For Authors
The Middle East Journal (MEJ) welcomes manuscripts from various disciplines relating to the Middle East and North Africa, as well as Afghanistan and Pakistan, since 1945. Submissions should contain both original research and analysis, and are subject to a double-blind peer review process that maintains the anonymity of authors and reviewers. Research papers in the range of 7,000–8,000 words are generally preferred; and those shorter than 5,000 words or longer than 10,000 words will not be considered (including footnotes).
Authors should submit papers electronically to MEJ’s Submissions Desk at Submissions will only be considered as Microsoft Word or rich text attachments, along with an email including the paper’s title, the authors’ name and affiliation, and a 75-word abstract.
Within six weeks of submission, the MEJ editorial staff will perform a preliminary, in-house review to decide whether to consult anonymous reviewers from among the leading experts in the manuscript’s area of specialization or subfield. Due to coordination between MEJ staff and reviewers, 3–5 months should be expected before receiving back reviews from the Journal’s Editor. A decision will be reached as quickly as the review process permits, but MEJ is not responsible for delays in the decision process.
Manuscripts submitted for consideration by the Journal must not be submitted simultaneously to any other publication, nor may they have been previously published elsewhere including online or as a working paper, in English or any other language.
Text and reference note style should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition. All manuscripts must use footnotes rather than endnotes or in-line citations, and short citations instead of ibid. or op cit. MEJ transliterates according to the following styles, albeit without diacritical marks and and with deference to preferred usage:
Arabic: The International Journal of Middle East Studies (IJMES)
Hebrew: Academy of the Hebrew Language 2006 rules
Persian: US Board of Geographic Names (BGN)
Please address any questions regarding the submissions process to the Journal's Managing Editor (
Book Reviews
Publishers who wish to have their titles considered for review should send review copies to the following address:
Book Review Editor
The Middle East Journal
1763 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Unsolicited book reviews are not considered for publication.