Directed by:
Michael LembeckCinematography:
David TattersallComposer:
George S. ClintonCast:
Dwayne Johnson, Ashley Judd, Stephen Merchant, Julie Andrews, Seth MacFarlane, Brandon T. Jackson, Barclay Hope, Billy Crystal, Chase Ellison, Nicole Muñoz (more)VOD (1)
Dwayne Johnson stars as Derek Thompson, one of the toughest hockey players around -- until he's sentenced to one week's hard labor as the world's most unlikely tooth fairy! Even though he must sport frilly wings and learn the magical tricks of the trade from his silver-winged superiors (Julie Andrews and Billy Crystal), Derek's determined to do the job his way and prove he's got what it takes! (official distributor synopsis)
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Reviews (2)
What’s that in the sky? Is it a man? Is it a plane? Is it Superman? No it’s the Tooth Fairy. :D The Rock is cool as ice if he can take a role in a movie like this and enjoy himself splendidly. The story of the Tooth Fairy is a good old American classic that we’ve seen a thousand times over. Just the special effects are new and it’s important that they’re worth it. The shrinking paste, the amnesia dust, the invisibility spray. It’s just superb. P.S.: The opening instruction session in the pink dress is priceless. And that's the Tooth, the whole Tooth and nothing but the Tooth! ()
It's a terrible stupidity, but nevertheless I enjoyed it in its simplicity. Sure, it's because I simply like The Rock, and even though he plays such a stupid character in such a predictable movie, he definitely didn't bore me. And here and there it was a bit funny, although not in any extraordinary way. Just a family movie from America. ()