Charlotte Rampling
Birth Name: Tessa Charlotte Rampling
Age: 78, born 5 February 1946
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Currently Residing In: France
Height: 5' 7"
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Partner: Jean-Noël Tassez
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Charlotte Rampling Videos
Rating: | 1198 Watched |
Rating: | 1092 Watched |
Rating: | 832 Watched |
Rating: | 900 Watched |
Rating: | 714 Watched |
Rating: | 3009 Watched |
Rating: | 225 Watched |
Rating: | 172 Watched |
Rating: | 79 Watched |
Rating: | 41 Watched |
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"Movies:• The Damned (1969) : Dies in a concentration camp. We last see her at a train station, and we learn of her death when Umberto Orsini angrily informs the rest of his family at a dinner party. • Tis Pity She's a Whore (1971) : Stabbed in the chest, at her own insistence, by her brother Oliver Tobias. Charlotte was pregnant at the time of her death, consequently, her unborn child also died.• Henry VIII and His Six Wives (1972) : Executed by beheading. We only hear a cannon signaling t"
"Charlotte Tessa Rampling5 February 1946Rampling has 2 children:• Barnaby James Southcombe (1972);• David Jarre (1977);"
"1- Dune (2021)2- Assassin's Creed (2016)3- Red Sparrow (2018)4- Melancholia (2011)5- Spy Game (2001)"