Tasks and objectives
The commissions of the OeAW operate at the crossover point of science and society. They examine questions relevant to the science and society of today, concentrating on themes such as climate and air quality, biodiversity, migration and integration, cultural identities in times of globalisation and related questions of historical and cultural studies, as well as considering the role the sciences play in society. Through publications, public statements and events the commissions intensify the transfer of knowledge between research, politics and the public.
The commissions comprise OeAW members from a variety of disciplines as well as external experts. They are united by their interest in topics that cannot be examined satisfactorily in the context of research divided into separate disciplines. The commissions’ main aim is thus to define and develop new, innovative research fields and in so doing open up areas of research transcending the scientific institutions in Austria and the established canon of subjects around the world.
A further task of the commissions is the coordination of scientific exchange and research cooperation beyond the OeAW and Austria.