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the atmosphere: The air is fresher in the mountains.; expose: air grievances; a tune: She hummed an air.
Not to be confused with:
err – be mistaken or incorrect; to go astray morally; sin; transgress: To err is human.
heir – one who inherits an estate: Her nephew is her only heir.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


a. A colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous mixture, mainly nitrogen (approximately 78 percent) and oxygen (approximately 21 percent) with lesser amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, neon, helium, and other gases.
b. This mixture with varying amounts of moisture and particulate matter, enveloping the earth; the atmosphere.
a. The sky; the firmament.
b. A giant void; nothingness: The money vanished into thin air.
3. An atmospheric movement; a breeze or wind.
4. Sports A height achieved by a jump or as part of an airborne maneuver, as in skateboarding or snowboarding: getting big air off the halfpipe; had big airs on every run down the course.
5. Aircraft: send troops to Europe by air.
a. Public utterance; vent: gave air to their grievances.
b. The medium of broadcast radio or television: "often ridiculed ... extremist groups on air" (Christian Science Monitor).
a. A manner of behaving that conveys an impression: a leader with an air of conviction.
b. A distinctive quality or appearance; an aura: The messy room had an air of desperation to it.
c. The general environment or condition, as in attitudes and ideas: growing impatience in the air.
d. airs Affected behavior; affectation: put on airs. See Synonyms at affectation.
8. Music
a. A melody or tune, especially in the soprano or tenor range.
b. A solo with or without accompaniment.
9. Air conditioning.
10. Archaic Breath.
v. aired, air·ing, airs
1. To expose to the air in order to dry, cool, or freshen; ventilate.
2. To make known to others; express publicly: aired my complaints. See Synonyms at voice.
3. To broadcast on television or radio: "The ad was submitted to CBS ... which accepted and aired it" (New York).
To be broadcast on television or radio: "tidbits that will air on tonight's 6 o'clock news" (Terry Ann Knopf).
1. Of or relating to the air or the movement of air: an air tube.
2. Existing or living in the air; aerial.
3. Powered by compressed air: an air horn.
4. Containing or inflated by air.
5. Of or relating to aircraft or aeronautics.
6. Of or relating to the broadcast or transmission of radio or television signals.
7. Imaginary or unreal: "The guy had just hit it big ... after ten years of eating air sandwiches" (Jonathan Kellerman).
air one out
Football To throw a long pass.
in the air
Abroad; prevalent: Excitement was in the air.
up in the air
Not yet decided; uncertain.

[Partly from Middle English air, gas, atmosphere (from Old French, from Latin āēr, from Greek; see wer- in Indo-European roots) and partly from French air, nature, quality, place of origin (from Latin ager, place, field; see agriculture, and Latin ārea, open space, threshing floor; see area). N., sense 8, from French air, tune, from Italian aria; see aria.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Elements & Compounds) the mixture of gases that forms the earth's atmosphere. At sea level dry air has a density of 1.226 kilograms per cubic metre and consists of 78.08 per cent nitrogen, 20.95 per cent oxygen, 0.93 per cent argon, 0.03 per cent carbon dioxide, with smaller quantities of ozone and inert gases; water vapour varies between 0 and 4 per cent and in industrial areas sulphur gases may be present as pollutants
2. the space above and around the earth; sky.
3. breeze; slight wind
4. public expression; utterance: to give air to one's complaints.
5. a distinctive quality: an air of mystery.
6. a person's distinctive appearance, manner, or bearing
7. (Classical Music) music
a. a simple tune for either vocal or instrumental performance
b. another word for aria
8. transportation in aircraft (esp in the phrase by air)
9. an archaic word for breath1, breath2, breath3
10. (Individual Sports, other than specified) informal Austral the height gained when getting airborne in surfing, snowboarding, etc
11. clear the air to rid a situation of tension or discord by settling misunderstandings, etc
12. give someone the air slang to reject or dismiss someone
13. in the air
a. in circulation; current
b. in the process of being decided; unsettled
14. into thin air leaving no trace behind
15. (Broadcasting) off the air not in the act of broadcasting or being broadcast on radio or television
16. (Broadcasting) on the air in the act of broadcasting or being broadcast on radio or television
17. out of thin air from thin air suddenly and unexpectedly
18. take the air to go out of doors, as for a short walk or ride
19. up in the air
a. uncertain
b. informal agitated or excited
20. walk on air to feel elated or exhilarated
21. (Astrology) (modifier) astrology of or relating to a group of three signs of the zodiac, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Compare earth10, fire24, water12
22. to expose or be exposed to the air so as to cool or freshen; ventilate: to air a room.
23. to expose or be exposed to warm or heated air so as to dry: to air linen.
24. (tr) to make known publicly; display; publicize: to air one's opinions.
25. (Broadcasting) (intr) (of a television or radio programme) to be broadcast
[C13: via Old French and Latin from Greek aēr the lower atmosphere]


abbreviation for
(Broadcasting) All India Radio


(Placename) a mountainous region of N central Niger, in the Sahara, rising to 1500 m (5000 ft): a former native kingdom. Area: about 77 700 sq km (30 000 sq miles). Also called: Azbine or Asben
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and minute amounts of other gases that surrounds the earth and forms its atmosphere.
2. a stir in the atmosphere; a light breeze.
3. overhead space; sky.
4. circulation; publication; publicity: to give air to one's theories.
5. general character or appearance; aura: an air of mystery about him.
6. airs, affected or unnatural manner; assumed haughtiness.
a. a tune; melody.
b. an Elizabethan accompanied song.
8. aircraft as a means of transportation: to ship by air.
9. the medium through which radio waves are transmitted.
10. Informal. air conditioning or an air-conditioning system.
11. Archaic. breath.
12. to expose to the air; ventilate (often fol. by out).
13. to bring to public notice; display: to air one's opinions.
14. to broadcast or televise.
15. to be exposed to the open air (often fol. by out): Let the room air out.
16. to be broadcast or televised.
17. operating by means of air pressure or by acting upon air: an air drill; an air pump.
18. of or pertaining to aircraft or to aviation.
19. taking place in the air; aerial.
20. imaginary; imitated; mimicked (used before the name of a musical instrument): to play the air guitar.
1. clear the air, to eliminate misunderstandings.
2. give someone the air, to reject someone, as a lover.
3. in the air, in circulation; current: an interesting rumor in the air.
4. into thin air, so as to disappear completely.
5. off the air, not broadcasting or being broadcast.
6. on the air, broadcasting or being broadcast.
7. up in the air, not decided; unsettled.
8. walk or tread on air, to feel elated.
[1150–1200; Middle English eir < Old French air < Latin āēr- < Greek āḗr]
syn: See wind1.


Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


The colorless, odorless, tasteless mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth. Air contains about 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen, with the remaining part being made up of argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, and other gases.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


- An expressive succession of musical sounds—a melody or tune.
See also related terms for melody.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


In artillery and naval gunfire support, a spotting, or an observation, by a spotter or an observer to indicate that a burst or group of bursts occurred before impact.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.




  1. Air as clear as water —Maya Angelou
  2. Air … as cool as water —Ethan Canin
  3. The air, as in a lion’s den, is close and hot —William Wordsworth
  4. The air brightens as though ashes of lightning bolts had been scattered through it —Galway Kinnell
  5. The air flowed like a liquid —Dan Jacobson
  6. The air had a sweet, keen taste like the first bite of an apple —Phyllis Bottome
  7. Air … hot like the air of a greenhouse —Rose Tremain

    See Also: HEAT

  8. The air hovered over the city like a fine golden fog —Isak Dinesen
  9. Air had lain about us like a scarf —Irving Feldman
  10. The air … lay stifling upon the city, like a cat indifferently sprawled upon a dying mouse —Brian W. Aldiss
  11. The air in the room was jumpy and stiff like it is before a big storm outside —Lee Smith
  12. The air is calm as a pencil —Frank O’Hara
  13. The air is pure and fresh like the kiss of a child —Mihail Lermontov
  14. Air light and pleasant as children’s laughter —James Crumley
  15. Air like a furnace —Benjamin Disraeli, about Spain
  16. Air like bad breath —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  17. Air like honey —John Updike
  18. The [hazy] air muffles your head and shoulders like a sweater you’ve got caught in —William H. Gass
  19. Air pure as a theorem —Lawrence Durrell
  20. The air smelled like wet clothes —Andrew Kaplan
  21. The air softly began a low sibilance that covered everything, like the night expiring —Richard Ford
  22. Air so thick and slow it’s like swimming —Jayne Anne Phillips
  23. Air streams into me like cold water —Erich Maria Remarque
  24. Air sweet and fresh like milk —George Garrett
  25. Air thicker than chowder —Peter Meinke
  26. The air was like soup —Derek Lambert
  27. The air was like the silk dress Sharai wore, clean and complex and sensual —A. E. Maxwell

    Sharai is the name of a character in a novel entitled The Frog and the Scorpion.

  28. The air was mild and fresh, and shone with a faint unsteadiness that was exactly like the unsteadiness of colors inside a seashell —Maeve Brennan
  29. The air was smoky and mellow as if the whole earth were being burned for its fragrance like a cigar —John Braine
  30. The air was so heavy that we could feel it pressing down on us like mattresses —Jean Stafford
  31. The air was so rich and balmy it seemed that it could be scooped up with the hand —Rosine Weisbrod
  32. The air was still as if it were knotted to the zenith —Saul Bellow
  33. The cold air was like a quick shower —Paul M. Fitzsimmons
  34. The crystal air cut her like glass —Sharon Sheehe Stark
  35. (The air was moist, odorous and black; one) felt it [the air] like a soft weight —Saul Bellow
  36. The gray air in summer burned your eyes and throat like tractor exhaust trapped in a machine shed —Will Weaver
  37. There was a slow pulsation, like the quiver of invisible wings in the air —Ellen Glasgow

    In Glasgow’s novel, Barren Ground, sets the scene for an approaching storm.

  38. The warm air and moisture … close in around her like a pot —Susan Neville
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: aired
Gerund: airing

I air
you air
he/she/it airs
we air
you air
they air
I aired
you aired
he/she/it aired
we aired
you aired
they aired
Present Continuous
I am airing
you are airing
he/she/it is airing
we are airing
you are airing
they are airing
Present Perfect
I have aired
you have aired
he/she/it has aired
we have aired
you have aired
they have aired
Past Continuous
I was airing
you were airing
he/she/it was airing
we were airing
you were airing
they were airing
Past Perfect
I had aired
you had aired
he/she/it had aired
we had aired
you had aired
they had aired
I will air
you will air
he/she/it will air
we will air
you will air
they will air
Future Perfect
I will have aired
you will have aired
he/she/it will have aired
we will have aired
you will have aired
they will have aired
Future Continuous
I will be airing
you will be airing
he/she/it will be airing
we will be airing
you will be airing
they will be airing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been airing
you have been airing
he/she/it has been airing
we have been airing
you have been airing
they have been airing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been airing
you will have been airing
he/she/it will have been airing
we will have been airing
you will have been airing
they will have been airing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been airing
you had been airing
he/she/it had been airing
we had been airing
you had been airing
they had been airing
I would air
you would air
he/she/it would air
we would air
you would air
they would air
Past Conditional
I would have aired
you would have aired
he/she/it would have aired
we would have aired
you would have aired
they would have aired
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


One of the four elements; associated with the intellect and thought.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.air - a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathingair - a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of; "air pollution"; "a smell of chemicals in the air"; "open a window and let in some air"; "I need some fresh air"
air current, current of air, wind - air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure; "trees bent under the fierce winds"; "when there is no wind, row"; "the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere"
Ar, argon, atomic number 18 - a colorless and odorless inert gas; one of the six inert gases; comprises approximately 1% of the earth's atmosphere
atomic number 36, Kr, krypton - a colorless element that is one of the six inert gasses; occurs in trace amounts in air
atomic number 10, Ne, neon - a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts
atomic number 7, N, nitrogen - a common nonmetallic element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless inert diatomic gas; constitutes 78 percent of the atmosphere by volume; a constituent of all living tissues
atomic number 8, O, oxygen - a nonmetallic bivalent element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless nonflammable diatomic gas; constitutes 21 percent of the atmosphere by volume; the most abundant element in the earth's crust
atomic number 54, Xe, xenon - a colorless odorless inert gaseous element occurring in the earth's atmosphere in trace amounts
breath - the air that is inhaled and exhaled in respiration; "his sour breath offended her"
hot air - air that has been heated and tends to rise
gas - a fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely
liquid air - air in a liquid state
2.air - the region above the groundair - the region above the ground; "her hand stopped in mid air"; "he threw the ball into the air"
region, part - the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space"
3.air - a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thingair - a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing; "an air of mystery"; "the house had a neglected air"; "an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters"; "the place had an aura of romance"
quality - an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare
mystique - an aura of heightened value or interest or meaning surrounding a person or thing
note - a characteristic emotional quality; "it ended on a sour note"; "there was a note of gaiety in her manner"; "he detected a note of sarcasm"
vibe, vibration - a distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively; "that place gave me bad vibrations"; "it gave me a nostalgic vibe"
4.air - a slight wind (usually refreshing)air - a slight wind (usually refreshing); "the breeze was cooled by the lake"; "as he waited he could feel the air on his neck"
sea breeze - a cooling breeze from the sea (during the daytime)
breath - a slight movement of the air; "there wasn't a breath of air in the room"
light air - wind moving 1-3 knots; 1 on the Beaufort scale
light breeze - wind moving 4-7 knots; 2 on the Beaufort scale
gentle breeze - wind moving 8-12 knots; 3 on the Beaufort scale
moderate breeze - wind moving 13-18 knots; 4 on the Beaufort scale
fresh breeze - wind moving 19-24 knots; 5 on the Beaufort scale
strong breeze - wind moving 25-31 knots; 6 on the Beaufort scale
air current, current of air, wind - air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure; "trees bent under the fierce winds"; "when there is no wind, row"; "the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere"
5.air - the mass of air surrounding the Earthair - the mass of air surrounding the Earth; "there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere"; "it was exposed to the air"
airspace - the atmosphere above a nation that is deemed to be under its jurisdiction; "the plane was refused permission to enter Chinese airspace"
air space, airspace - the space in the atmosphere immediately above the earth
ionosphere - the outer region of the Earth's atmosphere; contains a high concentration of free electrons
region, part - the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space"
earth, globe, world - the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on; "the Earth moves around the sun"; "he sailed around the world"
6.air - once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)air - once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
archaicism, archaism - the use of an archaic expression
element - one of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe; "the alchemists believed that there were four elements"
7.air - a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequenceair - a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence; "she was humming an air from Beethoven"
tucket, fanfare, flourish - (music) a short lively tune played on brass instruments; "he entered to a flourish of trumpets"; "her arrival was greeted with a rousing fanfare"
glissando - a rapid series of ascending or descending notes on the musical scale
roulade - (music) an elaborate run of several notes sung to one syllable
music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
leitmotif, leitmotiv - a melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a person or situation (as in Wagner's operas)
theme song - a melody that recurs and comes to represent a musical play or movie
signature tune, theme song, signature - a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program
melodic theme, musical theme, theme, idea - (music) melodic subject of a musical composition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it"
part, voice - the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "he tried to sing the tenor part"
musical phrase, phrase - a short musical passage
8.air - medium for radio and television broadcastingair - medium for radio and television broadcasting; "the program was on the air from 9 til midnight"; "the president used the airwaves to take his message to the people"
medium - an intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication
9.air - travel via aircraftair - travel via aircraft; "air travel involves too much waiting in airports"; "if you've time to spare go by air"
travel, traveling, travelling - the act of going from one place to another; "he enjoyed selling but he hated the travel"
flying, flight - an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"
overfly, pass over - fly over; "The plane passed over Damascus"
fly - travel in an airplane; "she is flying to Cincinnati tonight"; "Are we driving or flying?"
red-eye - travel on an overnight flight; "The candidate red-eyed from California to the East Coast the night before the election to give a last stump speech"
cruise - travel at a moderate speed; "Please keep your seat belt fastened while the plane is reaching cruising altitude"
stooge - cruise in slow or routine flights
stall - cause an airplane to go into a stall
stall - experience a stall in flight, of airplanes
buzz - fly low; "Planes buzzed the crowds in the square"
crab - direct (an aircraft) into a crosswind
aviate, pilot, fly - operate an airplane; "The pilot flew to Cuba"
fly blind - fly an airplane solely by relying on instruments
fly contact - fly a plane by using visible landmarks or points of reference
solo - fly alone, without a co-pilot or passengers
test fly - test a plane
jet - fly a jet plane
glide - fly in or as if in a glider plane
kite - soar or fly like a kite; "The pilot kited for a long time over the mountains"
sailplane, soar - fly a plane without an engine
power-dive - make a power dive; "The airplane power-dived"
nosedive - plunge nose first; drop with the nose or front first, of aircraft
crash-dive - descend steeply and rapidly
chandelle - climb suddenly and steeply; "The airplane chandelled"
belly-land - land on the underside without the landing gear
crash land - make an emergency landing
ditch - make an emergency landing on water
land, put down, bring down - cause to come to the ground; "the pilot managed to land the airplane safely"
deplane - get off an airplane
emplane, enplane - board a plane
peel off - leave a formation
Verb1.air - expose to fresh airair - expose to fresh air; "aerate your old sneakers"
expose - expose or make accessible to some action or influence; "Expose your students to art"; "expose the blanket to sunshine"
2.air - be broadcastair - be broadcast; "This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M."
broadcast medium, broadcasting - a medium that disseminates via telecommunications
be on, get on - appear in a show, on T.V. or radio; "The news won't be on tonight"
3.air - broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or televisionair - broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song"
broadcast medium, broadcasting - a medium that disseminates via telecommunications
publicize, bare, publicise, air - make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare"
satellite - broadcast or disseminate via satellite
sportscast - broadcast a sports event
telecast, televise - broadcast via television; "The Royal wedding was televised"
interrogate - transmit (a signal) for setting off an appropriate response, as in telecommunication
rebroadcast, rerun - broadcast again, as of a film
4.air - make publicair - make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare"
tell - let something be known; "Tell them that you will be late"
hype - publicize in an exaggerated and often misleading manner
bulletin - make public by bulletin
issue, publish, bring out, release, put out - prepare and issue for public distribution or sale; "publish a magazine or newspaper"
disseminate, pass around, circulate, diffuse, broadcast, circularise, circularize, spread, disperse, propagate, distribute - cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
broadcast, air, transmit, beam, send - broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song"
5.air - expose to warm or heated air, so as to dryair - expose to warm or heated air, so as to dry; "Air linen"
dry, dry out - remove the moisture from and make dry; "dry clothes"; "dry hair"
6.air - expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshenair - expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen; "air the old winter clothes"; "air out the smoke-filled rooms"
freshen, refresh - make (to feel) fresh; "The cool water refreshed us"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. wind, blast, breath, breeze, puff, whiff, draught, gust, waft, zephyr, air-current, current of air Draughts help to circulate air.
2. atmosphere, sky, heavens, aerosphere They fired their guns in the air.
3. tune, song, theme, melody, strain, lay, aria an old Irish air
4. manner, feeling, effect, style, quality, character, bearing, appearance, look, aspect, atmosphere, tone, mood, impression, flavour, aura, ambience, demeanour, vibe (slang) The meal gave the occasion an almost festive air.
plural noun
1. affectation, arrogance, pretensions, pomposity, swank (informal), hauteur, haughtiness, superciliousness, affectedness We're poor and we never put on airs.
1. broadcast, show, cable, beam, transmit, relay, televise, put on the air Tonight, the channel will air a documentary called 'Democracy in Action'.
3. ventilate, expose, freshen, aerate Once a week she cleaned and aired each room.
up in the air uncertain, vague, unclear, doubtful, dubious, unsettled, unsure, unresolved, in the balance, undecided, hazy, unconfirmed, vacillating, undetermined, unfixed The President's trip is still very much up in the air.
walking on air ecstatic, entranced, joyous, enthusiastic, frenzied, fervent, joyful, elated, over the moon (informal), overjoyed, transported, blissful, delirious, euphoric, rapturous, enraptured, on cloud nine (informal), cock-a-hoop, blissed out, rhapsodic, in seventh heaven, floating on air, in exaltation, in transports of delight As soon as I got the news I was walking on air.
Related words
adjective aerial
fear aerophobia
"Fresh air keeps the doctor poor"
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. The gaseous mixture enveloping the earth:
2. The celestial regions as seen from the earth:
firmament, heaven (often used in plural), sky.
Archaic: welkin.
3. A natural movement or current of air:
Archaic: gale.
4. A general impression produced by a predominant quality or characteristic:
5. Behavior through which one reveals one's personality:
Archaic: port.
6. Artificial behavior adopted to impress others.Used in plural:
7. A pleasing succession of musical tones forming a usually brief aesthetic unit:
Obsolete: note.
1. To expose to circulating air:
2. To utter publicly:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
هَوَاءيُعَبِّر عَن آراءِه، يُعْلِنيُهَوِّي، يُعَرِّض لِلهَوَاءجَومَظْهَر خَارِجِي
vzduchvětratvzhledchlubit semelodie
loftloft, andrúmsloftloftasvip, yfirbragîviîra
orasoreoro kamštisoro kondicionavimasoro kondicionierius
vzduchvyhlasovaťvystavovať na obdiv
havahavalandırmakmelodibildirmekdile getirmek
không khí


A. N
1. (lit) → aire m
I need some air!¡necesito un poco de aire!
by air [travel] → en avión; [send] → por avión, por vía aérea
(seen) from the airdesde el aire
to get some fresh airtomar un poco el aire
to throw sth (up) in or into the airlanzar algo al aire
the balloon rose (up) in or into the airel globo se elevó en el aire
we let the air out of his tyresle desinflamos las ruedas
one can't live on airno se puede vivir del aire
the cold night airel aire frío de la noche
in the open airal aire libre
the air rang with their laughtersu risa resonaba en el aire
the sea airel aire del mar
spring is in the airya se siente la primavera
to take the air (o.f.) → tomar el fresco, airearse
to take to the air [bird] → alzar or levantar el vuelo; [plane] → despegar
to fly through the airvolar por el aire or por los aires
to be in the air it's still very much in the airestá todavía en el aire, todavía no es seguro
there's something in the airse respira algo
to leave sth (hanging) in the airdejar algo en el aire or pendiente
our plans are up in the airnuestros planes están en el aire
to be walking or floating on airno caber en sí de alegría
see also breath A2
see also change A1
see also clear D1
see also hot D
see also thin A9
2. (Rad, TV)
off airfuera de antena
the argument continued off airla discusión continuó fuera de antena
to go off (the) air [broadcaster, station] → cerrar la emisión; [programme] → finalizar
to be on (the) air [programme, person] → estar en el aire; [station] → emitir, estar en el aire
we are on (the) air from six to sevenemitimos de seis a siete, estamos en el aire de seis a siete
the programme could be on (the) air within a yearel programa podría emitirse dentro de un año
you're on (the) airestás en el aire, estamos emitiendo
would you be prepared to talk about it on (the) air?¿estaría dispuesto a hablar de ello durante la emisión del programa?¿estaría dispuesto a hablar de ello una vez estemos en el aire?
to go on (the) airsalir al aire
3. (= appearance, manner) → aire m
he looked at me with an air of surpriseme miró con aire de sorpresame miró algo sorprendido
he has an air of importancetiene cierto aire de importancia
to give o.s. airs, put on airsdarse aires (de importancia)
airs and gracesafectación fsing
4. (Mus) → aire m
5. (o.f.) (= breeze) → brisa f
1. (= ventilate) [+ room] → ventilar, airear; [+ clothes, bed] → airear, orear
2. (= make public) [+ idea, grievance] → airear, hacer público
it gives them a chance to air their viewsles da la oportunidad de airear or hacer públicos sus puntos de vista
he always has to air his knowledge in front of mesiempre tiene que hacer alarde de or lucir lo que sabe delante de
3. (US) (Rad, TV) [+ programme] → emitir
4. (US) (= transport) → transportar por avión, aerotransportar
1. [clothes] → airearse, orearse
I hung the blankets out to aircolgué las mantas fuera para que se aireasen or se oreasen
2. (US) (TV, Rad) [programme] → emitirse
D. CPD air alert Nalerta f aérea
air ambulance N (= plane) → avión m sanitario, avión m ambulancia; (= helicopter) → helicóptero m sanitario, helicóptero m ambulancia
air attack Nataque m aéreo
air bag Nairbag m, bolsa f de aire
air base Nbase f aérea
air bed Ncolchón m inflable
air bladder N (Zool) → vejiga f natatoria
air brake N (Aut, Rail) → freno m neumático or de aire (Aer) → freno m aerodinámico
air brick Nladrillo m de ventilación
air bridge Npuente m aéreo
air bubble Nburbuja f de aire
air burst Nexplosión f en el aire
air cargo Ncarga f aérea
air carrier Naerolínea f
air chamber Ncámara f de aire
air chief marshal N (Brit) → comandante m supremo de las Fuerzas Aéreas
air commodore N (Brit) → general m de brigada aérea
air conditioner Nacondicionador m de aire
air conditioning Naire m acondicionado, climatización f
a cinema with air conditioningun cine climatizado
air corridor Npasillo m aéreo, corredor m aéreo
air cover N (Mil) → cobertura f aérea
air current Ncorriente f de aire
air cushion N (= inflatable cushion) → almohada f inflable (Aer) → colchón m de aire
air cylinder Nbombona f de aire
air disaster Ncatástrofe f aérea
air duct Ntubo m de aire, tubo m de ventilación
air express N (US) → avión m de carga
air fare Ntarifa f aérea, precio m del billete de avión
a 10% reduction in air faresun descuento del 10% en las tarifas aéreas or los precios de los billetes de avión
I'll pay for the air fareyo pagaré el billete de avión
air ferry Ntransbordador m aéreo
air filter Nfiltro m de aire
air force Nfuerzas fpl aéreas, ejército m del aire
air force base N (esp US) → base f aérea
Air Force One N (US) → avión m presidencial
air freight N (= transport, charge) → flete m aéreo; (= goods) → carga f aérea
to send sth by air freighttransportar algo por avión
air freight terminal Nterminal f de mercancías (transportadas por aire)
air freshener Nambientador m
air guitar Nguitarra f imaginaria
air gun N (= pistol) → pistola f de aire (comprimido); (= rifle) → escopeta f de aire (comprimido)
air hole Nrespiradero m
air hostess N (Brit) → azafata f, aeromoza f (LAm), cabinera f (Col)
air intake N (on aircraft) → toma f de aire; (when breathing) → aire m inhalado, capacidad f pulmonar
air lane Npasillo m aéreo, corredor m aéreo
air letter Naerograma m
air marshal N (Brit) → mariscal m del aire
air mass Nmasa f de aire
air mattress Ncolchón m inflable
air miles NPLpuntos mpl (acumulables para viajar)
air miss Nair-miss m, aproximación f peligrosa entre dos aviones
air pocket Nbolsa f de aire
air pollutant Ncontaminante m atmosférico
air pollution Ncontaminación f del aire, contaminación f atmosférica
air power Nfuerza f aérea
the use of air powerel uso de la fuerza aérea
air pressure Npresión f atmosférica
air pump Nbomba f de aire
air purifier Npurificador m de aire
air rage Nsíndrome m del pasajero alborotador
air raid Nataque m aéreo
see also air-raid air rifle Nescopeta f de aire (comprimido)
air shaft Npozo m de ventilación
air show N (commercial) → feria f de la aeronáutica; (= air display) → exhibición f de acrobacia aérea
air shuttle Npuente m aéreo
air sock Nmanga f (de viento)
air space Nespacio m aéreo
Spanish air spaceespacio m aéreo español
air steward Nauxiliar m de vuelo
air stewardess Nauxiliar f de vuelo, azafata f
air strike Nataque m aéreo
air superiority Nsupremacía f aérea
air suspension N (Aut) → suspensión f neumática
air taxi Naerotaxi m
air terminal Nterminal f (de aeropuerto)
air ticket Nbillete m de avión
air time N (Rad, TV) → tiempo m en antena
air traffic Ntráfico m aéreo
see also air-traffic air travel Nviajes mpl en avión
air valve Nrespiradero m
air vent N (in building) → respiradero m; (in clothing) → abertura f (en prenda de ropa); (on dryer) → tobera f de aire caliente
air vice-marshall N (Brit) → general m de división de las Fuerzas Aéreas
air waybill Nhoja f de ruta aérea
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= atmosphere) → air m
He threw the ball into the air → Il jeta le ballon en l'air.
The balloon rose up into the air → Le ballon s'éleva dans les airs.
The trapeze artists flew through the air effortlessly → Les trapézistes voltigeaient en l'air avec aisance.
to get some fresh air → prendre l'air
by air (airmail)par avion; [travel] → en avion
I prefer to travel by air → Je préfère voyager en avion.
to disappear into thin air, to vanish into thin air → se volatiliser
to be walking on air, to be floating on air (= extremely happy) → être aux anges
to clear the air → crever l'abcès
in the air (= around) → dans l'air
There was great excitement in the air → Il y avait beaucoup d'excitation dans l'air.
to be up in the air (= vague, undecided) → être assez vague
Everything is up in the air at the moment → Tout est encore assez vague pour le moment.
(RADIO, TV) to be on air, to be on the air [programme] → être diffusé(e); [station] → émettre; [person] → être à l'antenne
to go on air, to go on the air [programme] → passer à l'antenne; [station] → émettre
to be off air, to be off the air [programme] → ne plus passer à l'antenne; [station] → ne plus émettre
to go off air, to go off the air [programme] → cesser d'être diffusé; [station] → cesser d'émettre
(= attitude) [person] → air m
with an air of superiority → avec un air de supériorité
airs and graces → minauderies fpl
(= tune) → air m
(= freshen) [+ room, clothes] → aérer
(= express) [+ idea, views] → exprimer; [+ grievance] → mettre sur le tapis; [+ knowledge] → faire étalage de
(TV, RADIO) [+ documentary, programme] → diffuser
[current, turbulence] → aérien(ne)
air quality → qualité f de l'air
[attack, defence] → aérien(ne)
air cargo, air freight → fret m aérien
air travel → voyages mpl en avionair ambulance navion m sanitaireair bag nairbag mair base nbase f aérienneair bed airbed [ˈɛərbɛd] n (British)matelas m pneumatique
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Luft f; a change of aireine Luftveränderung; war in the airLuftkrieg m; perfumes drifting in on the airvom Windhauch hereingetragene Düfte; to go out for a breath of (fresh) airfrische Luft schnappen (gehen); to take the air (Brit old) → frische Luft schöpfen; to take to the airsich in die Lüfte schwingen (geh); by airper or mit dem Flugzeug; to transport something by airetw auf dem Luftweg transportieren; to go by air (person)fliegen, mit dem Flugzeug reisen; (goods)per Flugzeug or auf dem Luftwege transportiert werden
(fig phrases) there’s something in the aires liegt etwas in der Luft; it’s still all up in the air (inf)es hängt noch alles in der Luft, es ist noch alles offen; all her plans were up in the air (inf)all ihre Pläne hingen in der Luft; to give somebody the air (US inf) → jdn abblitzen or abfahren lassen (inf); to clear the airdie Atmosphäre reinigen; to be walking or floating on airwie auf Wolken gehen; to pull or pluck something out of the air (fig)etw auf gut Glück nennen ? castle N a, thin ADJ d
(Rad, TV) to be on the air (programme)gesendet werden; (station)senden; you’re on the airSie sind auf Sendung; he’s on the air every dayer ist jeden Tag im Radio zu hören; the programme goes or is put on the air every weekdas Programm wird jede Woche gesendet; we come on the air at 6 o’clockunsere Sendezeit beginnt um 6 Uhr; to go off the air (broadcaster)die Sendung beenden; (station)das Programm beenden
(= demeanour, manner)Auftreten nt; (= facial expression)Miene f; (of building, town etc)Atmosphäre f; with an air of bewildermentmit bestürzter Miene; an unpleasant air of self-satisfactionein unangenehm selbstzufriedenes Gehabe; there was or she had an air of mystery about hersie hatte etwas Geheimnisvolles an sich; it gives or lends her an air of affluencedas gibt ihr einen wohlhabenden Anstrich; she has a certain air about hersie hat so etwas an sich
airs plGetue nt, → Gehabe nt; to put on airs, to give oneself airssich zieren, vornehm tun; airs and gracesAllüren pl; to put on airs and gracesden Vornehmen/die Vornehme herauskehren
(Mus) → Weise f (old); (= tune)Melodie f
(liter, Naut: = breeze) → leichte Brise, Lüftchen nt (liter)
clothes, bed, room(aus)lüften
anger, grievanceLuft machen (+dat); opiniondarlegen
(esp US Rad, TV) story, seriessenden
vi (clothes etc) (after washing) → nachtrocknen; (after storage) → (aus)lüften; to put clothes out to airKleidung fzum Lüften raushängen


in cpdsLuft-;
air ambulance
n (= aeroplane)Rettungsflugzeug nt; (= helicopter)Rettungshubschrauber m
air bag
nAirbag m
air base
nLuftwaffenstützpunkt m
air bed
n (Brit) → Luftmatratze f
(= flying) aircraftsich in der Luft befindend attr; to be airsich in der Luft befinden; air freightLuftfracht f
(Mil) air troopsLuftlandetruppen pl; air missileRakete f
(= floating) bacteria, virusin der Luft befindlich
air brake
n (on truck) → Druckluftbremse f; (Aviat) → Brems- or Landeklappe f
nEntlüftungsziegel m
air bridge
nLuftbrücke f
airbrush (Art)
nSpritzpistole f, → Airbrush f
vtmit der Spritzpistole bearbeiten
air bubble
nLuftblase f
nAirbus® m
air cargo
nLuftfracht f
Air Chief Marshal
n (Brit) → General m
air commodore
n (Brit) → Brigadegeneral m
air conditioning
n (= process)Klimatisierung f; (= system)Klimaanlage f
air-conditioning plant
nKlimaanlage f
adj engineluftgekühlt
air corridor
nLuftkorridor m
air cover
nLuftunterstützung f
n pl <aircraft> → Flugzeug nt, → Maschine f; various types of airverschiedene Luftfahrzeuge pl
aircraft carrier
aircraft industry
nFlugzeugindustrie f
nGefreite(r) m
nFlugpersonal nt
air current
air cushion
nLuftkissen nt
air display
nFlugschau f
n (US) → Flugplatz m, → Aerodrom nt (old)
nFallschirmabwurf m
air duct
nLuftkanal m


nFlugpreis m
nFlugplatz m
nLuftstrom m; (in air conditioning) → Luftzufuhr f
n (US) → Tragflügel m; (on racing cars) → Spoiler m
air force
nLuftwaffe f
Air Force One
nAir Force One f, Dienstflugzeug des US-Präsidenten
air force pilot
nLuftwaffenpilot(in) m(f)
n (Aviat) → Flugwerk nt, → Zelle f
air freight
nLuftfracht f; (= charge)Luftfrachtgebühr f; to send something by airetw als Luftfracht verschicken
vtper Luftfracht senden
air gun
nLuftgewehr nt
n (inf pej)Hohlkopf m (inf pej)
air hole
nLuftloch nt
air hostess
nStewardess f


nLuftzufuhr f; (for engine) → Luftansaugstutzen m; (= quantity)Luftmenge f
nFlugroute f
adj (lit) spaceluftleer; (= stuffy) roomstickig; (= with no wind) daywindstill
air letter
nLuftpostbrief m, → Aerogramm nt
nLuftbrücke f
vt to air something into a placeetw über eine Luftbrücke herein-/hineinbringen
(= diver’s tube)Luftschlauch m
n (in spacecraft etc) → Luftschleuse f; (in pipe) → Luftsack m


n (= flier)Flieger m; (US: in air force) → Gefreite(r) m
air marshal
n (Brit) → Generalleutnant m
air mass
nLuftmasse f
air mattress
nLuftmatratze f
air mile
nFlugmeile f, → ˜ Flugkilometer m; Air MilesFlugmeilen pl; to collect Air MilesFlugmeilen sammeln
air miss
n (Aviat) → Beinahezusammenstoß m
air passenger
nFluggast m
n (US) → Flugzeug nt
n (Rad) → Sendezeit f; the song received extensive airdas Lied wurde sehr oft im Radio gespielt
air pocket
nLuftloch nt


air pressure
nLuftdruck m
adj (= airtight)luftdicht; (= unaffected by air)luftbeständig
air pump
nLuftpumpe f
air rage
naggressives Verhalten von Flugpassagieren, Flugkoller m (inf)


air rescue service
air rifle
nLuftgewehr nt
air route
nFlugroute f
nLuftschraube f
air-sea rescue
nRettung fdurch Seenotflugzeuge
air-sea rescue service
nSeenotrettungsdienst m
air security
air shaft
n (Min) → Wetterschacht m
nLuftschiff nt
nLuftfahrtausstellung f
n Teil des Flughafens nach der Passkontrolle
adv to be located air (restaurant, shop)sich nach or hinter der Passkontrolle befinden
adj air restaurantRestaurant nach or hinter der Passkontrolle
air sleeve, air sock
nWindsack m
nLuftraum m
n (of vehicle)Luftsog m; (Met) → Luftstrom m
nStart- und Lande-Bahn f
air supply
nLuftzufuhr f
air supremacy
nLuftüberlegenheit f
air terminal
n(Air) Terminal m or nt
air ticket
nFlugticket nt
adj (lit)luftdicht; (fig) argument, casehieb- und stichfest
n (Rad, TV) → Sendezeit f
adj (Mil) → Luft-Luft-
adj (Mil) → Luft-Boden-
adj (Mil) → Luft-See-
adj (Mil) → Luft-Boden-
air traffic
nFlugverkehr m, → Luftverkehr m
air-traffic control
nFlugleitung f
air-traffic controller
nFluglotse m, → Fluglotsin f
air vent
nVentilator m; (= shaft)Belüftungsschacht m
Air Vice Marshal
n (Brit) → Generalmajor m
plRadiowellen pl
(= route)Flugroute f; (= airline company)Fluggesellschaft f, → Luftverkehrsgesellschaft f
(Med) → Atemwege pl
air waybill
nLuftfrachtbrief m
nFliegerin f
nFlugtüchtigkeit f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
in the open air → all'aria aperta, all'aperto
by air (travel) → in aereo (Post) → per via or posta aerea
to get some fresh air → andare a prendere una boccata d'aria (fresca)
to clear the air (fig) → chiarire la situazione
there's something in the air (fig) → c'è qualcosa nell'aria
our plans are up in the air (fig) → i nostri progetti non sono ancora ben definiti
b. (Radio, TV) to be on the air (programme) → essere in onda (station) → trasmettere (person) → parlare alla radio (or alla televisione)
we're now going off the air → la trasmissione si conclude qui
c. (appearance) → aria, aspetto
with a guilty air → con aria colpevole
she had an air of mystery about her → aveva una certa aria di mistero
to give o.s. airs → darsi delle arie
2. vt (room, bed) → arieggiare; (clothes) → far prendere aria a; (idea, grievance) → esprimere pubblicamente, manifestare; (views) → far conoscere
3. adj (current, bubble) → d'aria; (pressure) → atmosferico/a (Mil) (base, attack) → aereo/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


() noun
1. the mixture of gases we breathe; the atmosphere. Mountain air is pure.
2. the space above the ground; the sky. Birds fly through the air.
3. appearance. The house had an air of neglect.
4. a tune. She played a simple air on the piano.
1. to expose to the air in order to dry or make more fresh etc. to air linen.
2. to make known. He loved to air his opinions.
ˈairbag noun
a safety bag in a car that protects the driver or a passenger in an accident.
ˈairily adverb
in a light-hearted manner. She airily dismissed all objections.
ˈairiness noun
ˈairing noun
a short walk etc in the open air. She took the baby for an airing.
ˈairless adjective
1. (of weather) still and windless. It was a hot, airless night.
2. (of a room etc) stuffy and without fresh air.
ˈairy adjective
1. with plenty of (fresh) air. an airy room.
2. light-hearted and not serious. an airy disregard for authority.
ˈairborne adjective
in the air or flying. We were airborne five minutes after boarding the plane; airborne germs.
ˌair-conˈditioned adjective
having air-conditioning. an air-conditioned building.
ˌair-conˈditioner noun
an apparatus providing air-conditioning.
ˌair-conˈditioning noun
a method of providing a room, building etc with air of a controlled temperature and humidity.
ˈaircraftplural ˈaircraft noun
any of several types of machine for flying in the air. Enemy aircraft have been sighted.
aircraft carrier
a ship which carries aircraft and which aircraft can use for landing and taking off.
ˈairfield noun
an area of ground (with buildings etc) where (usually military) aircraft are kept and from which they fly.
air force
the part of the armed services which uses aircraft. the army, navy and air force.
ˈair-gun noun
a gun that is worked by air under pressure.
air hostess
a young woman who looks after passengers in an aircraft.
air letter
a letter sent by airmail.
ˈairlift noun
an operation to move cargo or people, carried out by air.
ˈairline noun
(a company that owns) a regular air transport service. Which airline are you travelling by?
ˈairliner noun
a (usually large) aircraft for carrying passengers.
ˈair-lock noun
a bubble in a pipe which prevents liquid from flowing along it.
ˈairmail noun
a system of carrying mail by air. Send this parcel by airmail; (also adjective) an airmail letter.
ˈairman noun
a member of an air force.
ˈair pollution noun
Air pollution is caused by smoke, toxic gases etc.
ˈairplane noun
(American) an aeroplane.
ˈairport noun
a place where passenger aircraft arrive and depart, with buildings for customs, waiting-rooms etc.
ˈair-pump noun
a pump for forcing air in or out of something.
ˈair-raid noun
an attack by aircraft.
ˈairship noun
an aircraft that is lighter than air and can be steered etc.
ˈairtight adjective
(of a container etc) into or through which air cannot pass. an airtight seal on a bottle.
ˈairway noun
a regular course followed by aircraft.
on the air
broadcasting (regularly) on radio or television.
put on airs / give oneself airs
to behave as if one is better or more important than others. She gives herself such airs that everyone dislikes her.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


هَوَاء vzduch luft Luft αέρας aire ilma air zrak aria 空気 공기 lucht luft powietrze ar воздух luft อากาศ hava không khí 空气
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. aire;
___ bladdervejiga llena de ___;
___ blast injurylesión por una explosión;
___ bubblesburbujas de ___;
___ chambercámara de ___;
___ -conditioned___ acondicionado;
___ contamination___ contaminado; contaminación del ___, polución;
___ dressingvendaje;
___ embolismembolia gaseosa;
___ holerespiradero;
___ hungerfalta de ___;
___ mattresscolchón neumático;
___ passagesconductos de ___;
___ pocketbolsa de ___;
___ pollutionpolución atmosférica;
___ sac [lung]alvéolo pulmonar;
cool ______ fresco;
tidal ______ respiratorio;
ventilated ______ de ventilación;
v. [to ventilate] airear, ventilar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n aire m; room — aire ambiente
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
But Adam did not need it, Nor the plough he would not speed it, Singing:--"Earth and Water, Air and Fire, What more can mortal man desire?"(The Apple Tree's in bud.)
You also came through the air, being carried by a cyclone.
There now remained only the question of air; for allowing for the consumption of air by Barbicane, his two companions, and two dogs which he proposed taking with him, it was necessary to renew the air of the projectile.
Would he obtain air by chemical means, in getting by heat the oxygen contained in chlorate of potash, and in absorbing carbonic acid by caustic potash?
The top of the buggy caught the air like a parachute or an umbrella filled with wind, and held them back so that they floated downward with a gentle motion that was not so very disagreeable to bear.
But air, air, that is what they will soon want; so quick, quick!"
At the outset, in order not to give the balloon too ponderous dimensions, he had decided to fill it with hydrogen gas, which is fourteen and a half times lighter than common air. The production of this gas is easy, and it has given the greatest satisfaction hitherto in aerostatic experiments.
She caught herself with a quick beat of wings, fluttered about undecidedly for a space, then rose in the air.
Once upon a time there lived a Fairy who had power over the earth, the sea, fire, and the air; and this Fairy had four sons.
Every one knows that by the peculiar cunning of their gills, the finny tribes in general breathe the air which at all times is combined with the element in which they swim, hence, a herring or a cod might live a century, and never once raise its head above the surface.
The overseer wouldn't believe him when he said the valley air would be his death--and the negroes, who might otherwise have helped him, all avoided a man whom they knew to be under a spell.
When Zarathustra spake these sayings, he stood nigh to the entrance of his cave; with the last words, however, he slipped away from his guests, and fled for a little while into the open air.