
In the haunting tale of MUDBRICK, PAUL's return to his Serbian roots unearths a broken-down family home held hostage by secrets. As he confronts his estranged brother JAKOV, a chilling web of runes, totems, and whispered names ensnares him in a sinister dance with Slavic folklore. Unraveling a past woven with dark rituals and tragic choices, Paul discovers that the decaying walls harbor not just memories but a cyclical curse. Faced with the malevolent god VELES and the consequences of a desperate pact, he must navigate a treacherous path of familial tragedy, chilling revelations, and a fiery reckoning that echoes through the ages.

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Andrew Howard
Philip Brodie
Kamka Tocinovski
Andrew Howard
Philip Brodie
Kamka Tocinovski

Awaiting Release
December 13, 2024 (VOD)




Gravitas Ventures distributes in the US.

This is a Serbian folk horror movie.


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