Since 2012, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs has been organizing International Symposiums on Basic Space Technology Development in the regions that correspond to the United Nations Economic Commissions for Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Western Asia. These symposiums are organized as a follow up to the series of three UN/Austria/ESA Symposiums on Small Satellite Programmes for Sustainable Development, held in Graz, Austria from 2009 to 2011.
From 2009 to 2011 the Office for Outer Space Affairs held a series of three United Nations/Austria/ESA Symposiums on Small Satellite Programmes for Sustainable Development. One objective of these Symposiums was to prepare and review the work programme of the Basis Space Technology Initiative. For further information please consult the individual Symposium webpages and the Symposium reports:
These three symposiums form part of the United Nations/Austria/European Space Agency Series of Symposiums.