Herein are links to all the available-in-electronic-format issues of the MPCs, MPOs and MPSs. For the MPCs the available issues go back to late 1979. For the other two journals, complete runs are available. All issues are offered only as PDFs. The arrangement is by date and the number ranges included in each issue are indicated. You are warned that some of the PDFs for the MPOs and MPSs are larger than 100 MB.The following issues are not available:
- The MPCs between the 1981 Dec. 11 and 1983 Apr. 27 batches are not available in electronic form as the magnetic tape that held the archive copies of these circulars was accidentally overwritten sometime in the late 1980s or early 1990s.
- Our master copy of the MPS batch for 2006 Oct. 15 was a copy of the Oct. 22 batch. It is probable that an unnoticed issue with the on-line publication of this batch caused this problem. It is unlikely that the Oct. 15 batch was ever available on-line. However, if you do have the PDF version of the Oct. 15 batch, please contact us.
A non-HTML-table version is available.
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