2018 Report Cards
Serving 10+ Years (House)
These statistics dissect the legislative records of Members of Congress during the 115th Congress (Jan 3, 2017-Jan 3, 2019), as of Jan 20, 2019.
A higher or lower number below doesn’t necessarily make a legislator any better or worse, or more or less effective, than other Members of Congress. We present these statistics for you to understand the quantitative aspects of legislating and make your own judgements based on what legislative activities you think are important.
Keep in mind that there are many important aspects of being a legislator besides what can be measured, such as constituent services and performing oversight of the executive branch, which aren’t reflected here.
Look at report cards for...
- All Representatives (438)
- House Republicans (238)
- House Democrats (200)
- Serving 10+ Years (House) (187)
- All Senators (99)
- House Freshmen (67)
- House Sophomores (61)
- Senate Republicans (50)
- Senate Democrats (47)
- Serving 10+ Years (Senate) (46)
- Senate Sophomores (13)
The total number of cosponsors joining the bills written by each legislator in the 115th Congress.
Additional Notes
Leadership/Ideology: The leadership and ideology scores are not displayed for Members of Congress who introduced fewer than 10 bills, or, for ideology, for Members of Congress that have a low leadership score, as there is usually not enough data in these cases to compute reliable leadership and ideology statistics.
Missing Bills: We exclude bills from some statistics where the sponsor’s original intent is not in the final bill because the bill’s text was replaced in whole with unrelated provisions (i.e. it became a vehicle for passage of unrelated provisions).
Ranking Members (RkMembs): The chair of a committee is always selected from the political party that holds the most seats in the chamber, called the “majority party”. The “ranking member” (sometimes “RkMembs”) is the title given to the senior-most member of the committee not in the majority party.
Freshmen/Sophomores: Freshmen and sophomores are Members of Congress whose first term (in the same chamber at the end of the 115th Congress) was the 115th Congress (freshmen) or 114th (sophomores). Members of Congress who took office within the last few months of a Congress are considered freshmen in the next Congress as well.