Bread, Wine & Song
Bread, Wine & Song
- Bread, Wine & Song
- Music & Feasting in Renaissance Europe
Orlando Consort
Harmonia Mundi HMU 90 7314
France c. 1220-1363 France
Anon., Notre-Dame de Paris
- In paupertatis predio
Anon., Montpellier Codex
- Chançonette / Ainc voir / A la cheminee / Par
Adam de la Halle
- Prenés l'abre / Hé resveille toi Robin
Guillaume de Machaut
- Nes qu'on porroit
England c. 1330 - c. 1450 Angleterre
Anon., Fountains Abbey 1st Ms.
- Apparuerunt apostolis v. Spiritus Domini
Richard Smert
- Nowell, nowell: The boarës head
- Si quis amat
Italy c. 1390 - c. 1500 Italie
Antonio Zachara da Teramo
- Cacciando per gustar
Anon. Florentine Carnival Song
- Anon: Canto de' cardoni
Heinrich Isaac
- Donna di dentro / Dammene un pocho
Anon. Florentine Carnival Song
- Canto di donne maestre di far cacio
Burgundy c. 1426 - c. 1490 Bourgogne
Guillaume Dufay
- Adieu ces bons vins de Lannoys
Gilles Binchois
- Je ne vis onques
Loyset Compère
- Sile fragor
- La plus grant chière
Spain & Portugal c. 1480 - c. 1530 Espagne & Portugal
- La tricotea
Juan Ponce
- Ave color vini clari
Juan del Encina
- Oy comamos y bebamos
- Quem tem farelos
Germany c. 1500 - c. 1585 Allemagne
Matthias Greiter
- Von Eyren
Ludwig Senfl
- Von edler Art
- Trinkt und singt
Playing time: 73' 56"
Performers: Orlando Consort [Robert Harre-Jones (counter-tenor),
Charles Daniel (tenor), Angus Smith (tenor), Donald Greig
Recording date and place: St. Osdag Kirche, Neustadt-Mandelsloh,
Lower Saxony (Germany) [09/1999];
Rel.: 2001
Reviewed in:
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.): 25/6- (July/August 2002)
[13] Harmonia Mundi "Century" HMX
290 8169 [CD] A History of Music, vol. 7: Du style gothique
à la Pré-Renaissance / >From gothic to Pre-Renaissance
(1370-1460) - Ars Subtilior / Dawn of the Renaissance
The theme of this program is songs about food. Recipes by
celebrity chefs are included in the booklet.
Another medieval recording on this theme:
- Fikon, fiddlor och finlir - Figs, fiddles and fine play
- En musikalisk smak av 1300-talet - A musical taste of the 14th
Acantha 0043
Information for precise contents from Pierre-F. Roberge's CD
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Todd M. McComb