Tony ScottForgatókönyvíró:
David MarconiOperatőr:
Dan MindelSzereplők:
Will Smith, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight, Lisa Bonet, Regina King, Stuart Wilson, Laura Cayouette, Loren Dean, Barry Pepper, Ian Hart, Jake Busey, Scott Caan (több)Tartalmak(1)
Mit tehet egy ember az egész világ ellen? És mit tehet egy ember, ha az egész világ összefog ellene? Robert Dean ügyész nem az a fajta, aki ilyen kérdéseken törné a fejét. Végzi a munkáját, szereti a feleségét, neveli két rosszcsont kölykét, és azt hiszi, ez mindig így lesz. Pedig valakik figyelni kezdik, valakik vadásznak rá, valakik meg akarják ölni. Egyszer csak - egymástól függetlenül - az Egyesült Államok összes hivatalos és nem hivatalos titkos szervezete a nyomába ered. Ruháiba poloskát varrnak, golyók fütyülnek a füle körül, autók próbálják elgázolni, robbanások próbálják eltörölni a föld színéről. Mindenki célpontjává válik, és ő nem tehet mást, menekül, ahogy csak bír. És még azt sem tudja, miért akarják megölni. (InterCom)
(több)Videók (2)
Recenziók (7)
More of a thriller than an action film, but still very solidly directed and written. The plot is unusual and certainly intriguing. The final half hour of intense thriller hell deserves a thumbs up, but I have to say that Will Smith was not at all suited to the role. He's more suited to romantic movies or comedies. He's kind of a right good guy and a dork at the same time, but whatever. 75%. ()
A pretty decent hi-tech thriller, but I didn’t like the protagonist. I actually don’t like Will Smith as an actor in general, but what bothered me here is how an excellent lawyer who can successfully escape from trained agents, in some moments (whenever the script finds convenient) behaves and speaks like a moron who didn’t even finish primary school. And that’s not the only reason why this film felt shallow and lacking the depth required to make it a truly smart thriller, as such, strong three stars should be more than enough for this undemanding and entertaining action ride. ()
A superbly cast and directed thriller about a man who finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time and becomes a hunted animal. The gripping pace does not let up even for a moment and even seemingly innocent, but closely watched and eavesdropped dialogues become an interesting and suspenseful element of the story. On top of that, it has imaginative chases and shootouts, and it sexcellent ending makes Enemy of the State one of the best action films of the 90s. ()
Tony Scott and Will Smith at the peak of their careers. Incredibly thrilling thriller, which runs smoothly for two hours and will keep you on the edge of your seat. And one of the last truly excellent films of Gene Hackman, who is already enjoying a well-deserved retirement at the time. It would take a successor to Jerry Bruckheimer, these types of films are missing here. ()
No matter how visually stunning and skillfully directed this film is, it didn't interest me as much as Tony Scott's other movies. In my opinion, the theme of espionage is too complicated to be depicted in any impressive form. No one really knows how that whole world works, and some of the gimmicks seemed truly nonsensical. I do not criticize the work of Tony Scott or the screenwriters, I simply didn't quite enjoy some aspects. The pace is excellent, it has great actors (Gene Hackman), and a tolerable performance by Will Smith, who is better in the role of a talkative dad than a tough and confident lawyer. I consider the typical visual tricks and camera filters of Scott to be a given. ()