相关词汇 slavish
公元1300年, sclave, esclave,“被他人视为财产或奴隶的人”,源自于古法语 esclave(13世纪)和直接源自于中世纪拉丁语 Sclavus “奴隶”(也是意大利语 schiavo,法语 esclave,西班牙语 esclavo 的来源),最初是指“斯拉夫人”(见 Slav); 在这个次要意义上使用,是因为许多斯拉夫人被征服的民族出售为奴隶。
The oldest written history of the Slavs can be shortly summarised--myriads of slave hunts and the enthralment of entire peoples. The Slav was the most prized of human goods. With increased strength outside his marshy land of origin, hardened to the utmost against all privation, industrious, content with little, good-humoured, and cheerful, he filled the slave markets of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It must be remembered that for every Slavonic slave who reached his destination, at least ten succumbed to inhuman treatment during transport and to the heat of the climate. Indeed Ibrāhīm (tenth century), himself in all probability a slave dealer, says: "And the Slavs cannot travel to Lombardy on account of the heat which is fatal to them." Hence their high price.
The Arabian geographer of the ninth century tells us how the Magyars in the Pontus steppe dominated all the Slavs dwelling near them. The Magyars made raids upon the Slavs and took their prisoners along the coast to Kerkh where the Byzantines came to meet them and gave Greek brocades and such wares in exchange for the prisoners. ["The Cambridge Medieval History," Vol. II, 1913]
“失去对某种习惯或恶习的抵抗力的人”的意思始于1550年代。从1904年开始应用于设备,特别是那些由他人控制的设备(比较航海中的 slave jib,以及火车头,闪光灯,放大器等)。在美国历史上, slave state 是指国内奴隶制盛行的州,始于1812年。
It is absurd to bring back a runaway slave. If a slave can survive without a master, is it not awful to admit that the master cannot live without the slave? [Diogenes, fragment 6, transl. Guy Davenport]
古英语 Wealh “不列颠人”也开始在公元850年左右被用于“农奴,奴隶”的意义上; 梵语 dasa- 可以表示“奴隶”,显然与 dasyu- “印度的史前居民”有关。格罗斯的词典(1785年)在 Negroe 下有“黑人; 比喻为奴隶”的定义,而不考虑种族。古英语中更常见的奴隶词汇是 þeow(与 þeowian “服务”有关)和 þræl(见 thrall)。斯拉夫语中“奴隶”(俄语 rab,塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 rob,古教会斯拉夫语 rabu)源自古斯拉夫语 *orbu,源自于 PIE 词根 *orbh-(也是 orphan(n.)的来源),其基本意义似乎是“改变归属的东西”(在奴隶的情况下,从自我到主人)。斯拉夫语单词也是 robot 的来源。
scl- 缩减为 sl- 在英语中是正常的(比较石板,荷兰语 slaaf,丹麦语 slave,但德语 Sklave)。
形容词词缀,古英语 -isc “出生地或国籍的”的意思,后来的用法为“性质或特点的”。源自原始日耳曼语后缀 *-iska- (同源词:老撒克逊语 -isk 、古弗里西亚语 -sk 、古诺尔斯语 -iskr 、瑞典语和丹麦语 -sk 、荷兰语 -sch 、古高地德语 -isc 、德语 -isch 、哥特语 -isks ),与希腊语小词缀 -iskos 同源。在其最早的形式中,干词母音已有改变( French 及 Welsh )。这个日耳曼语词缀被借入意大利语和西班牙语中( -esco ),以及法语中( -esque )。在口语中,该词缀被用于小时数上,表示近似,始于1916年。
动词中的 -ish ( abolish 、 establish 、 finish 、 punish 等)只是来自于古法语现在分词的末尾形式。
slavish 的使用趋势
仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning of slavish