Steven SoderberghOperatőr:
Steven SoderberghZeneszerző:
Alberto IglesiasSzereplők:
Benicio Del Toro, Rodrigo Santoro, Franka Potente, Joaquim de Almeida, Julia Ormond, Leslie Lyles, Lou Diamond Phillips, Catalina Sandino Moreno (több)Tartalmak(1)
Az Oscar-díjas Steven Soderbergh Che Guevara életét bemutató kétrészes alkotásának második filmje A GERILLA. Che népszerűségének csúcsán van, és erejét mi sem mutatja jobban, hogy a sikeres kubai forradalom után bátor beszédet tart az ENSZ-ben. Nyíltan vállalja, hogy továbbra is elszántan támogatja a harmadik világ harcát az Egyesült Államok imperializmusa ellen. 1965-ben azonban nyoma vész, és hollétéről a legkülönbözőbb találgatások kelnek lábra. Az inkognitóban lévő forradalmár végül Bolíviában tűnik fel újra, ahol kubai bajtársaiból és bolíviai lázadókból szervez csapatot, hogy szóval és tettel lobbantsa lángra egész Latin-Amerikát. (Gamma Home Entertainment)
(több)Videók (1)
Recenziók (3)
Che: Part Two is literally a continuation of the previous film Che Guevara. It’s not a continuation in terms of plot since both films deal with only a brief phase of Ernesto Guevara's life. The first film focuses on the revolution in Cuba, while the second film also revolves around the revolution in Cuba. Both revolutions were fateful for Che Guevara. The first was significant because it was in Cuba that he realized the fundamental purpose of his life: revolution. Regardless of how that sounds, he wanted to help people achieve a government that would have the decisive voice. Whether you agree with his stance or not, his initial vision wasn't that terrible. However, he ultimately became a symbol of how to achieve a new government through force, with a gun in hand. Is there another way? Where is the Czech Republic, which managed to lead a revolution without murderous rampages? Was the Velvet Revolution truly the benefit we thought it would be? Every revolution can be discussed this way, and I understand why Guevara chose the method he did. However, I wonder why one revolution wasn’t enough for him. Why did he have to continue further? Was he not satisfied with what he achieved? Did he have to try to prove the same elsewhere? The Castro brothers lived peacefully in Havana, yet he continually sought out jungles and forests, hiding from those who hunted him, as well as from the governments of the nations he tried to liberate. He never managed to achieve his goals, just as Soderbergh failed to create a film that significantly stands out. He looks at Guevara objectively, describing events as they happened, trying to preserve reality as much as possible. The photographs known from Guevara’s last moments are presented accurately here. Both films about Che Guevara are simply impotent. If this were a television documentary, I wouldn’t say anything, but aiming to release it in movie theaters... I'm glad, however, that this figure, no matter how you view him, finally has his own films. In fact, two films that only address a brief period of his life. Long live The Motorcycle Diaries! ()
That hamster was a baller. The silver screen never saw a weirder TV serial fan than this before. The cynical kitty was also pretty cool and Bolt is every inch a charmer. Their journey is predictable, but also filled with action, wisecracks and enough of self irony, that it will entertain adults as well as kids. And Powell’s music is delicious once again. Everything is exactly as it should be. - Wow you are so cute. I had exactly the same hamster when I was a kid. - I’m going to kill you! ()
Honestly, I have no idea why I even watched this. It was even worse than the first film, and worse than I expected. There’s barely any action—just endless scenes in the jungle and dull conference footage. The guerrilla warfare scenes look terrible. I really wanted to learn more about Che Guevara, but instead, I sat through a torturous four hours of boredom. I’d be lying if I said I watched it all carefully. I skipped some scenes, dozed off in others, and, to my surprise, didn’t miss a thing. In fact, I probably wouldn’t have missed much if I hadn’t watched it at all. ()