Mike Biaggio
Birth Name: Miguel Ángel Olivares Biagi
Age: 47, born 3 September 1977
Country of origin: Mexico
Currently Residing In: Mexico
Height: 5' 9"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Gloria Sierra
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Born as Miguel Angel Olivares Biagi on September 3, 1977 in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. His parents names are Miguel Angel Olivares and Araceli Biagi, and has a sister, Araceli, who is 2 years younger then him, whom he adores. He also has a son, Gibran Daniel, who was born on November 22 of 1997.
Ever since Mike was little, he had an interest in dance, singing and acting. When he was little, he would organize theater shows with his cousins, in which he was always the director.
He moved to Mexico City to professionalize himself in the CEA (Centro DE Educación Artística), where he studied for 2 years and from where he graduat
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1. Rebelde (2004)
Rating: | 88 Watched |
2. Como dice el dicho (2011)
Rating: | 30 Watched |
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angy91 4 years, 5 months ago