owe, v.tr. 1 a I owe you a shilling, tá scilling agat orm. He owes a great deal, tá go leor fiacha air. He is owed a great deal, tá go leor fiacha amuigh aige. I still owe you for the book, tá an leabhar le híoc go fóill agam leat. b Dlitear. The duties that I owe him, (gach) a ndlím dó. I owe allegiance to him, tá mo dhílseacht bainte aige. I owe it to my country, tá sé amuigh ag mo thír dhúchais orm. 2 I owe my life to you, murach thusa, ní bheinn beo; is tú a d'fhág beo mé. He owes his ability to his mother, óna mháthair a tug sé an intleacht. To what do I owe this honour? cad é a thabhaigh an onóir seo dom?
Those to whom you owe your being, an mhuintir ónar tháinig tú.
Owing to a previous engagement, toisc coinne (bheith déanta) roimh ré,
Owing to the fact that these things are rare, ós rud é go bhfuil na nithe seo gann.
I owe him a grudge, tá cúis agam air.
I owe much to his guidance, táim faoi chomaoin mhór aige as ucht a chomhairle, as mé a chur ar an eolas.
Sundry monies owing to him, fiacha éagsúla a bhí amuigh aige.
All the money owing to me, an t-airgead atá amuigh agam.
Owing to, de bharr, de thoradh, mar gheall ar.
I owe you more than I can repay, tá comaoin agat orm nach féidir liom a chúiteamh.
He owes money right and left, tá fiacha ag an saol mór air.
He owes a term's rent, tá gála cíosa amuigh air.