How the THC Reviews Projects
Federal and state laws protecting historic properties and archeological sites require consultation with the Texas Historical Commission (THC). Depending on several factors, including the scope of the project, the location, the federal or state agencies involved, and whether historic resources are present, review by a THC archeologist, historian, and/or architectural reviewer may be required.
What to Send In for Project Review
Learn what to send in to the THC for Section 106 and Antiquities Code reviews, antiquities permit applications for archeology or historic buildings, Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks, courthouses, preservation covenants and easements, and Texas accessibility standards variance requests.
eTRAC: Processing Preservation Applications
Use the THC's eTRAC system to submit projects requiring review under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and/or the Antiquities Code of Texas, or to apply for an Archeological Permit.
Regulatory Archeology in Texas
This informational resource is intended for archeological professionals conducting work in Texas.
Tribal Consultation Guidelines
The Texas Historical Commission provides these guidelines to help facilitate consultations with American Indian tribes.
Finding and Hiring a Preservation Consultant
The Texas Historical Commission works with project sponsors, cultural resource consultants, and preservation architects to develop solutions for complying with the state and federal laws and protecting and preserving historic resources.
Project Review FAQ
Learn the answers to commonly asked questions about Project Review.