National FAQs and Contacts
Greyhound Pets of America is a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation founded in 1987, and is the largest single non-profit Greyhound adoption group worldwide. Since opening its doors in 1987, Greyhound Pets of America Chapters have worked together to adopt over 80,000 Greyhounds into loving homes. From its earliest beginnings, GPA's history has been one filled with individuals willing to pioneer the idea of Greyhounds as pets. To read more about the history of Greyhound adoption, the early movement here in the United States (including the "birth" of GPA) and the people committed to educating the public on the incredible nature of the breed, click HERE.
GPA/National is comprised of 5 Officers, a Compliance Officer, and a Board consisting of one representative from every Full Chapter.
You may contact National at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Special Message from GPA National:
As many of our chapters know, GPA National has in the past been contacted by adopters involved in adoption contract disputes with one of our chapters. GPA National's By-Laws do not give the organization authority or jurisdiction to adjudicate or otherwise mandate an outcome in adoption contract disputes between GPA chapters and their adopters. Although there are sample adoption contracts for chapters' use in the GPA Policies & Procedures Manual, there is no "national" adoption contract required by GPA National -- chapters choose their own adoption contracts free of direction from the national organization. No opinions regarding disputes or promises to take any action in disputes will be made by GPA National.
As noted above, Greyhound Pets of America is a national network of Greyhound adoption groups which have agreed to ascribe to GPA's values and abide by its By-Laws, but which operate independently of each other and the national organization. GPA-National cannot and does not get involved in adoption contract disputes. Second, GPA National believes that "best practices" by its chapters include seeking and taking legal advice in the preparation of their adoption contracts to ensure that the rights and responsibilities of both the adopter and the chapter, including the ownership of the adopted Greyhound and the legal consequences of a breach of the contract, are made clear to both parties from the outset of the relationship. Third, legal advice should be sought by chapters as part of deciding whether to avail themselves of the remedies provided for in the adoption contract in the event of a breach of the contract by the adopter. It has been our experience that many chapters count among their volunteers or their adopters attorneys who are available and willing to provide this suggested legal advice. Additionally, GPA-National is able to make available to chapters for legal consultations, at no cost, a practicing attorney who is a longtime Greyhound adoption volunteer and who has prepared Greyhound adoption contracts and is conversant in their enforcement. This attorney is independent of GPA National, but has indicated a willingness to consult with chapters when they have questions about their adoption contracts or need legal advice as to whether there has been a breach of the contract by an adopter, and the legal remedies available to them in such situations. Chapters who wish to avail themselves of this volunteer's offer of help may contact any one of the GPA-National officers for a referral. We hope this clarifies GPA National's role in both past situations and in similar future situations.