FAMILY revolves around the Cutlers , a family of gangsters from the mythical old school . Well it`s not so much mythical but cliched as we`re shown a mild mannered old geezer who runs the family and his two sons who want to move up in the business . It`s somewhat strange watching ambitious criminals running protection rackets . Didn`t it cross their minds that a better way of making money would be to get school kids hooked on crack cocaine ? Of course not since they belong to the old school which means " We don`t hurt women or kids , we keep to our own , it`s business etc etc "
As the previous commentator said it does feel like FAMILY is trying to be a little too much like the British version of THE SOPRANOS but did anyone notice the subplot of the daughter Jacquelene not being allowed a boyfriend otherwise her nasty brother would be taking a knife to her lover ? I`m not sure how this subplot developed but since it also appeared in SCARFACE I guess the producers thought it might have been a good idea to include it .
The show ends with a vague hint that there might be a second series but since the first series included every cliche in the book I doubt if there`s ideas left for the show to continue