Projects from Japan
Aquatic insects
Discover the aquatic insects of the world, as they are very important in the ecosystem.
Arachnids in Japan
Find all of the eight legged arthropods. This includes spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, harvestmen, and so...
ASIJ Living Blitz
A collection of observations made by community members of The American School in Japan.
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental fruit fly)
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental fruit fly)
Birds of Japan
This project collates all bird sightings in Japan
Bivalves in Japan
The purpose of this project is to gain a better understanding of marine and freshwater bivalves in Japan.
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Cicadas (Cicadidae) of Japan
Cicadas (Cicadidae) of Japan
Distribution of Ambrosia trifida L. in Japan
Collect distribution of Ambrosia trifida L. in Japan.
Ferns of Japan and Japan native ferns cultivated in the world
The project for ferns of Japan and Japan native ferns cultivated in other parts of the world.
Fruits, Berries, Nuts of Japan
AnnotationのPlant PhenologyをFruitingにすると、このプロジェクトに表示されるようになります。
Gastropods in Japan
The purpose of this project is to gain a better understanding of land, freshwater, and marine gastropods in...
Hibakujumoku - 被爆樹木
Collecting photographs of the Hibakujumoku (被爆樹木), a group of approximately 170 trees that survived the ato...
ID in Japan
Currently living in Japan and learning the taxa! Particularly interested in learning more about sansai and...
Insect Fauna of South Korea
A collection project for documenting insect species living in South Korea.
We already have a project name...
Insects in Japan
All six legged arthropods found in Japan here. This includes beetles, grasshoppers, butterflies, pray manti...
Katrin's Nature Club
Let's explore wildlife: insects, plants, fungi, birds, animals!
1) Go outside, snap a picture
2) Turn it i...
Land planarians (Geoplanidae) in Japan
The land planarians in Japan.
Molluscs in Japan 日本の軟体動物 (貝の仲間)
Discover and identify Molluscs of Japan! Tag me @invertebratist for any ID requests :D
Moss of JAPAN
Discover the mosses of JAPAN.
Moths of Japan 日本の蛾
A collection project for moth observations from Japan, contributing to the umbrella Moths of Asia project
Mushrooms of Japan - 日本の茸種
I'm collecting all the fungi, lichens, and molds in Japan. Feel free to use this project as a guide to mush...
National Moth Week 2018: Japan
National Moth Week celebrates the beauty, life cycles, and habitats of moths. National Moth Week 2018 is be...
National Moth Week 2019: Japan
National Moth Week celebrates the beauty, life cycles, and habitats of moths. National Moth Week 2019 is be...
Odonata of Japan
The project aims at collecting species of Odonata observed in Japan.
Este ...
Okinawa Sea Turtles
This project is created to record the sea turtles that are sighted here in Okinawa, There are 3 species of ...
Orthoptera and Mantodea of Japan
Collecting Orthoptera and Mantodea of Japan.
Plant Collections of Kobe Municipal Arboretum (神戸市立森林植物園)
To map the plant collections of Kobe Municipal Arboretum.
Polyplacophorans in Japan
The purpose of this project is to gain a better understanding of polyplacophorans in Japan.
Pseudoscorpions in Japan
The purpose of this project is to gain a better understanding of pseudoscorpions in Japan.
Rhyacionia buoliana (European pine shoot moth)
Rhyacionia buoliana (European pine shoot moth)
Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm)
Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm)
Spotted lanternfly
Spotted lanternfly
Sussy Baka Quandale dingle amogus
This project is mainly a joke. You can post funny memes or images, but you can post serious observations if...
Swallow Japan
Record locations of breeding nests of the swallow species in Japan. 日本のツバメの巣をマッピングしましょう。
Terrestrial flatworms in Japan
The purpose of this project is to gain a better understanding of terrestrial flatworms in Japan.
Tokyo Naturalist Plant Identification
Project to collect, identify, and confirm new plant species to include on the Tokyo Naturalist website.
Tokyo Naturalist Plant Identification
Project to collect, identify, and confirm new plant species to include on the Tokyo Naturalist website.
Urban Raccoons
Unlike many animals, raccoons have adapted to our cities, and are thriving! Let's compile the first ever c...
Verbascum thapsus in Japan
Z-Draft beroe mitrata
draft project
みちくさ大作戦 - 総合 Operation Michikusa - general
八王子駅周辺のツバメ巣調査2021 Barn Swallow Survey around Hachioji Station
八王子・日野カワセミ会では、5年おきにJR 八王子駅周辺3km 四方ツバメ巣調査を実施しています。前回の調査2016 年から5 年経過しましたので、2021 年に前回同様の調査を行います。
千代田ツバメ調査 Chiyoda Swallow Survey
消えゆく東京の水田の生きものを記録しようTokyo Paddy Field Project
立川つばめ調査 Tachikawa Swallow Survey
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