Several years ago my Father asked me to find out as much about his family as I could as his Dad had not been around much when he was younger and his parents eventually divorced. That simple request sent me on my journey that now includes my husband and my children and takes me to Canada, Europe, and the Hawaiian Islands with the long history of the Kohala Coast. The importance of doing family research was strongly reenforced with the sudden passing of my 25 year-old daughter, Sara, in 2010. Now my husband and I jointly take pictures for other families in hopes of putting their families together, if only years later.
Several years ago my Father asked me to find out as much about his family as I could as his Dad had not been around much when he was younger and his parents eventually divorced. That simple request sent me on my journey that now includes my husband and my children and takes me to Canada, Europe, and the Hawaiian Islands with the long history of the Kohala Coast. The importance of doing family research was strongly reenforced with the sudden passing of my 25 year-old daughter, Sara, in 2010. Now my husband and I jointly take pictures for other families in hopes of putting their families together, if only years later.
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