrjar ran aground at Nordbuan, Roan, managed to refloat herself but suffered some leaks and proceeded to Trondheim for repairs. In June-1935 she was used for a week's voyage for Bondelaget.
WW II: On Apr. 10-1940 Yrjar was en route to Nord-Frøya. Later laid up at Krogstadøra in Hemne. On Apr. 28-1940 German aircraft attacked, and her crew abandoned ship. The following day, German aircraft attacked again, and this time she was hit in the after ship, taking in a lot of water. (See this posting to my Ship Forum). On Apr. 30 it was decided to scuttle, and she sank alongside the quay at Krogstadøra. Partly raised in July-1940 and moved to Breivika. Raised in Oct.-1940 and towed to Trondhjems Mek. Værksted A/S, Trondheim, where she was laid up without being repaired. Used by the Kriegsmarine 1942-1943 for misc. transport in Trondheim harbour.
POST WAR: Repaired in 1946, rebuilt and lengthened by 12' at Trondhjems Mek. Værksted's drydock, boiler converted to oil fuelling. Moved on Sept. 1-1947 to the yard's "fitting out" quay, and was still there on Jan. 26-1948, together with Skjerstad, when low water caused both ships to capsize. Raised on Febr. 24-1948 by Norsk Bjergningskompani, repaired and completed, 398 gt, finally delivered on Nov. 17-1948 and re-entered service. From Febr. 18-1953 she replaced owner's Fru Inger in the Trondheim-Brekstad-Hemne-Hitra-Frøya route, until May 23-1953, while the latter was undergoing repairs after having run aground. In the summer of 1955, Yrjar was hired out to Stortingets Sjøfarts- & Fiskerikomite. In regularly scheduled service in the period Jan. to May-1956. Made a voyage to Bergen for Trondhjems Sangerforbund on May 18-1956. Hired out to Indherreds Aktie-Dampskibsselskab, Steinkjer in May/June-1956, in regularly scheduled service. In June/July that year she was used as replacement, occasionally laid up. On July 4-1956 she made a voyage to the north of Norway with Stortingets Kirke- & Undervisningskomite, then laid up July 28. Used as replacement in Febr.-1957, laid up June 4. Hired out in the period Febr./May-1962 to Namsos Dampskibsselskab, Namsos. Sold in Dec.-1963 to Brødrene Anda, Hundvåg, Stavanger for breaking up. Converted to barge Gyller, transporting scrap iron from owner's operations at Jadarholm (Hundvåg) to Jørpeland, as well as transporting steel to the yards in western Norway. (See also this posting to my ship forum). Renamed Ba-Syv at some point, and used locally around Stavanger for transporting grain. Broken up by owner in Dec.-1995.
(Recieved from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: "Her Byggedes Skibe, TMV 1843-1983", Finn R. Hansen, 1995 and "Selskapet og dets fartøyer, -Fosen Trafikklag ASA", Finn R. Hansen).
This company had previously had another Yrjar, a passenger vessel built 1879, 220 gt as Jarlsberg for Tønsberg & Horten Dampskibsselskap. Sold to Fosen Dampskibsselskap in 1912 and renamed Yrjar. Condemned following damage during a storm in 1923.
D/S Ørland * |
Joh. A. Haaberg, Bergen
1899 gt
Built Chicago 1917. Previous names: launched as War Banner, then Lake Worth until 1920, Phoenicier until 1924, Amberstone until 1927.
Pre war history: Launched as War Banner, completed as Lake Worth for the US Shipping Board, New York. In use as mine carrier for the US Navy - Naval Overseas Transportation Service 1918-1919. Renamed Phoenicier for Lloyd Royal Belge, Antwerp 1920. Ran ground at Memel in 1923, refloated and sold. Sailed as Amberstone for Crete Shipping Co. Ltd. Newcastle from 1924. Sold in 1927 to A/S Auktor (Joh. A. Haarberg) Bergen, renamed Ørland.
WW II: Ørland is listed in Convoy HN 11 from Norway to the U.K. in the middle of Febr.-1940, bound for Tyne in ballast. She returned to Norway at the end of Febr. with Convoy ON 16, and the following month we find her in Convoy HN 17, again bound for Tyne in ballast. At the end of that month she joined Convoy ON 24 to head back to Norway, and was still there when the Germans invaded on Apr. 9 - several Norwegian ships took part in all these convoys.
Bombed and sunk by German aircraft on April 29-1940, near Blo, off Midsund, Romsdal, Norway, when on a voyage from Ålesund with a cargo of coal. No casualties.
Related external link:
Ørland - from a website for divers. Details on the attack and a picture of the ship, as well as a link to technical data. Note: This website lists the date for the attack as Apr. 23.
Norway also had a steamship named Ørland from 1906, built in Middlesbrough that year, 1466 gt, Hans Fredriksen.
M/T Øsco |
A/S Østlandske Petroleums-Compagnie, Oslo
219 gt
Built in Tønsberg 1928.
Taken over by the Kriegsmarine in 1940, named Ösco, used as supply vessel.
POST WAR: Returned to owners in 1945, Øsco. Renamed Esso I in July-1947. 234 gt in 1949 (rebuilt?). Owned by A/S Norske Esso, Oslo in 1953, then A/S Petrolea (Fritjof Lind), Oslo, 1959. Sold in May-1966 to Karl Greiff & Asbjørn Johnsen, Namsos, converted to freighter at Møre, 248 gt, renamed Børgefjell - later Skibs A/S Børgefjell (Karl Greiff), Namsos, Sept.-1970. Sold to Arnold Holm, Bindalseidet, Apr.-1977, registered in Namsos, no name change. Sprang a leak on Oct. 19-1980 and sank while at anchor at Bindalseidet, deleted from Norwegian register around 1984.
(Info from A. Kuehn and T. Eriksen).
D/S Øyarodden |
Askøy Bilferjeselskap, Florvåg
74 gt
Built in Kristiansand 1884. Previous name: Lyngør until 1942.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1884 from Christiansands Mek. Verksted, Kristiansand as Lyngør to unknown owners in the south of Norway. Iron hull, 74,1 x 15,2 x 10,6, 74 gt, 2cyl Compound 26nhp. Used in regularly scheduled service Arendal-Flosta-Dypvåg-Lyngør-Risør.
WW II: Sold in Dec.-1942 to Askøy Bilferjeselskap A/S, Florvåg, Askøy and renamed Øyarodden. In passenger service from Sukkerhusbryggen in Bergen to Florvåg. Rebuilt in 1944, 104 gt.
POST WAR: Sold in July-1946 to Ruth Nygaard, Oslo, converted to freighter. Entered service as freighter Runy in 1947(?). Sold in 1952 to unknown owners in Sweden, renamed Brandsfjord. Broken up in 1966 at Ringön off Gothenburg.
(Details on this vessel received from from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr.):
D/S Øybuen |
Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger
ca. 65 gt
Built in Laksevåg 1894. Previous name: Sotra until 1913.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1894 from Laxevaag Maskin & Jernskibsbyggeri, Laksevåg, Bergen (42) as Sotra to Herman Fredrik Barstad, Hopshavn, Askøy. Steel hull, 80.7 x 15.6 x 8,7, 65.89 gt, 2cyl Compound (Laxevaag) 18nhp. In regularly scheduled service Bergen-Nordre Fjell (Sotra)-Hjeltefjorden, also Bergen-Askøy (Strømsnes-Hop-Ask), especially in the summertime to accommodate all the city people who wanted to go to the countryside. Occasionally also in the Bergen-Austevoll-Fitjar route, but the competition from Hardanger-Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab was so tough that H. F. Barstad suffered economical losses and had to pull Sotra out of the route, and also had to sell one of his vessels (D/S Rolf), placing Sotra in that vessel's former service instead. In 1910 she was taken over by Gina, Ella and Hans Jacob Barstad, Hopshavn, same service. Laid up in 1913, then sold in Apr. that year to Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger and renamed Øybuen. In service Stavanger-Rennesøy, occasionally Stavanger-Jørpeland-Tau, and Kvitsøy and Finnøy. In the winter of 1920/'21 she served the Stavanger-Rennesøy route, occasionally going to Jørpeland and to Steinnesvåg, Finnøy.
WW II: Continued in regular service all through the war.
POST WAR: Rebuilt and modernized in 1951, converted to oil fuelling, 93.38 gt. Replaced in the service to Rennesøy by the company's newly built Rennesøy on Nov. 30-1958, laid up at the company yard at Klaseskjeret in Stavanger. (At this point she was Stavangerske's last steamship, along with Hjelmeland). Purchased in March-1959 by Olav Reilstad e.a., Finnøy in Ryfylke, with the intention of having her converted to freighter with the motor from Reilstad's vessel Finnøy. Went to Brødrene Anda, Stavanger where her engine and boiler were removed. Subsequently towed to Skudenes Notbarkeri & Slipp, Skudeneshavn, Karmøy for conversion, but her hull proved to be inadequate and she was sold in the fall of 1959 to Br. Anda for breaking up, then towed to Jadarholm, Hundvåg. Broken up in the winter of 1961 and deleted from Norwegian register on Febr. 13-1961.
(Info received from T. Eriksen - his sources "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994, Fjordabådane, by Magnus Torgersen, 1981 and article about Stavangerske D/S by Alf Johan Kristiansen in "Skipet" 2.90 and 1.91).
D/S Øygar |
Øygardsbåtane LL, Bergen
128 gt
Built in Bergen 1908. Previous name: Ingolfur until 1918.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1908 from A/S Mjelem & Karlsen, Bergen as local passenger/cargo vessel Ingolfur to Faxabugtens Dampskibsselskab (T. J. Thoroddsen, Reykjavik). Steel hull, 100,9 x 19,2 x 9,2, 128 gt(?), 2cyl Compound 28nhk. In regularly scheduled local service with passengers, cargo and mail Reykjavik-Keflavik-Snæfellnes. Sold in March-1918 to A/S Hjelme & Herlø Dampskibsselskab, Bergen, renamed Øygar. From July 7-1918 she was in service Bergen-Øygarden-Hernar.
Picture of Øygar - On the far right, taken in Bergen in the 1930's.
Another picture - In Bergen, late 1950's. Source for both: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: Hired out to the Royal Norwegian Navy as patrol vessel in Sept.-1939, fitted with a 76mm canon. When Norway was invaded on Apr. 9-1940 she was stationed at Klokkarvik, Sotra, then withdrew to Sørfjord near Osterøy and took part in the army's operations there. On Apr. 22-1940 she was in a battle with a German naval vesssel near Vaksdal, had many hits on the German ship but narrowly missed being hit by a torpedo, which passed right in front of her bow. Abandoned in Mofjord on Apr. 26-1940. Taken over by the Germans and in use as Bisam NB.07, later V- 5507 (V 5505?).
POST WAR: Returned to owner in May-1945 (owning company had changed its name to Øygardsbåtane LL, Bergen in 1940). Military equipment removed at Elsero, Bergen. Repaired in Aug.-1945 at Storemøllens Patentslip, Bergen and later by A/S Mjellem & Karlsen, Bergen and A/S Stord Verft, Leirvik (Stord). Back in regulalry scheduled service Bergen-Øygarden-Hernar in 1946. Rebuilt and modernized in 1949, 178 gt. A 4cyl 2tev Union 270bhk was installed, 10 knots. Back in service in May-1949. New engine in 1951, 8cyl 2tev Normo 400bhk. Rebuilt at some point in the 1950's (new wheelhouse). On Jan. 1-1960 owning company fused into Øygarden & Sotra Rutelag LL, Bergen, same service. Renamed Øygar Senior in 1975, laid up at Florvåg, Askøy. Hired out for use as accommodation vessel in the '70's in connection with the building of Condeep in Gannsfjord near Stavanger (the oil bussiness was flourishing in the area by then). Sank on March 21-1976 near Dale in Gannsfjord. The wreck was taken over by M. J. Ødegaard Bergningsselskap, Ålesund (salvage company) that same year, raised and taken to Ålesund, derigged. Sunk on Nov. 4-1983 in Hessafjord near Molvær, south of Ålesund.
(From T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabåten", Dag Bakka Jr. and "Bergenske Fjordabåter", Ingem. Fænn for Bergens Tidende 1974).
Related external link:
Øygar - from a website for divers, in Norwegian and English.
D/S Øyulf * |
173 gt
Built 1917.
Taken over by the Germans. Struck a mine and sank on Aug. 16-1940 near Haugesund. According to Jürgen Rohwer the mine had been laid by the French submarine Rubis (Cabanier) on May 27-1940. The Norwegian vessels M/S Blaamannen and D/S Jadarland had sunk in this barrage in May that year (partly swept on June 2 by the 5th R-Flotilla).
There's a posting to the "Norway During WW II" forum about this vessel (and others - external link) which states the following: "Lost after mining, probably a drifting mine. When the 52. M-flotilla searched the area afterwards, they didn't find any other mines. Struck at 15.00 - 1 killed. Be aware that the minor guardvessel Biene / NM-20 (5 brt) is stated as lost in the same place / date in some sources". This is in reply to a query which in fact uses the date July 23-1940 with regard to Øyulf's sinking. I have no way of knowing which date is correct.
The following has been received from Thomas Weis, and I'm including it here as a basis for further research on this matter:
quote: From Gröner/Jung/Maass: Die deutschen Kriegsschiffe Vol. VIII, p.371
Norwegean S/fi ÖYULF (owner E. Hareide, Aalesund) was taken over on 15 July 1940 by Kriegsmarine and called BIENE (BE). Fishery number M-2-HD. On 23 July 1940 handed over to harbor defence flottilla Norway/Bergen and got the number NB 15. Sunk 16.08.40 at 3h00 in pos. 4nm W/ Haugesund between Kvalöy and Indrevaer by mine. 1 dead.
In the index of flottillas (Gröner/Jung/Maass, Vol.VIII, p.516) I found with "Hafenschutzflottille Norwegen/Molde" the entry "NM 20 = Biene ex ..." - But ÖYULF was obviously lost with pendant number NB 15.
In Rohwer ALLIED SUBMARINE ATTACKS you will find the vessel 2 times:
Under her name ÖYULF on page 52 as mining success of RUBIS - false date, pos. Haugesund (page 52 gives date as Oct.-1940 - laid May 27).
Under her name NB15/BIENE on page 53 as mining success of NARWHAL- correct date, false fate, no pos. (page 53 says she was damaged on Narwhal's mines on Aug. 16-1940, laid June 12).
It is really difficult to decide between the minefields:
RUBIS (27 May 1940, 32 mines) 59°28N 05°12E or: NARWHAL (12 June 1940, 50 [?] mines) 59°26N 05°10E. unquote
See also my text for Jæderen and Arild.
M/K Åkrafjord |
Built at Sunde 1936.
See Aakrafjord.
D/S Årdalsfjord * |
A/S Jøsenfjord Ruteselskap, Stavanger
ca. 97 gt
Built in Trondheim 1877. Previous name: Robert until 1925.
Pre war history:Delivered in 1877 from Søndre Verft, Trondheim as local steamer Robert to Halvor Iversen, Trondheim. 99.2 x 16.8 x 7.2, 83 gt, 2cyl Compound (Trondhjems Mek. Verksted) 20nhp 110ihp. The builder won a silver medal at a maritime exhibition in Liverpool for the construction of Robert. In regularly scheduled service Trondheim-Namsos and Trondheim-Innherred. Rebuilt and lengthened in Trondheim in 1879, 110.5 x 16.8 x 7.2, 101 gt. Leased to the postal services for transport of mail to Finnmark at some point. Sold in 1890 to unknown owner in Bergen, in coastal service Bergen-Ålesund. Sold in 1891 to Haugesunds Fjorddampskibsselskab, Haugesund. Company went bankrupt in Sept.-1892 and vessel sold at forced auction to H. M. Wrangell, Haugesund. Sold again that same month to Ryfylke Dampskibsselskab (Tore Underbakke), Sand in Ryfylke, regularly scheduled service Sauda-Sand-Stavanger, competing with Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskabs routes in these areas. Rebuilt in 1894, 110.5 x 17 x 7.1, 93.75 gt. In Aug.-1897 the owning company and vessel were taken over by Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger, and used, among other areas, Stavanger-Nedstrand-Sauda, Stavanger-Fisterøyene, Stavanger-Sandeid-Åmsosen, Stavanger-Foreneset-Hålandsosen-Vadla, Stavanger-Årdal-Skiftun-Jelsa-Hjelmeland, as well as to Finnøy and Muslandsvåg in Tysvær, and Stavanger-Jørstadvåg-Hylen and to Vandvik, Tysvær and Skjold. Around 1910 she was placed in the Stavanger-Høgsfjord route. Rebuilt in 1915, 93.98 gt. In the summer/fall of 1923 she was in service Stavanger-Jørpeland-Tau. Sold on Aug. 29-1924 to A/S Jøsenfjord, Vadla in Ryfylke and placed in the Stavanger-Tau-Alsvik-Kjøllevik-Vervik-Fiskå-Sør Skår-Nessa-Årdal service. Renamed Årdalsfjord on March 15-1925. Rebuilt in Aug.-1925, 97.47 gt. In 1932 the owning company changed its name to A/S Jøsenfjord Ruteselskap, Stavanger. In 1934 the company's Jøsenfjord took over the Stavanger-Årdalsfjord service and Årdalsfjord was used as substitute in various routes.
WW II: Sold in Dec.-1940 to Br. Anda, Hundvåg in Stavanger. Converted to barge and used to transport scrap iron from the shipbreaker's yard at Hundvåg to the steel works at Jørpeland. Deleted from Norwegian register on Jan. 18-1941 as converted to barge.
POST WAR: At some point between 1940-1945(?) she sprang a leak while loading scrap iron at Hundvåg. Cargo was unloaded while the barge was kept afloat with the help of pumps. Supsequently towed to "Pinå", Stavanger and sunk.
(From T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: Article about A/S Jøsenfjord Rutelag in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet" 2.91 by Alf Johan Kristansen and Per Alsaker, "Fjordabådane" by Magnus Torgersen 1981 and articles about DSD by Alf Johan Kristiansen in "Skipet" 2.90 and 1.91).
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