Brett LeonardCamera:
Russell CarpenterMuziek:
Dan WymanActeurs:
Jeff Fahey, Pierce Brosnan, Jenny Wright, Geoffrey Lewis, Jeremy Slate, Mark Bringelson, Troy Evans, Austin O'Brien, Doug Hutchison, Randall Fontana (meer)Samenvattingen(1)
A reasonably benevolent scientist decides to test his virtual reality computer program on a mentally-retarded young gardener who has often been brutally taunted, teased and exploited. The experiment, which sends nearly-real computer generated impulses to the man's brain, results in the gardener growing ever more intelligent. As his perceptive ability crosses into the extra-sensory, he seeks revenge on those who used to humiliate and hurt him. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)
(meer)Recensie (1)
This film has to be seen in the context of the time when it was made and when digital effects were really just beginning. Their use in this form may have been revolutionary at the time, but today it simply looks ridiculous. But the story is so delightfully B-movie and presented seriously that you'll either laugh or cry. ()
Galerie (30)
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