Anand TuckerPhotographie:
Newton Thomas SigelMusique:
Randy EdelmanActeurs·trices:
Amy Adams, Matthew Goode, Adam Scott, John Lithgow, Dominique McElligott, Peter O'Meara, Kaitlin Olson, Ian McElhinney, Ben Caplan, Sarah Hadland (plus)VOD (4)
Anna habite Boston avec son petit ami Jeremy. Tout lui réussit. Il ne lui manque plus qu’une seule chose: une bague de fiançailles… Lassée d’attendre la demande, elle décide de s’envoler pour l’Irlande afin de retrouver Jeremy et le demander en mariage le 29 février comme l’autorise une tradition locale. Mais son avion est détourné et il va lui falloir traverser tout le pays. Son voyage sera mouvementé et une rencontre va bouleverser son projet… (MC4 Distribution)
(plus)Critiques (6)
Une autre romance clichée sans la moindre idée, en plus d'une chimie trop légère entre le couple principal. Amy Adams est peut-être mignonne, mais cela ne suffit pas. De beaux paysages irlandais et une seule scène (le départ du bus) qui m'a ému. ()
Encore un de ces innombrables films américains ordinaires, ici avec deux atouts de taille : Amy Adams et l’Irlande. L'Irlande est un pays pour lequel je me suis pris d’un amour inconditionnel au point d’acheter, à Dublin, une paire de chaussettes ornées d’un trèfle vert et des mots « My feet will always be in Ireland ». Pour moi, plus il y a d’Irlande, mieux c’est ! ()
I didn't have the slightest problem with this film. Thanks to the likeable couple, the beautiful Irish exteriors and the perfectly chosen music, there was always something to see, and the story, which according to the distributor's text on the DVD cover was something like a bland romance, ended up being unexpectedly funny, sensitive, engaging and even surprisingly evolving a few times (I really wasn't sure how everything would turn out, although I had a hunch). Simply one of the most relaxing films of recent times. ()
Everything seems to be in perfect order. Ireland is the epitome of a dream country, Matthew Goode displays his loner charisma, and Amy Adams is Amy Adams. But the moment the subtitles start, the inevitable truth comes. Leap Year is nothing more than a overfilled mini-musical chairs. Packed to the tee, but with a desperately predictable pattern where everything is obvious, including planned plot surprises. All of which makes the final rating pretty obvious as well. ()
My huge weakness for films from Ireland has deepened again. And it might be the biggest cliché ever, but the trees are falling and the sky is smiling even though it's raining. Love in my eyes like crazy. At least three scenes where my eyes teared up and at least two scenes where I couldn't stop giggling. I know very few romantic movies that have that kind of atmosphere. ()
Photos (54)
Photo © Universal Pictures