Tšekkoslovakia / Länsi-Saksa / Itävalta,
1983, 163 min
Juraj JakubiskoKuvaus:
Stanislav DoršicSävellys:
Petr HapkaNäyttelijät:
Jozef Kroner, Štefan Kvietik, Ivana Valešová, Michal Dočolomanský, Eva Jakoubková, Pavol Mikulík, Jana Březinová, Štefan Šafárik, Bára Štěpánová (lisää)Juonikuvaukset(1)
In a small Slovak village, three generations of family members struggle to find love and happiness before, during and after World War I. (Netflix)
Arvostelut (1)
Whether in a series format or in a film format, this is an incredibly interesting saga that shows Czechs have quite an affinity for surrealism, or rather, for magical elements in reality. And it works. Yet it is a story that is very realistic and very human, both beautiful and cruel. Jakubisko demonstrates his directorial strength and fearlessness in tackling significant themes here. ()
Kuvagalleria (6)
Kuva © Štúdio hraných filmov Bratislava