My name is Frances "Franny" Bowen Frost. I'm the daughter of the late John Henry Bowen & Pearl McLeod Bowen. I was born in Bradenton, FL, lived in Fayette Co., AL until Jan. 2000 then moved to Danville, GA.
My families are: Bowen, Moore, Whitson, Kimbrell, Chappell, McLeod(McCloud), Partin, Yawn,Blount.
My husband's families are: Frost, Lowery, Fowler, Pendley.
My daughter, Billie Lumley, and I work together on photographing entire cemeteries and posting to Find a Grave.
If I have added a memorial for anyone who is not related to us, I will be more than happy to transfer it to you if you ask.
If you want transfers or want me to add something to a memorial please use the edit on the memorial, I will not do anything if you use the message on my page, it is too much trouble. The edit will give all the info to me & I don't have to look up things to fullfil the request.
My name is Frances "Franny" Bowen Frost. I'm the daughter of the late John Henry Bowen & Pearl McLeod Bowen. I was born in Bradenton, FL, lived in Fayette Co., AL until Jan. 2000 then moved to Danville, GA.
My families are: Bowen, Moore, Whitson, Kimbrell, Chappell, McLeod(McCloud), Partin, Yawn,Blount.
My husband's families are: Frost, Lowery, Fowler, Pendley.
My daughter, Billie Lumley, and I work together on photographing entire cemeteries and posting to Find a Grave.
If I have added a memorial for anyone who is not related to us, I will be more than happy to transfer it to you if you ask.
If you want transfers or want me to add something to a memorial please use the edit on the memorial, I will not do anything if you use the message on my page, it is too much trouble. The edit will give all the info to me & I don't have to look up things to fullfil the request.
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Antiock United Methodist Church Cemetery
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Barlow Cemetery
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